/* Copyright 2020 Marek Kuethe This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. */ #ifndef MBOBLIB_HPP #define MBOBLIB_HPP #include "boost/asio.hpp" #include #include #include #include class mBOBResult { protected: std::string status; std::string content; std::string data; public: mBOBResult(std::string); mBOBResult(std::string, std::string); bool issuccessful(); std::string getstatus(); std::string getcontent(); std::string getdata(); friend class mBOBClient; }; class mBOBClient { protected: std::shared_ptr ios; std::shared_ptr ep; std::shared_ptr sock; std::string host; std::string bobversion; unsigned short port; std::string readsocket(size_t); void writesocket(std::string); public: mBOBClient(std::string = "", unsigned short = 2827); ~mBOBClient(); std::string getbobversion(); mBOBResult bhelp(std::string = ""); mBOBResult bclear(); mBOBResult bgetdest(); mBOBResult bgetkeys(); mBOBResult bgetnick(); mBOBResult binhost(std::string); mBOBResult binport(std::string); mBOBResult blist(); mBOBResult blookup(std::string); mBOBResult bnewkeys(); mBOBResult boption(std::string); mBOBResult bouthost(std::string); mBOBResult boutport(std::string); mBOBResult bquiet(bool); mBOBResult bsetkeys(std::string); mBOBResult bsetnick(std::string); mBOBResult bshow(); mBOBResult bshowprops(); mBOBResult bstart(); mBOBResult bstatus(std::string); mBOBResult bstop(); mBOBResult bverify(std::string); mBOBResult bvisit(); mBOBResult bzap(); void readmore(mBOBResult *); bool close(); std::string direct(std::string, size_t = 5); }; #endif