=begin This program uses I2P's BOB API to perform various minor operations. Copyright 2020 Marek Küthe This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. =end require "socket" cli = TCPSocket.new "", 2827 bobver = cli.gets.chomp[4 .. -1] puts "BOB version: #{bobver}" cli.gets loop do puts "\nWhat do you want?" puts "1 - ( lookup ) Lookup" puts "2 - ( zap ) Turn off the BOB API" puts "3 - ( list ) List all tunnels that were created using the BOB API" puts "4 - ( visit ) Thread dump to wrapper.log" puts "5 - ( verify ) Checks the format of a base64 string" puts "e - ( ) Exit" print "Option: " op = gets.chomp puts case op when "1" # lookup puts "Which eepsite should be lookup?" eepsite = gets.chomp cli.puts "lookup #{eepsite}" puts "The base64 from #{eepsite} is '#{cli.gets.chomp[3..-1]}'." when "2" # zap cli.puts "zap" puts "The BOB API has been deactivated and can be activated again under **." puts cli.gets.chomp[3..-1] cli.close exit when "3" # list cli.puts "list" fl = cli.gets.chomp if fl == "OK Listing done" puts "There are currently no tunnels created using the BOB API." else x = 0 while fl != "OK Listing done" mat = /DATA NICKNAME: (.*) STARTING: (.*) RUNNING: (.*) STOPPING: (.*) KEYS: (.*) QUIET: (.*) INPORT: (.*) INHOST: (.*) OUTPORT: (.*) OUTHOST: (.*)/.match(fl) puts "Tunnel #{x += 1}" puts " Nickname : #{mat[1]}" puts " Starting : #{mat[2]}" puts " Running : #{mat[3]}" puts " Stopping : #{mat[4]}" puts " Keys : #{mat[5]}" puts " Quiet : #{mat[6]}" puts " Inport : #{mat[7]}" puts " Inhost : #{mat[8]}" puts " Outport : #{mat[9]}" puts " Outhost : #{mat[10]}" fl = cli.gets.chomp end end when "4" # visit cli.puts "visit" ans = cli.gets.chomp.chomp " " puts "-#{ans}-" if ans == "OK" puts "Successfully!" else puts "Execution error: #{ans[6..-1]}" end when "5" # verify puts "Please enter the base64 string to be checked:" cli.puts "verify #{gets.chomp}" ans = cli.gets.chomp.chomp " " if ans == "OK" puts "The base64 string is valid." else puts "The base64 string is invalid. The following message was returned:" puts " #{ans[6..-1]}" end when "e" # exit cli.puts "quit" puts cli.gets.chomp[3..-1] cli.close exit end end