def encrypt text1, text2, last, res =,, 0, "" print "Key: " key = gets.chomp.to_i print "Text: " txt = gets.chomp for i in 0...26 text1 << (97 + i).chr end for i in 0...26 t = 97 + i + key if t > 122 last = i break else text2 << t.chr end end for i in last...26 text2 << (97 + i - last).chr end for i in 0...txt.length a = txt[i] for j in 0...26 if a == text1[j] res += text2[j] end end end puts "Key: #{key}; Result: #{res}" end def decrypt key, txt text1, text2, last, res =,, 0, "" for i in 0...26 text1 << (97 + i).chr end for i in 0...26 t = 97 + i + key if t > 122 last = i break else text2 << t.chr end end for i in last...26 text2 << (97 + i - last).chr end for i in 0...txt.length a = txt[i] for j in 0...26 if a == text2[j] res += text1[j] end end end if key.to_s.length == 1 puts "Key: 0#{key}; Result: #{res}" else puts "Key: #{key}; Result: #{res}" end end puts "The developer of the program is Marek K.; The program uses Caesar cipher." print "Enter \"encrypt\" or \"decrypt\": " ans = gets.chomp if ans == "encrypt" encrypt elsif ans == "decrypt" print "Text: " txt = gets.chomp for i in 0...26 decrypt i, txt end end