# 1 "caesarcrypt.cpp" # 1 "" # 1 "" # 1 "caesarcrypt.cpp" # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iostream" 1 3 # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iostream" 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iostream" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++config.h" 1 3 # 194 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++config.h" 3 # 194 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++config.h" 3 namespace std { typedef unsigned int size_t; typedef int ptrdiff_t; } # 216 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++config.h" 3 namespace std { inline namespace __cxx11 __attribute__((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) { } } namespace __gnu_cxx { inline namespace __cxx11 __attribute__((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) { } } # 482 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++config.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/os_defines.h" 1 3 # 483 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++config.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/cpu_defines.h" 1 3 # 486 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++config.h" 2 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iostream" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 1 3 # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ios" 1 3 # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ios" 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ios" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iosfwd" 1 3 # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iosfwd" 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iosfwd" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stringfwd.h" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stringfwd.h" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stringfwd.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/memoryfwd.h" 1 3 # 46 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/memoryfwd.h" 3 # 47 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/memoryfwd.h" 3 namespace std { # 63 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/memoryfwd.h" 3 template class allocator; template<> class allocator; template struct uses_allocator; } # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stringfwd.h" 2 3 namespace std { template struct char_traits; template<> struct char_traits; template<> struct char_traits; # 67 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stringfwd.h" 3 namespace __cxx11 { template, typename _Alloc = allocator<_CharT> > class basic_string; typedef basic_string string; typedef basic_string wstring; # 90 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stringfwd.h" 3 } } # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iosfwd" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/postypes.h" 1 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/postypes.h" 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/postypes.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwchar" 1 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwchar" 3 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwchar" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 1 3 # 18 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/_mingw.h" 1 3 # 32 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/_mingw.h" 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/_mingw.h" 3 # 19 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 216 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4 typedef unsigned int size_t; # 357 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4 typedef short unsigned int wint_t; # 27 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stdarg.h" 1 3 4 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stdarg.h" 3 4 typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list; # 32 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 2 3 # 45 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wctype.h" 1 3 # 32 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wctype.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wctype.h" 2 3 # 54 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wctype.h" 3 extern "C" { typedef wchar_t wctype_t; int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswalnum(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswalpha(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswascii(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswcntrl(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswctype(wint_t, wctype_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) is_wctype(wint_t, wctype_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswdigit(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswgraph(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswlower(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswprint(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswpunct(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswspace(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswupper(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswxdigit(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswblank (wint_t); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) towlower (wint_t); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) towupper (wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isleadbyte (int); extern __attribute__ ((__dllimport__)) unsigned short _ctype[]; extern __attribute__ ((__dllimport__)) unsigned short* _pctype; # 148 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wctype.h" 3 typedef wchar_t wctrans_t; # 157 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wctype.h" 3 wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) towctrans(wint_t, wctrans_t); wctrans_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wctrans(const char*); wctype_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wctype(const char*); } # 46 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/sys/types.h" 1 3 # 21 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/sys/types.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 149 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4 typedef int ptrdiff_t; # 22 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 typedef long __time32_t; typedef long long __time64_t; # 45 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/sys/types.h" 3 typedef __time32_t time_t; typedef long _off_t; typedef _off_t off_t; typedef unsigned int _dev_t; typedef _dev_t dev_t; typedef short _ino_t; typedef _ino_t ino_t; typedef int _pid_t; typedef _pid_t pid_t; typedef unsigned short _mode_t; typedef _mode_t mode_t; typedef int _sigset_t; typedef _sigset_t sigset_t; typedef int _ssize_t; typedef _ssize_t ssize_t; typedef long long fpos64_t; typedef long long off64_t; typedef unsigned int useconds_t; # 51 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 2 3 # 63 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 extern "C" { typedef struct _iobuf { char* _ptr; int _cnt; char* _base; int _flag; int _file; int _charbuf; int _bufsiz; char* _tmpfname; } FILE; # 87 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 struct tm { int tm_sec; int tm_min; int tm_hour; int tm_mday; int tm_mon; int tm_year; int tm_wday; int tm_yday; int tm_isdst; }; int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) fwprintf (FILE*, const wchar_t*, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wprintf (const wchar_t*, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _snwprintf (wchar_t*, size_t, const wchar_t*, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) vfwprintf (FILE*, const wchar_t*, __builtin_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) vwprintf (const wchar_t*, __builtin_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _vsnwprintf (wchar_t*, size_t, const wchar_t*, __builtin_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) fwscanf (FILE*, const wchar_t*, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wscanf (const wchar_t*, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) swscanf (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) fgetwc (FILE*); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) fputwc (wchar_t, FILE*); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) ungetwc (wchar_t, FILE*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) swprintf (wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) vswprintf (wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, __builtin_va_list); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) fgetws (wchar_t*, int, FILE*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) fputws (const wchar_t*, FILE*); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) getwc (FILE*); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) getwchar (void); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) putwc (wint_t, FILE*); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) putwchar (wint_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _getws (wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _putws (const wchar_t*); FILE* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wfdopen(int, const wchar_t *); FILE* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wfopen (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); FILE* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wfreopen (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, FILE*); FILE* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wfsopen (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, int); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wtmpnam (wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wtempnam (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wrename (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wremove (const wchar_t*); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wperror (const wchar_t*); FILE* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wpopen (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) snwprintf (wchar_t*, size_t, const wchar_t*, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) vsnwprintf (wchar_t*, size_t, const wchar_t*, __builtin_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) vwscanf (const wchar_t * __restrict__, __builtin_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) vfwscanf (FILE * __restrict__, const wchar_t * __restrict__, __builtin_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) vswscanf (const wchar_t * __restrict__, const wchar_t * __restrict__, __builtin_va_list); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcstol (const wchar_t*, wchar_t**, int); unsigned long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcstoul (const wchar_t*, wchar_t**, int); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcstod (const wchar_t*, wchar_t**); float __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcstof (const wchar_t * __restrict__, wchar_t ** __restrict__); long double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcstold (const wchar_t * __restrict__, wchar_t ** __restrict__); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wgetenv(const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wputenv(const wchar_t*); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wsearchenv(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wsystem(const wchar_t*); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wmakepath(wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wsplitpath (const wchar_t*, wchar_t*, wchar_t*, wchar_t*, wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wfullpath (wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, size_t); # 187 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wasctime (const struct tm*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wctime (const time_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wstrdate (wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wstrtime (wchar_t*); # 207 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsftime (wchar_t*, size_t, const wchar_t*, const struct tm*); # 217 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcscat (wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcschr (const wchar_t*, wchar_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcscmp (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcscoll (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcscpy (wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcscspn (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcslen (const wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsncat (wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsncmp(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, size_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsncpy(wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, size_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcspbrk(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsrchr(const wchar_t*, wchar_t); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsspn(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsstr(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcstok(wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsxfrm(wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, size_t); # 243 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcsdup (const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcsicmp (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcsicoll (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcslwr (wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcsnicmp (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, size_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcsnset (wchar_t*, wchar_t, size_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcsrev (wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcsset (wchar_t*, wchar_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcsupr (wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcsncoll(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcsnicoll(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, size_t); # 264 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcscmpi (const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsdup (const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsicmp (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsicoll (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcslwr (wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsnicmp (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, size_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsnset (wchar_t*, wchar_t, size_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsrev (wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsset (wchar_t*, wchar_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsupr (wchar_t*); # 292 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 typedef wchar_t _Wint_t; typedef int mbstate_t; wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) btowc(int); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) mbrlen(const char * __restrict__, size_t, mbstate_t * __restrict__); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) mbrtowc(wchar_t * __restrict__, const char * __restrict__, size_t, mbstate_t * __restrict__); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) mbsrtowcs(wchar_t * __restrict__, const char ** __restrict__, size_t, mbstate_t * __restrict__); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcrtomb(char * __restrict__, wchar_t, mbstate_t * __restrict__); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcsrtombs(char * __restrict__, const wchar_t ** __restrict__, size_t, mbstate_t * __restrict__); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wctob(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) fwide(FILE*, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) mbsinit(const mbstate_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wmemset(wchar_t *, wchar_t, size_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wmemchr(const wchar_t*, wchar_t, size_t); int wmemcmp(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t *, size_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wmemcpy(wchar_t* __restrict__, const wchar_t* __restrict__, size_t); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wmemmove(wchar_t* s1, const wchar_t *, size_t); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcstoll(const wchar_t * __restrict__, wchar_t** __restrict__, int); unsigned long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) wcstoull(const wchar_t * __restrict__, wchar_t ** __restrict__, int); typedef unsigned long _fsize_t; struct _wfinddata_t { unsigned attrib; time_t time_create; time_t time_access; time_t time_write; _fsize_t size; wchar_t name[260]; }; struct _wfinddatai64_t { unsigned attrib; time_t time_create; time_t time_access; time_t time_write; long long size; wchar_t name[260]; }; # 406 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4 # 9 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stdint.h" 3 4 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4 # 24 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/stdint.h" 3 4 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 25 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4 typedef signed char int8_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef short int16_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef int int32_t; typedef unsigned uint32_t; typedef long long int64_t; typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; typedef signed char int_least8_t; typedef unsigned char uint_least8_t; typedef short int_least16_t; typedef unsigned short uint_least16_t; typedef int int_least32_t; typedef unsigned uint_least32_t; typedef long long int_least64_t; typedef unsigned long long uint_least64_t; typedef signed char int_fast8_t; typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t; typedef short int_fast16_t; typedef unsigned short uint_fast16_t; typedef int int_fast32_t; typedef unsigned int uint_fast32_t; typedef long long int_fast64_t; typedef unsigned long long uint_fast64_t; # 66 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/stdint.h" 3 4 typedef int intptr_t; # 75 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/stdint.h" 3 4 typedef unsigned int uintptr_t; typedef long long intmax_t; typedef unsigned long long uintmax_t; # 10 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4 # 407 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 2 3 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _waccess (const wchar_t*, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wchmod (const wchar_t*, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wcreat (const wchar_t*, int); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wfindfirst (const wchar_t*, struct _wfinddata_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wfindnext (long, struct _wfinddata_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wunlink (const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wopen (const wchar_t*, int, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wsopen (const wchar_t*, int, int, ...); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wmktemp (wchar_t*); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wfindfirsti64 (const wchar_t*, struct _wfinddatai64_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wfindnexti64 (long, struct _wfinddatai64_t*); # 454 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wchdir (const wchar_t*); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wgetcwd (wchar_t*, int); wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wgetdcwd (int, wchar_t*, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wmkdir (const wchar_t*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wrmdir (const wchar_t*); # 471 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 struct _stat { _dev_t st_dev; _ino_t st_ino; _mode_t st_mode; short st_nlink; short st_uid; short st_gid; _dev_t st_rdev; _off_t st_size; time_t st_atime; time_t st_mtime; time_t st_ctime; }; struct stat { dev_t st_dev; ino_t st_ino; mode_t st_mode; short st_nlink; short st_uid; short st_gid; dev_t st_rdev; off_t st_size; time_t st_atime; time_t st_mtime; time_t st_ctime; }; struct _stati64 { _dev_t st_dev; _ino_t st_ino; unsigned short st_mode; short st_nlink; short st_uid; short st_gid; _dev_t st_rdev; long long st_size; time_t st_atime; time_t st_mtime; time_t st_ctime; }; # 589 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wstat (const wchar_t*, struct _stat*); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wstati64 (const wchar_t*, struct _stati64*); # 612 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/wchar.h" 3 wchar_t* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wsetlocale (int, const wchar_t*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wexecl (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wexecle (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wexeclp (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wexeclpe (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wexecv (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wexecve (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t* const*, const wchar_t* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wexecvp (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wexecvpe (const wchar_t*, const wchar_t* const*, const wchar_t* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wspawnl (int, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wspawnle (int, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wspawnlp (int, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wspawnlpe (int, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wspawnv (int, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wspawnve (int, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t* const*, const wchar_t* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wspawnvp (int, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _wspawnvpe (int, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t* const*, const wchar_t* const*); } # 45 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwchar" 2 3 # 62 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwchar" 3 namespace std { using ::mbstate_t; } # 135 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwchar" 3 namespace std { using ::wint_t; using ::btowc; using ::fgetwc; using ::fgetws; using ::fputwc; using ::fputws; using ::fwide; using ::fwprintf; using ::fwscanf; using ::getwc; using ::getwchar; using ::mbrlen; using ::mbrtowc; using ::mbsinit; using ::mbsrtowcs; using ::putwc; using ::putwchar; using ::swscanf; using ::ungetwc; using ::vfwprintf; using ::vfwscanf; using ::vswscanf; using ::vwprintf; using ::vwscanf; using ::wcrtomb; using ::wcscat; using ::wcscmp; using ::wcscoll; using ::wcscpy; using ::wcscspn; using ::wcsftime; using ::wcslen; using ::wcsncat; using ::wcsncmp; using ::wcsncpy; using ::wcsrtombs; using ::wcsspn; using ::wcstod; using ::wcstof; using ::wcstok; using ::wcstol; using ::wcstoul; using ::wcsxfrm; using ::wctob; using ::wmemcmp; using ::wmemcpy; using ::wmemmove; using ::wmemset; using ::wprintf; using ::wscanf; using ::wcschr; using ::wcspbrk; using ::wcsrchr; using ::wcsstr; using ::wmemchr; inline wchar_t* wcschr(wchar_t* __p, wchar_t __c) { return wcschr(const_cast(__p), __c); } inline wchar_t* wcspbrk(wchar_t* __s1, const wchar_t* __s2) { return wcspbrk(const_cast(__s1), __s2); } inline wchar_t* wcsrchr(wchar_t* __p, wchar_t __c) { return wcsrchr(const_cast(__p), __c); } inline wchar_t* wcsstr(wchar_t* __s1, const wchar_t* __s2) { return wcsstr(const_cast(__s1), __s2); } inline wchar_t* wmemchr(wchar_t* __p, wchar_t __c, size_t __n) { return wmemchr(const_cast(__p), __c, __n); } } namespace __gnu_cxx { using ::wcstold; # 257 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwchar" 3 using ::wcstoll; using ::wcstoull; } namespace std { using ::__gnu_cxx::wcstold; using ::__gnu_cxx::wcstoll; using ::__gnu_cxx::wcstoull; } # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/postypes.h" 2 3 # 68 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/postypes.h" 3 namespace std { # 90 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/postypes.h" 3 typedef long long streamoff; typedef ptrdiff_t streamsize; # 111 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/postypes.h" 3 template class fpos { private: streamoff _M_off; _StateT _M_state; public: fpos() : _M_off(0), _M_state() { } # 133 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/postypes.h" 3 fpos(streamoff __off) : _M_off(__off), _M_state() { } operator streamoff() const { return _M_off; } void state(_StateT __st) { _M_state = __st; } _StateT state() const { return _M_state; } fpos& operator+=(streamoff __off) { _M_off += __off; return *this; } fpos& operator-=(streamoff __off) { _M_off -= __off; return *this; } fpos operator+(streamoff __off) const { fpos __pos(*this); __pos += __off; return __pos; } fpos operator-(streamoff __off) const { fpos __pos(*this); __pos -= __off; return __pos; } streamoff operator-(const fpos& __other) const { return _M_off - __other._M_off; } }; template inline bool operator==(const fpos<_StateT>& __lhs, const fpos<_StateT>& __rhs) { return streamoff(__lhs) == streamoff(__rhs); } template inline bool operator!=(const fpos<_StateT>& __lhs, const fpos<_StateT>& __rhs) { return streamoff(__lhs) != streamoff(__rhs); } typedef fpos streampos; typedef fpos wstreampos; # 239 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/postypes.h" 3 } # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iosfwd" 2 3 namespace std { # 74 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iosfwd" 3 class ios_base; template > class basic_ios; template > class basic_streambuf; template > class basic_istream; template > class basic_ostream; template > class basic_iostream; namespace __cxx11 { template, typename _Alloc = allocator<_CharT> > class basic_stringbuf; template, typename _Alloc = allocator<_CharT> > class basic_istringstream; template, typename _Alloc = allocator<_CharT> > class basic_ostringstream; template, typename _Alloc = allocator<_CharT> > class basic_stringstream; } template > class basic_filebuf; template > class basic_ifstream; template > class basic_ofstream; template > class basic_fstream; template > class istreambuf_iterator; template > class ostreambuf_iterator; typedef basic_ios ios; typedef basic_streambuf streambuf; typedef basic_istream istream; typedef basic_ostream ostream; typedef basic_iostream iostream; typedef basic_stringbuf stringbuf; typedef basic_istringstream istringstream; typedef basic_ostringstream ostringstream; typedef basic_stringstream stringstream; typedef basic_filebuf filebuf; typedef basic_ifstream ifstream; typedef basic_ofstream ofstream; typedef basic_fstream fstream; typedef basic_ios wios; typedef basic_streambuf wstreambuf; typedef basic_istream wistream; typedef basic_ostream wostream; typedef basic_iostream wiostream; typedef basic_stringbuf wstringbuf; typedef basic_istringstream wistringstream; typedef basic_ostringstream wostringstream; typedef basic_stringstream wstringstream; typedef basic_filebuf wfilebuf; typedef basic_ifstream wifstream; typedef basic_ofstream wofstream; typedef basic_fstream wfstream; } # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ios" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/exception" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/exception" 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/exception" 3 #pragma GCC visibility push(default) # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/atomic_lockfree_defines.h" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/atomic_lockfree_defines.h" 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/atomic_lockfree_defines.h" 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/exception" 2 3 extern "C++" { namespace std { # 60 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/exception" 3 class exception { public: exception() throw() { } virtual ~exception() throw(); virtual const char* what() const throw(); }; class bad_exception : public exception { public: bad_exception() throw() { } virtual ~bad_exception() throw(); virtual const char* what() const throw(); }; typedef void (*terminate_handler) (); typedef void (*unexpected_handler) (); terminate_handler set_terminate(terminate_handler) throw(); # 102 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/exception" 3 void terminate() throw() __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); unexpected_handler set_unexpected(unexpected_handler) throw(); # 114 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/exception" 3 void unexpected() __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); # 127 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/exception" 3 bool uncaught_exception() throw() __attribute__ ((__pure__)); } namespace __gnu_cxx { # 152 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/exception" 3 void __verbose_terminate_handler(); } } #pragma GCC visibility pop # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ios" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/char_traits.h" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/char_traits.h" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/char_traits.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 1 3 # 60 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/functexcept.h" 1 3 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/functexcept.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/exception_defines.h" 1 3 # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/functexcept.h" 2 3 namespace std { void __throw_bad_exception(void) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_bad_alloc(void) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_bad_cast(void) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_bad_typeid(void) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_logic_error(const char*) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_domain_error(const char*) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_invalid_argument(const char*) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_length_error(const char*) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_out_of_range(const char*) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_out_of_range_fmt(const char*, ...) __attribute__((__noreturn__)) __attribute__((__format__(__gnu_printf__, 1, 2))); void __throw_runtime_error(const char*) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_range_error(const char*) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_overflow_error(const char*) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_underflow_error(const char*) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_ios_failure(const char*) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_system_error(int) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_future_error(int) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void __throw_bad_function_call() __attribute__((__noreturn__)); } # 61 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/cpp_type_traits.h" 1 3 # 35 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/cpp_type_traits.h" 3 # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/cpp_type_traits.h" 3 # 68 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/cpp_type_traits.h" 3 namespace __gnu_cxx { template class __normal_iterator; } namespace std { struct __true_type { }; struct __false_type { }; template struct __truth_type { typedef __false_type __type; }; template<> struct __truth_type { typedef __true_type __type; }; template struct __traitor { enum { __value = bool(_Sp::__value) || bool(_Tp::__value) }; typedef typename __truth_type<__value>::__type __type; }; template struct __are_same { enum { __value = 0 }; typedef __false_type __type; }; template struct __are_same<_Tp, _Tp> { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template struct __is_void { enum { __value = 0 }; typedef __false_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_void { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 0 }; typedef __false_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; # 199 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/cpp_type_traits.h" 3 template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_integer { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; # 287 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/cpp_type_traits.h" 3 template struct __is_floating { enum { __value = 0 }; typedef __false_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_floating { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_floating { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_floating { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template struct __is_pointer { enum { __value = 0 }; typedef __false_type __type; }; template struct __is_pointer<_Tp*> { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template struct __is_normal_iterator { enum { __value = 0 }; typedef __false_type __type; }; template struct __is_normal_iterator< __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container> > { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template struct __is_arithmetic : public __traitor<__is_integer<_Tp>, __is_floating<_Tp> > { }; template struct __is_scalar : public __traitor<__is_arithmetic<_Tp>, __is_pointer<_Tp> > { }; template struct __is_char { enum { __value = 0 }; typedef __false_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_char { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_char { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template struct __is_byte { enum { __value = 0 }; typedef __false_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_byte { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_byte { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template<> struct __is_byte { enum { __value = 1 }; typedef __true_type __type; }; template struct __is_move_iterator { enum { __value = 0 }; typedef __false_type __type; }; # 443 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/cpp_type_traits.h" 3 } # 62 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/type_traits.h" 1 3 # 32 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/type_traits.h" 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/type_traits.h" 3 namespace __gnu_cxx { template struct __enable_if { }; template struct __enable_if { typedef _Tp __type; }; template struct __conditional_type { typedef _Iftrue __type; }; template struct __conditional_type { typedef _Iffalse __type; }; template struct __add_unsigned { private: typedef __enable_if::__value, _Tp> __if_type; public: typedef typename __if_type::__type __type; }; template<> struct __add_unsigned { typedef unsigned char __type; }; template<> struct __add_unsigned { typedef unsigned char __type; }; template<> struct __add_unsigned { typedef unsigned short __type; }; template<> struct __add_unsigned { typedef unsigned int __type; }; template<> struct __add_unsigned { typedef unsigned long __type; }; template<> struct __add_unsigned { typedef unsigned long long __type; }; template<> struct __add_unsigned; template<> struct __add_unsigned; template struct __remove_unsigned { private: typedef __enable_if::__value, _Tp> __if_type; public: typedef typename __if_type::__type __type; }; template<> struct __remove_unsigned { typedef signed char __type; }; template<> struct __remove_unsigned { typedef signed char __type; }; template<> struct __remove_unsigned { typedef short __type; }; template<> struct __remove_unsigned { typedef int __type; }; template<> struct __remove_unsigned { typedef long __type; }; template<> struct __remove_unsigned { typedef long long __type; }; template<> struct __remove_unsigned; template<> struct __remove_unsigned; template inline bool __is_null_pointer(_Type* __ptr) { return __ptr == 0; } template inline bool __is_null_pointer(_Type) { return false; } # 165 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/type_traits.h" 3 template::__value> struct __promote { typedef double __type; }; template struct __promote<_Tp, false> { }; template<> struct __promote { typedef long double __type; }; template<> struct __promote { typedef double __type; }; template<> struct __promote { typedef float __type; }; template::__type, typename _Up2 = typename __promote<_Up>::__type> struct __promote_2 { typedef __typeof__(_Tp2() + _Up2()) __type; }; template::__type, typename _Up2 = typename __promote<_Up>::__type, typename _Vp2 = typename __promote<_Vp>::__type> struct __promote_3 { typedef __typeof__(_Tp2() + _Up2() + _Vp2()) __type; }; template::__type, typename _Up2 = typename __promote<_Up>::__type, typename _Vp2 = typename __promote<_Vp>::__type, typename _Wp2 = typename __promote<_Wp>::__type> struct __promote_4 { typedef __typeof__(_Tp2() + _Up2() + _Vp2() + _Wp2()) __type; }; } # 63 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/numeric_traits.h" 1 3 # 32 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/numeric_traits.h" 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/numeric_traits.h" 3 namespace __gnu_cxx { # 54 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/numeric_traits.h" 3 template struct __numeric_traits_integer { static const _Value __min = (((_Value)(-1) < 0) ? (_Value)1 << (sizeof(_Value) * 8 - ((_Value)(-1) < 0)) : (_Value)0); static const _Value __max = (((_Value)(-1) < 0) ? (((((_Value)1 << ((sizeof(_Value) * 8 - ((_Value)(-1) < 0)) - 1)) - 1) << 1) + 1) : ~(_Value)0); static const bool __is_signed = ((_Value)(-1) < 0); static const int __digits = (sizeof(_Value) * 8 - ((_Value)(-1) < 0)); }; template const _Value __numeric_traits_integer<_Value>::__min; template const _Value __numeric_traits_integer<_Value>::__max; template const bool __numeric_traits_integer<_Value>::__is_signed; template const int __numeric_traits_integer<_Value>::__digits; # 99 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/numeric_traits.h" 3 template struct __numeric_traits_floating { static const int __max_digits10 = (2 + (std::__are_same<_Value, float>::__value ? 24 : std::__are_same<_Value, double>::__value ? 53 : 64) * 643L / 2136); static const bool __is_signed = true; static const int __digits10 = (std::__are_same<_Value, float>::__value ? 6 : std::__are_same<_Value, double>::__value ? 15 : 18); static const int __max_exponent10 = (std::__are_same<_Value, float>::__value ? 38 : std::__are_same<_Value, double>::__value ? 308 : 4932); }; template const int __numeric_traits_floating<_Value>::__max_digits10; template const bool __numeric_traits_floating<_Value>::__is_signed; template const int __numeric_traits_floating<_Value>::__digits10; template const int __numeric_traits_floating<_Value>::__max_exponent10; template struct __numeric_traits : public __conditional_type::__value, __numeric_traits_integer<_Value>, __numeric_traits_floating<_Value> >::__type { }; } # 64 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_pair.h" 1 3 # 59 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_pair.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/move.h" 1 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/move.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/concept_check.h" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/concept_check.h" 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/concept_check.h" 3 # 35 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/move.h" 2 3 namespace std { template inline _Tp* __addressof(_Tp& __r) { return reinterpret_cast<_Tp*> (&const_cast(reinterpret_cast(__r))); } } # 159 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/move.h" 3 namespace std { # 174 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/move.h" 3 template inline void swap(_Tp& __a, _Tp& __b) { _Tp __tmp = (__a); __a = (__b); __b = (__tmp); } template inline void swap(_Tp (&__a)[_Nm], _Tp (&__b)[_Nm]) { for (size_t __n = 0; __n < _Nm; ++__n) swap(__a[__n], __b[__n]); } } # 60 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_pair.h" 2 3 namespace std { # 95 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_pair.h" 3 template struct pair { typedef _T1 first_type; typedef _T2 second_type; _T1 first; _T2 second; pair() : first(), second() { } pair(const _T1& __a, const _T2& __b) : first(__a), second(__b) { } template pair(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __p) : first(__p.first), second(__p.second) { } # 209 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_pair.h" 3 }; template inline bool operator==(const pair<_T1, _T2>& __x, const pair<_T1, _T2>& __y) { return __x.first == __y.first && __x.second == __y.second; } template inline bool operator<(const pair<_T1, _T2>& __x, const pair<_T1, _T2>& __y) { return __x.first < __y.first || (!(__y.first < __x.first) && __x.second < __y.second); } template inline bool operator!=(const pair<_T1, _T2>& __x, const pair<_T1, _T2>& __y) { return !(__x == __y); } template inline bool operator>(const pair<_T1, _T2>& __x, const pair<_T1, _T2>& __y) { return __y < __x; } template inline bool operator<=(const pair<_T1, _T2>& __x, const pair<_T1, _T2>& __y) { return !(__y < __x); } template inline bool operator>=(const pair<_T1, _T2>& __x, const pair<_T1, _T2>& __y) { return !(__x < __y); } # 284 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_pair.h" 3 template inline pair<_T1, _T2> make_pair(_T1 __x, _T2 __y) { return pair<_T1, _T2>(__x, __y); } } # 65 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h" 1 3 # 62 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h" 3 # 63 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h" 3 namespace std { # 89 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h" 3 struct input_iterator_tag { }; struct output_iterator_tag { }; struct forward_iterator_tag : public input_iterator_tag { }; struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : public forward_iterator_tag { }; struct random_access_iterator_tag : public bidirectional_iterator_tag { }; # 116 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h" 3 template struct iterator { typedef _Category iterator_category; typedef _Tp value_type; typedef _Distance difference_type; typedef _Pointer pointer; typedef _Reference reference; }; # 165 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h" 3 template struct iterator_traits { typedef typename _Iterator::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename _Iterator::value_type value_type; typedef typename _Iterator::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename _Iterator::pointer pointer; typedef typename _Iterator::reference reference; }; template struct iterator_traits<_Tp*> { typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef _Tp value_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef _Tp* pointer; typedef _Tp& reference; }; template struct iterator_traits { typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef _Tp value_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef const _Tp* pointer; typedef const _Tp& reference; }; template inline typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category __iterator_category(const _Iter&) { return typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category(); } template struct _Iter_base { typedef _Iterator iterator_type; static iterator_type _S_base(_Iterator __it) { return __it; } }; template struct _Iter_base<_Iterator, true> { typedef typename _Iterator::iterator_type iterator_type; static iterator_type _S_base(_Iterator __it) { return __it.base(); } }; # 235 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h" 3 } # 66 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h" 1 3 # 62 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h" 3 # 63 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/debug/debug.h" 1 3 # 46 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/debug/debug.h" 3 namespace std { namespace __debug { } } namespace __gnu_debug { using namespace std::__debug; } # 66 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h" 2 3 namespace std { template inline typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type __distance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, input_iterator_tag) { typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type __n = 0; while (__first != __last) { ++__first; ++__n; } return __n; } template inline typename iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type __distance(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, random_access_iterator_tag) { return __last - __first; } # 112 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h" 3 template inline typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type distance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) { return std::__distance(__first, __last, std::__iterator_category(__first)); } template inline void __advance(_InputIterator& __i, _Distance __n, input_iterator_tag) { ; while (__n--) ++__i; } template inline void __advance(_BidirectionalIterator& __i, _Distance __n, bidirectional_iterator_tag) { if (__n > 0) while (__n--) ++__i; else while (__n++) --__i; } template inline void __advance(_RandomAccessIterator& __i, _Distance __n, random_access_iterator_tag) { __i += __n; } # 171 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h" 3 template inline void advance(_InputIterator& __i, _Distance __n) { typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type __d = __n; std::__advance(__i, __d, std::__iterator_category(__i)); } # 202 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h" 3 } # 67 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 1 3 # 66 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ptr_traits.h" 1 3 # 67 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 2 3 namespace std { # 96 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 template class reverse_iterator : public iterator::iterator_category, typename iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type, typename iterator_traits<_Iterator>::difference_type, typename iterator_traits<_Iterator>::pointer, typename iterator_traits<_Iterator>::reference> { protected: _Iterator current; typedef iterator_traits<_Iterator> __traits_type; public: typedef _Iterator iterator_type; typedef typename __traits_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename __traits_type::pointer pointer; typedef typename __traits_type::reference reference; reverse_iterator() : current() { } explicit reverse_iterator(iterator_type __x) : current(__x) { } reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator& __x) : current(__x.current) { } template reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator<_Iter>& __x) : current(__x.base()) { } iterator_type base() const { return current; } # 160 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 reference operator*() const { _Iterator __tmp = current; return *--__tmp; } pointer operator->() const { return &(operator*()); } reverse_iterator& operator++() { --current; return *this; } reverse_iterator operator++(int) { reverse_iterator __tmp = *this; --current; return __tmp; } reverse_iterator& operator--() { ++current; return *this; } reverse_iterator operator--(int) { reverse_iterator __tmp = *this; ++current; return __tmp; } reverse_iterator operator+(difference_type __n) const { return reverse_iterator(current - __n); } reverse_iterator& operator+=(difference_type __n) { current -= __n; return *this; } reverse_iterator operator-(difference_type __n) const { return reverse_iterator(current + __n); } reverse_iterator& operator-=(difference_type __n) { current += __n; return *this; } reference operator[](difference_type __n) const { return *(*this + __n); } }; # 290 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 template inline bool operator==(const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __y) { return __x.base() == __y.base(); } template inline bool operator<(const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __y) { return __y.base() < __x.base(); } template inline bool operator!=(const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __y) { return !(__x == __y); } template inline bool operator>(const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __y) { return __y < __x; } template inline bool operator<=(const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __y) { return !(__y < __x); } template inline bool operator>=(const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __y) { return !(__x < __y); } template inline typename reverse_iterator<_Iterator>::difference_type operator-(const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __y) { return __y.base() - __x.base(); } template inline reverse_iterator<_Iterator> operator+(typename reverse_iterator<_Iterator>::difference_type __n, const reverse_iterator<_Iterator>& __x) { return reverse_iterator<_Iterator>(__x.base() - __n); } template inline bool operator==(const reverse_iterator<_IteratorL>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_IteratorR>& __y) { return __x.base() == __y.base(); } template inline bool operator<(const reverse_iterator<_IteratorL>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_IteratorR>& __y) { return __y.base() < __x.base(); } template inline bool operator!=(const reverse_iterator<_IteratorL>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_IteratorR>& __y) { return !(__x == __y); } template inline bool operator>(const reverse_iterator<_IteratorL>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_IteratorR>& __y) { return __y < __x; } template inline bool operator<=(const reverse_iterator<_IteratorL>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_IteratorR>& __y) { return !(__y < __x); } template inline bool operator>=(const reverse_iterator<_IteratorL>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_IteratorR>& __y) { return !(__x < __y); } template inline typename reverse_iterator<_IteratorL>::difference_type operator-(const reverse_iterator<_IteratorL>& __x, const reverse_iterator<_IteratorR>& __y) { return __y.base() - __x.base(); } # 414 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 template class back_insert_iterator : public iterator { protected: _Container* container; public: typedef _Container container_type; explicit back_insert_iterator(_Container& __x) : container(&__x) { } # 441 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 back_insert_iterator& operator=(typename _Container::const_reference __value) { container->push_back(__value); return *this; } # 464 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 back_insert_iterator& operator*() { return *this; } back_insert_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } back_insert_iterator operator++(int) { return *this; } }; # 490 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 template inline back_insert_iterator<_Container> back_inserter(_Container& __x) { return back_insert_iterator<_Container>(__x); } # 505 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 template class front_insert_iterator : public iterator { protected: _Container* container; public: typedef _Container container_type; explicit front_insert_iterator(_Container& __x) : container(&__x) { } # 531 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 front_insert_iterator& operator=(typename _Container::const_reference __value) { container->push_front(__value); return *this; } # 554 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 front_insert_iterator& operator*() { return *this; } front_insert_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } front_insert_iterator operator++(int) { return *this; } }; # 580 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 template inline front_insert_iterator<_Container> front_inserter(_Container& __x) { return front_insert_iterator<_Container>(__x); } # 599 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 template class insert_iterator : public iterator { protected: _Container* container; typename _Container::iterator iter; public: typedef _Container container_type; insert_iterator(_Container& __x, typename _Container::iterator __i) : container(&__x), iter(__i) {} # 642 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 insert_iterator& operator=(typename _Container::const_reference __value) { iter = container->insert(iter, __value); ++iter; return *this; } # 668 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 insert_iterator& operator*() { return *this; } insert_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } insert_iterator& operator++(int) { return *this; } }; # 694 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 template inline insert_iterator<_Container> inserter(_Container& __x, _Iterator __i) { return insert_iterator<_Container>(__x, typename _Container::iterator(__i)); } } namespace __gnu_cxx { # 718 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 using std::iterator_traits; using std::iterator; template class __normal_iterator { protected: _Iterator _M_current; typedef iterator_traits<_Iterator> __traits_type; public: typedef _Iterator iterator_type; typedef typename __traits_type::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename __traits_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename __traits_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename __traits_type::reference reference; typedef typename __traits_type::pointer pointer; __normal_iterator() : _M_current(_Iterator()) { } explicit __normal_iterator(const _Iterator& __i) : _M_current(__i) { } template __normal_iterator(const __normal_iterator<_Iter, typename __enable_if< (std::__are_same<_Iter, typename _Container::pointer>::__value), _Container>::__type>& __i) : _M_current(__i.base()) { } reference operator*() const { return *_M_current; } pointer operator->() const { return _M_current; } __normal_iterator& operator++() { ++_M_current; return *this; } __normal_iterator operator++(int) { return __normal_iterator(_M_current++); } __normal_iterator& operator--() { --_M_current; return *this; } __normal_iterator operator--(int) { return __normal_iterator(_M_current--); } reference operator[](difference_type __n) const { return _M_current[__n]; } __normal_iterator& operator+=(difference_type __n) { _M_current += __n; return *this; } __normal_iterator operator+(difference_type __n) const { return __normal_iterator(_M_current + __n); } __normal_iterator& operator-=(difference_type __n) { _M_current -= __n; return *this; } __normal_iterator operator-(difference_type __n) const { return __normal_iterator(_M_current - __n); } const _Iterator& base() const { return _M_current; } }; # 818 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h" 3 template inline bool operator==(const __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_IteratorR, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() == __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator==(const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() == __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator!=(const __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_IteratorR, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() != __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator!=(const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() != __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator<(const __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_IteratorR, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() < __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator<(const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() < __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator>(const __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_IteratorR, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() > __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator>(const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() > __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator<=(const __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_IteratorR, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() <= __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator<=(const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() <= __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator>=(const __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_IteratorR, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() >= __rhs.base(); } template inline bool operator>=(const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() >= __rhs.base(); } template inline typename __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>::difference_type operator-(const __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_IteratorR, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() - __rhs.base(); } template inline typename __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>::difference_type operator-(const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __lhs, const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __rhs) { return __lhs.base() - __rhs.base(); } template inline __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container> operator+(typename __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>::difference_type __n, const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __i) { return __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>(__i.base() + __n); } } # 68 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/predefined_ops.h" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/predefined_ops.h" 3 namespace __gnu_cxx { namespace __ops { struct _Iter_less_iter { template bool operator()(_Iterator1 __it1, _Iterator2 __it2) const { return *__it1 < *__it2; } }; inline _Iter_less_iter __iter_less_iter() { return _Iter_less_iter(); } struct _Iter_less_val { template bool operator()(_Iterator __it, _Value& __val) const { return *__it < __val; } }; inline _Iter_less_val __iter_less_val() { return _Iter_less_val(); } inline _Iter_less_val __iter_comp_val(_Iter_less_iter) { return _Iter_less_val(); } struct _Val_less_iter { template bool operator()(_Value& __val, _Iterator __it) const { return __val < *__it; } }; inline _Val_less_iter __val_less_iter() { return _Val_less_iter(); } inline _Val_less_iter __val_comp_iter(_Iter_less_iter) { return _Val_less_iter(); } struct _Iter_equal_to_iter { template bool operator()(_Iterator1 __it1, _Iterator2 __it2) const { return *__it1 == *__it2; } }; inline _Iter_equal_to_iter __iter_equal_to_iter() { return _Iter_equal_to_iter(); } struct _Iter_equal_to_val { template bool operator()(_Iterator __it, _Value& __val) const { return *__it == __val; } }; inline _Iter_equal_to_val __iter_equal_to_val() { return _Iter_equal_to_val(); } inline _Iter_equal_to_val __iter_comp_val(_Iter_equal_to_iter) { return _Iter_equal_to_val(); } template struct _Iter_comp_iter { _Compare _M_comp; _Iter_comp_iter(_Compare __comp) : _M_comp(__comp) { } template bool operator()(_Iterator1 __it1, _Iterator2 __it2) { return bool(_M_comp(*__it1, *__it2)); } }; template inline _Iter_comp_iter<_Compare> __iter_comp_iter(_Compare __comp) { return _Iter_comp_iter<_Compare>(__comp); } template struct _Iter_comp_val { _Compare _M_comp; _Iter_comp_val(_Compare __comp) : _M_comp(__comp) { } template bool operator()(_Iterator __it, _Value& __val) { return bool(_M_comp(*__it, __val)); } }; template inline _Iter_comp_val<_Compare> __iter_comp_val(_Compare __comp) { return _Iter_comp_val<_Compare>(__comp); } template inline _Iter_comp_val<_Compare> __iter_comp_val(_Iter_comp_iter<_Compare> __comp) { return _Iter_comp_val<_Compare>(__comp._M_comp); } template struct _Val_comp_iter { _Compare _M_comp; _Val_comp_iter(_Compare __comp) : _M_comp(__comp) { } template bool operator()(_Value& __val, _Iterator __it) { return bool(_M_comp(__val, *__it)); } }; template inline _Val_comp_iter<_Compare> __val_comp_iter(_Compare __comp) { return _Val_comp_iter<_Compare>(__comp); } template inline _Val_comp_iter<_Compare> __val_comp_iter(_Iter_comp_iter<_Compare> __comp) { return _Val_comp_iter<_Compare>(__comp._M_comp); } template struct _Iter_equals_val { _Value& _M_value; _Iter_equals_val(_Value& __value) : _M_value(__value) { } template bool operator()(_Iterator __it) { return *__it == _M_value; } }; template inline _Iter_equals_val<_Value> __iter_equals_val(_Value& __val) { return _Iter_equals_val<_Value>(__val); } template struct _Iter_equals_iter { typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator1>::reference _M_ref; _Iter_equals_iter(_Iterator1 __it1) : _M_ref(*__it1) { } template bool operator()(_Iterator2 __it2) { return *__it2 == _M_ref; } }; template inline _Iter_equals_iter<_Iterator> __iter_comp_iter(_Iter_equal_to_iter, _Iterator __it) { return _Iter_equals_iter<_Iterator>(__it); } template struct _Iter_pred { _Predicate _M_pred; _Iter_pred(_Predicate __pred) : _M_pred(__pred) { } template bool operator()(_Iterator __it) { return bool(_M_pred(*__it)); } }; template inline _Iter_pred<_Predicate> __pred_iter(_Predicate __pred) { return _Iter_pred<_Predicate>(__pred); } template struct _Iter_comp_to_val { _Compare _M_comp; _Value& _M_value; _Iter_comp_to_val(_Compare __comp, _Value& __value) : _M_comp(__comp), _M_value(__value) { } template bool operator()(_Iterator __it) { return bool(_M_comp(*__it, _M_value)); } }; template _Iter_comp_to_val<_Compare, _Value> __iter_comp_val(_Compare __comp, _Value &__val) { return _Iter_comp_to_val<_Compare, _Value>(__comp, __val); } template struct _Iter_comp_to_iter { _Compare _M_comp; typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator1>::reference _M_ref; _Iter_comp_to_iter(_Compare __comp, _Iterator1 __it1) : _M_comp(__comp), _M_ref(*__it1) { } template bool operator()(_Iterator2 __it2) { return bool(_M_comp(*__it2, _M_ref)); } }; template inline _Iter_comp_to_iter<_Compare, _Iterator> __iter_comp_iter(_Iter_comp_iter<_Compare> __comp, _Iterator __it) { return _Iter_comp_to_iter<_Compare, _Iterator>(__comp._M_comp, __it); } template struct _Iter_negate { _Predicate _M_pred; _Iter_negate(_Predicate __pred) : _M_pred(__pred) { } template bool operator()(_Iterator __it) { return !bool(_M_pred(*__it)); } }; template inline _Iter_negate<_Predicate> __negate(_Iter_pred<_Predicate> __pred) { return _Iter_negate<_Predicate>(__pred._M_pred); } } } # 72 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 2 3 namespace std { template struct __iter_swap { template static void iter_swap(_ForwardIterator1 __a, _ForwardIterator2 __b) { typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::value_type _ValueType1; _ValueType1 __tmp = (*__a); *__a = (*__b); *__b = (__tmp); } }; template<> struct __iter_swap { template static void iter_swap(_ForwardIterator1 __a, _ForwardIterator2 __b) { swap(*__a, *__b); } }; # 118 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline void iter_swap(_ForwardIterator1 __a, _ForwardIterator2 __b) { typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::value_type _ValueType1; typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::value_type _ValueType2; typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference _ReferenceType1; typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference _ReferenceType2; std::__iter_swap<__are_same<_ValueType1, _ValueType2>::__value && __are_same<_ValueType1&, _ReferenceType1>::__value && __are_same<_ValueType2&, _ReferenceType2>::__value>:: iter_swap(__a, __b); } # 164 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template _ForwardIterator2 swap_ranges(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2) { ; for (; __first1 != __last1; ++__first1, ++__first2) std::iter_swap(__first1, __first2); return __first2; } # 192 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline const _Tp& min(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& __b) { if (__b < __a) return __b; return __a; } # 216 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline const _Tp& max(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& __b) { if (__a < __b) return __b; return __a; } # 240 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline const _Tp& min(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& __b, _Compare __comp) { if (__comp(__b, __a)) return __b; return __a; } # 262 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline const _Tp& max(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& __b, _Compare __comp) { if (__comp(__a, __b)) return __b; return __a; } template struct _Niter_base : _Iter_base<_Iterator, __is_normal_iterator<_Iterator>::__value> { }; template inline typename _Niter_base<_Iterator>::iterator_type __niter_base(_Iterator __it) { return std::_Niter_base<_Iterator>::_S_base(__it); } template struct _Miter_base : _Iter_base<_Iterator, __is_move_iterator<_Iterator>::__value> { }; template inline typename _Miter_base<_Iterator>::iterator_type __miter_base(_Iterator __it) { return std::_Miter_base<_Iterator>::_S_base(__it); } template struct __copy_move { template static _OI __copy_m(_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) { for (; __first != __last; ++__result, ++__first) *__result = *__first; return __result; } }; # 330 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template<> struct __copy_move { template static _OI __copy_m(_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) { typedef typename iterator_traits<_II>::difference_type _Distance; for(_Distance __n = __last - __first; __n > 0; --__n) { *__result = *__first; ++__first; ++__result; } return __result; } }; # 368 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template struct __copy_move<_IsMove, true, random_access_iterator_tag> { template static _Tp* __copy_m(const _Tp* __first, const _Tp* __last, _Tp* __result) { const ptrdiff_t _Num = __last - __first; if (_Num) __builtin_memmove(__result, __first, sizeof(_Tp) * _Num); return __result + _Num; } }; template inline _OI __copy_move_a(_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) { typedef typename iterator_traits<_II>::value_type _ValueTypeI; typedef typename iterator_traits<_OI>::value_type _ValueTypeO; typedef typename iterator_traits<_II>::iterator_category _Category; const bool __simple = (__is_trivial(_ValueTypeI) && __is_pointer<_II>::__value && __is_pointer<_OI>::__value && __are_same<_ValueTypeI, _ValueTypeO>::__value); return std::__copy_move<_IsMove, __simple, _Category>::__copy_m(__first, __last, __result); } template struct char_traits; template class istreambuf_iterator; template class ostreambuf_iterator; template typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT>::__value, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT, char_traits<_CharT> > >::__type __copy_move_a2(_CharT*, _CharT*, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT, char_traits<_CharT> >); template typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT>::__value, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT, char_traits<_CharT> > >::__type __copy_move_a2(const _CharT*, const _CharT*, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT, char_traits<_CharT> >); template typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT>::__value, _CharT*>::__type __copy_move_a2(istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, char_traits<_CharT> >, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, char_traits<_CharT> >, _CharT*); template inline _OI __copy_move_a2(_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) { return _OI(std::__copy_move_a<_IsMove>(std::__niter_base(__first), std::__niter_base(__last), std::__niter_base(__result))); } # 458 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline _OI copy(_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) { ; return (std::__copy_move_a2<__is_move_iterator<_II>::__value> (std::__miter_base(__first), std::__miter_base(__last), __result)); } # 510 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template struct __copy_move_backward { template static _BI2 __copy_move_b(_BI1 __first, _BI1 __last, _BI2 __result) { while (__first != __last) *--__result = *--__last; return __result; } }; # 538 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template<> struct __copy_move_backward { template static _BI2 __copy_move_b(_BI1 __first, _BI1 __last, _BI2 __result) { typename iterator_traits<_BI1>::difference_type __n; for (__n = __last - __first; __n > 0; --__n) *--__result = *--__last; return __result; } }; # 568 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template struct __copy_move_backward<_IsMove, true, random_access_iterator_tag> { template static _Tp* __copy_move_b(const _Tp* __first, const _Tp* __last, _Tp* __result) { const ptrdiff_t _Num = __last - __first; if (_Num) __builtin_memmove(__result - _Num, __first, sizeof(_Tp) * _Num); return __result - _Num; } }; template inline _BI2 __copy_move_backward_a(_BI1 __first, _BI1 __last, _BI2 __result) { typedef typename iterator_traits<_BI1>::value_type _ValueType1; typedef typename iterator_traits<_BI2>::value_type _ValueType2; typedef typename iterator_traits<_BI1>::iterator_category _Category; const bool __simple = (__is_trivial(_ValueType1) && __is_pointer<_BI1>::__value && __is_pointer<_BI2>::__value && __are_same<_ValueType1, _ValueType2>::__value); return std::__copy_move_backward<_IsMove, __simple, _Category>::__copy_move_b(__first, __last, __result); } template inline _BI2 __copy_move_backward_a2(_BI1 __first, _BI1 __last, _BI2 __result) { return _BI2(std::__copy_move_backward_a<_IsMove> (std::__niter_base(__first), std::__niter_base(__last), std::__niter_base(__result))); } # 632 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline _BI2 copy_backward(_BI1 __first, _BI1 __last, _BI2 __result) { ; return (std::__copy_move_backward_a2<__is_move_iterator<_BI1>::__value> (std::__miter_base(__first), std::__miter_base(__last), __result)); } # 690 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if::__value, void>::__type __fill_a(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value) { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) *__first = __value; } template inline typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_scalar<_Tp>::__value, void>::__type __fill_a(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value) { const _Tp __tmp = __value; for (; __first != __last; ++__first) *__first = __tmp; } template inline typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_byte<_Tp>::__value, void>::__type __fill_a(_Tp* __first, _Tp* __last, const _Tp& __c) { const _Tp __tmp = __c; __builtin_memset(__first, static_cast(__tmp), __last - __first); } # 734 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline void fill(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value) { ; std::__fill_a(std::__niter_base(__first), std::__niter_base(__last), __value); } template inline typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if::__value, _OutputIterator>::__type __fill_n_a(_OutputIterator __first, _Size __n, const _Tp& __value) { for (__decltype(__n + 0) __niter = __n; __niter > 0; --__niter, ++__first) *__first = __value; return __first; } template inline typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_scalar<_Tp>::__value, _OutputIterator>::__type __fill_n_a(_OutputIterator __first, _Size __n, const _Tp& __value) { const _Tp __tmp = __value; for (__decltype(__n + 0) __niter = __n; __niter > 0; --__niter, ++__first) *__first = __tmp; return __first; } template inline typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_byte<_Tp>::__value, _Tp*>::__type __fill_n_a(_Tp* __first, _Size __n, const _Tp& __c) { std::__fill_a(__first, __first + __n, __c); return __first + __n; } # 794 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline _OI fill_n(_OI __first, _Size __n, const _Tp& __value) { return _OI(std::__fill_n_a(std::__niter_base(__first), __n, __value)); } template struct __equal { template static bool equal(_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2) { for (; __first1 != __last1; ++__first1, ++__first2) if (!(*__first1 == *__first2)) return false; return true; } }; template<> struct __equal { template static bool equal(const _Tp* __first1, const _Tp* __last1, const _Tp* __first2) { return !__builtin_memcmp(__first1, __first2, sizeof(_Tp) * (__last1 - __first1)); } }; template inline bool __equal_aux(_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2) { typedef typename iterator_traits<_II1>::value_type _ValueType1; typedef typename iterator_traits<_II2>::value_type _ValueType2; const bool __simple = ((__is_integer<_ValueType1>::__value || __is_pointer<_ValueType1>::__value) && __is_pointer<_II1>::__value && __is_pointer<_II2>::__value && __are_same<_ValueType1, _ValueType2>::__value); return std::__equal<__simple>::equal(__first1, __last1, __first2); } template struct __lc_rai { template static _II1 __newlast1(_II1, _II1 __last1, _II2, _II2) { return __last1; } template static bool __cnd2(_II __first, _II __last) { return __first != __last; } }; template<> struct __lc_rai { template static _RAI1 __newlast1(_RAI1 __first1, _RAI1 __last1, _RAI2 __first2, _RAI2 __last2) { const typename iterator_traits<_RAI1>::difference_type __diff1 = __last1 - __first1; const typename iterator_traits<_RAI2>::difference_type __diff2 = __last2 - __first2; return __diff2 < __diff1 ? __first1 + __diff2 : __last1; } template static bool __cnd2(_RAI, _RAI) { return true; } }; template bool __lexicographical_compare_impl(_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2, _Compare __comp) { typedef typename iterator_traits<_II1>::iterator_category _Category1; typedef typename iterator_traits<_II2>::iterator_category _Category2; typedef std::__lc_rai<_Category1, _Category2> __rai_type; __last1 = __rai_type::__newlast1(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2); for (; __first1 != __last1 && __rai_type::__cnd2(__first2, __last2); ++__first1, ++__first2) { if (__comp(__first1, __first2)) return true; if (__comp(__first2, __first1)) return false; } return __first1 == __last1 && __first2 != __last2; } template struct __lexicographical_compare { template static bool __lc(_II1, _II1, _II2, _II2); }; template template bool __lexicographical_compare<_BoolType>:: __lc(_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2) { return std::__lexicographical_compare_impl(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __gnu_cxx::__ops::__iter_less_iter()); } template<> struct __lexicographical_compare { template static bool __lc(const _Tp* __first1, const _Tp* __last1, const _Up* __first2, const _Up* __last2) { const size_t __len1 = __last1 - __first1; const size_t __len2 = __last2 - __first2; const int __result = __builtin_memcmp(__first1, __first2, std::min(__len1, __len2)); return __result != 0 ? __result < 0 : __len1 < __len2; } }; template inline bool __lexicographical_compare_aux(_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2) { typedef typename iterator_traits<_II1>::value_type _ValueType1; typedef typename iterator_traits<_II2>::value_type _ValueType2; const bool __simple = (__is_byte<_ValueType1>::__value && __is_byte<_ValueType2>::__value && !__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<_ValueType1>::__is_signed && !__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<_ValueType2>::__is_signed && __is_pointer<_II1>::__value && __is_pointer<_II2>::__value); return std::__lexicographical_compare<__simple>::__lc(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2); } template _ForwardIterator __lower_bound(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __val, _Compare __comp) { typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type _DistanceType; _DistanceType __len = std::distance(__first, __last); while (__len > 0) { _DistanceType __half = __len >> 1; _ForwardIterator __middle = __first; std::advance(__middle, __half); if (__comp(__middle, __val)) { __first = __middle; ++__first; __len = __len - __half - 1; } else __len = __half; } return __first; } # 992 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline _ForwardIterator lower_bound(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __val) { ; return std::__lower_bound(__first, __last, __val, __gnu_cxx::__ops::__iter_less_val()); } inline int __lg(int __n) { return sizeof(int) * 8 - 1 - __builtin_clz(__n); } inline unsigned __lg(unsigned __n) { return sizeof(int) * 8 - 1 - __builtin_clz(__n); } inline long __lg(long __n) { return sizeof(long) * 8 - 1 - __builtin_clzl(__n); } inline unsigned long __lg(unsigned long __n) { return sizeof(long) * 8 - 1 - __builtin_clzl(__n); } inline long long __lg(long long __n) { return sizeof(long long) * 8 - 1 - __builtin_clzll(__n); } inline unsigned long long __lg(unsigned long long __n) { return sizeof(long long) * 8 - 1 - __builtin_clzll(__n); } # 1049 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline bool equal(_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2) { ; return std::__equal_aux(std::__niter_base(__first1), std::__niter_base(__last1), std::__niter_base(__first2)); } # 1081 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline bool equal(_IIter1 __first1, _IIter1 __last1, _IIter2 __first2, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) { ; for (; __first1 != __last1; ++__first1, ++__first2) if (!bool(__binary_pred(*__first1, *__first2))) return false; return true; } # 1209 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline bool lexicographical_compare(_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2) { ; ; return std::__lexicographical_compare_aux(std::__niter_base(__first1), std::__niter_base(__last1), std::__niter_base(__first2), std::__niter_base(__last2)); } # 1245 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline bool lexicographical_compare(_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2, _Compare __comp) { ; ; return std::__lexicographical_compare_impl (__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __gnu_cxx::__ops::__iter_comp_iter(__comp)); } template pair<_InputIterator1, _InputIterator2> __mismatch(_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) { while (__first1 != __last1 && __binary_pred(__first1, __first2)) { ++__first1; ++__first2; } return pair<_InputIterator1, _InputIterator2>(__first1, __first2); } # 1288 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline pair<_InputIterator1, _InputIterator2> mismatch(_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2) { ; return std::__mismatch(__first1, __last1, __first2, __gnu_cxx::__ops::__iter_equal_to_iter()); } # 1321 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 template inline pair<_InputIterator1, _InputIterator2> mismatch(_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) { ; return std::__mismatch(__first1, __last1, __first2, __gnu_cxx::__ops::__iter_comp_iter(__binary_pred)); } # 1421 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h" 3 } # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/char_traits.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwchar" 1 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwchar" 3 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwchar" 3 # 42 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/char_traits.h" 2 3 namespace __gnu_cxx { # 57 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/char_traits.h" 3 template struct _Char_types { typedef unsigned long int_type; typedef std::streampos pos_type; typedef std::streamoff off_type; typedef std::mbstate_t state_type; }; # 82 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/char_traits.h" 3 template struct char_traits { typedef _CharT char_type; typedef typename _Char_types<_CharT>::int_type int_type; typedef typename _Char_types<_CharT>::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename _Char_types<_CharT>::off_type off_type; typedef typename _Char_types<_CharT>::state_type state_type; static void assign(char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) { __c1 = __c2; } static bool eq(const char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) { return __c1 == __c2; } static bool lt(const char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) { return __c1 < __c2; } static int compare(const char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, std::size_t __n); static std::size_t length(const char_type* __s); static const char_type* find(const char_type* __s, std::size_t __n, const char_type& __a); static char_type* move(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, std::size_t __n); static char_type* copy(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, std::size_t __n); static char_type* assign(char_type* __s, std::size_t __n, char_type __a); static char_type to_char_type(const int_type& __c) { return static_cast(__c); } static int_type to_int_type(const char_type& __c) { return static_cast(__c); } static bool eq_int_type(const int_type& __c1, const int_type& __c2) { return __c1 == __c2; } static int_type eof() { return static_cast(-1); } static int_type not_eof(const int_type& __c) { return !eq_int_type(__c, eof()) ? __c : to_int_type(char_type()); } }; template int char_traits<_CharT>:: compare(const char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, std::size_t __n) { for (std::size_t __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i) if (lt(__s1[__i], __s2[__i])) return -1; else if (lt(__s2[__i], __s1[__i])) return 1; return 0; } template std::size_t char_traits<_CharT>:: length(const char_type* __p) { std::size_t __i = 0; while (!eq(__p[__i], char_type())) ++__i; return __i; } template const typename char_traits<_CharT>::char_type* char_traits<_CharT>:: find(const char_type* __s, std::size_t __n, const char_type& __a) { for (std::size_t __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i) if (eq(__s[__i], __a)) return __s + __i; return 0; } template typename char_traits<_CharT>::char_type* char_traits<_CharT>:: move(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, std::size_t __n) { return static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_memmove(__s1, __s2, __n * sizeof(char_type))); } template typename char_traits<_CharT>::char_type* char_traits<_CharT>:: copy(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, std::size_t __n) { std::copy(__s2, __s2 + __n, __s1); return __s1; } template typename char_traits<_CharT>::char_type* char_traits<_CharT>:: assign(char_type* __s, std::size_t __n, char_type __a) { std::fill_n(__s, __n, __a); return __s; } } namespace std { # 226 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/char_traits.h" 3 template struct char_traits : public __gnu_cxx::char_traits<_CharT> { }; template<> struct char_traits { typedef char char_type; typedef int int_type; typedef streampos pos_type; typedef streamoff off_type; typedef mbstate_t state_type; static void assign(char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) { __c1 = __c2; } static bool eq(const char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) { return __c1 == __c2; } static bool lt(const char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) { return (static_cast(__c1) < static_cast(__c2)); } static int compare(const char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n) { return __builtin_memcmp(__s1, __s2, __n); } static size_t length(const char_type* __s) { return __builtin_strlen(__s); } static const char_type* find(const char_type* __s, size_t __n, const char_type& __a) { return static_cast(__builtin_memchr(__s, __a, __n)); } static char_type* move(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n) { return static_cast(__builtin_memmove(__s1, __s2, __n)); } static char_type* copy(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n) { return static_cast(__builtin_memcpy(__s1, __s2, __n)); } static char_type* assign(char_type* __s, size_t __n, char_type __a) { return static_cast(__builtin_memset(__s, __a, __n)); } static char_type to_char_type(const int_type& __c) { return static_cast(__c); } static int_type to_int_type(const char_type& __c) { return static_cast(static_cast(__c)); } static bool eq_int_type(const int_type& __c1, const int_type& __c2) { return __c1 == __c2; } static int_type eof() { return static_cast(-1); } static int_type not_eof(const int_type& __c) { return (__c == eof()) ? 0 : __c; } }; template<> struct char_traits { typedef wchar_t char_type; typedef wint_t int_type; typedef streamoff off_type; typedef wstreampos pos_type; typedef mbstate_t state_type; static void assign(char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) { __c1 = __c2; } static bool eq(const char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) { return __c1 == __c2; } static bool lt(const char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) { return __c1 < __c2; } static int compare(const char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n) { return wmemcmp(__s1, __s2, __n); } static size_t length(const char_type* __s) { return wcslen(__s); } static const char_type* find(const char_type* __s, size_t __n, const char_type& __a) { return wmemchr(__s, __a, __n); } static char_type* move(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n) { return wmemmove(__s1, __s2, __n); } static char_type* copy(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n) { return wmemcpy(__s1, __s2, __n); } static char_type* assign(char_type* __s, size_t __n, char_type __a) { return wmemset(__s, __a, __n); } static char_type to_char_type(const int_type& __c) { return char_type(__c); } static int_type to_int_type(const char_type& __c) { return int_type(__c); } static bool eq_int_type(const int_type& __c1, const int_type& __c2) { return __c1 == __c2; } static int_type eof() { return static_cast((wchar_t)(0xFFFF)); } static int_type not_eof(const int_type& __c) { return eq_int_type(__c, eof()) ? 0 : __c; } }; } # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ios" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/localefwd.h" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/localefwd.h" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/localefwd.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++locale.h" 1 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++locale.h" 3 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++locale.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/clocale" 1 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/clocale" 3 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/clocale" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/locale.h" 1 3 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/locale.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/locale.h" 2 3 struct lconv { char* decimal_point; char* thousands_sep; char* grouping; char* int_curr_symbol; char* currency_symbol; char* mon_decimal_point; char* mon_thousands_sep; char* mon_grouping; char* positive_sign; char* negative_sign; char int_frac_digits; char frac_digits; char p_cs_precedes; char p_sep_by_space; char n_cs_precedes; char n_sep_by_space; char p_sign_posn; char n_sign_posn; }; extern "C" { char* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) setlocale (int, const char*); struct lconv* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) localeconv (void); # 82 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/locale.h" 3 } # 43 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/clocale" 2 3 # 51 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/clocale" 3 namespace std { using ::lconv; using ::setlocale; using ::localeconv; } # 42 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++locale.h" 2 3 namespace std { typedef int* __c_locale; inline int __convert_from_v(const __c_locale&, char* __out, const int __size __attribute__((__unused__)), const char* __fmt, ...) { char* __old = std::setlocale(4, 0); char* __sav = 0; if (__builtin_strcmp(__old, "C")) { const size_t __len = __builtin_strlen(__old) + 1; __sav = new char[__len]; __builtin_memcpy(__sav, __old, __len); std::setlocale(4, "C"); } __builtin_va_list __args; __builtin_va_start(__args, __fmt); const int __ret = __builtin_vsnprintf(__out, __size, __fmt, __args); __builtin_va_end(__args); if (__sav) { std::setlocale(4, __sav); delete [] __sav; } return __ret; } } # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/localefwd.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cctype" 1 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cctype" 3 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cctype" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/ctype.h" 1 3 # 20 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/ctype.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 21 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/ctype.h" 2 3 # 45 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/ctype.h" 3 extern "C" { int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isalnum(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isalpha(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iscntrl(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isdigit(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isgraph(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) islower(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isprint(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) ispunct(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isspace(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isupper(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isxdigit(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isblank (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _isctype (int, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) tolower(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) toupper(int); # 83 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/ctype.h" 3 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _tolower(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _toupper(int); extern __attribute__ ((__dllimport__)) int __mb_cur_max; # 112 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/ctype.h" 3 extern __attribute__ ((__dllimport__)) unsigned short _ctype[]; extern __attribute__ ((__dllimport__)) unsigned short* _pctype; # 192 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/ctype.h" 3 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswalnum(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswalpha(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswascii(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswcntrl(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswctype(wint_t, wctype_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) is_wctype(wint_t, wctype_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswdigit(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswgraph(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswlower(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswprint(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswpunct(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswspace(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswupper(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswxdigit(wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iswblank (wint_t); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) towlower (wint_t); wint_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) towupper (wint_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isleadbyte (int); # 246 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/ctype.h" 3 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) __isascii (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) __toascii (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) __iscsymf (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) __iscsym (int); # 260 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/ctype.h" 3 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) isascii (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) toascii (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iscsymf (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) iscsym (int); } # 43 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cctype" 2 3 # 62 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cctype" 3 namespace std { using ::isalnum; using ::isalpha; using ::iscntrl; using ::isdigit; using ::isgraph; using ::islower; using ::isprint; using ::ispunct; using ::isspace; using ::isupper; using ::isxdigit; using ::tolower; using ::toupper; } # 43 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/localefwd.h" 2 3 namespace std { # 55 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/localefwd.h" 3 class locale; template bool has_facet(const locale&) throw(); template const _Facet& use_facet(const locale&); template bool isspace(_CharT, const locale&); template bool isprint(_CharT, const locale&); template bool iscntrl(_CharT, const locale&); template bool isupper(_CharT, const locale&); template bool islower(_CharT, const locale&); template bool isalpha(_CharT, const locale&); template bool isdigit(_CharT, const locale&); template bool ispunct(_CharT, const locale&); template bool isxdigit(_CharT, const locale&); template bool isalnum(_CharT, const locale&); template bool isgraph(_CharT, const locale&); template _CharT toupper(_CharT, const locale&); template _CharT tolower(_CharT, const locale&); class ctype_base; template class ctype; template<> class ctype; template<> class ctype; template class ctype_byname; class codecvt_base; template class codecvt; template<> class codecvt; template<> class codecvt; template class codecvt_byname; template > class num_get; template > class num_put; namespace __cxx11 { template class numpunct; template class numpunct_byname; } namespace __cxx11 { template class collate; template class collate_byname; } class time_base; namespace __cxx11 { template > class time_get; template > class time_get_byname; } template > class time_put; template > class time_put_byname; class money_base; namespace __cxx11 { template > class money_get; template > class money_put; } namespace __cxx11 { template class moneypunct; template class moneypunct_byname; } class messages_base; namespace __cxx11 { template class messages; template class messages_byname; } } # 42 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ios" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/atomicity.h" 1 3 # 32 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/atomicity.h" 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/atomicity.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr.h" 1 3 # 30 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr.h" 3 #pragma GCC visibility push(default) # 148 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr-default.h" 1 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr-default.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 1 3 # 62 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 63 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/errno.h" 1 3 # 80 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/errno.h" 3 extern "C" { # 91 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/errno.h" 3 int* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _errno(void); } # 64 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/process.h" 1 3 # 54 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/process.h" 3 extern "C" { void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _cexit(void); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _c_exit(void); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _cwait (int*, _pid_t, int); _pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _getpid(void); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _execl (const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _execle (const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _execlp (const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _execlpe (const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _execv (const char*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _execve (const char*, const char* const*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _execvp (const char*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _execvpe (const char*, const char* const*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _spawnl (int, const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _spawnle (int, const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _spawnlp (int, const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _spawnlpe (int, const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _spawnv (int, const char*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _spawnve (int, const char*, const char* const*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _spawnvp (int, const char*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _spawnvpe (int, const char*, const char* const*, const char* const*); # 94 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/process.h" 3 unsigned long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _beginthread (void (*)(void *), unsigned, void*); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _endthread (void); unsigned long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _beginthreadex (void *, unsigned, unsigned (__attribute__((__stdcall__)) *) (void *), void*, unsigned, unsigned*); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _endthreadex (unsigned); # 111 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/process.h" 3 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) cwait (int*, pid_t, int); pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) getpid (void); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) execl (const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) execle (const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) execlp (const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) execlpe (const char*, const char*,...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) execv (const char*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) execve (const char*, const char* const*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) execvp (const char*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) execvpe (const char*, const char* const*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) spawnl (int, const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) spawnle (int, const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) spawnlp (int, const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) spawnlpe (int, const char*, const char*, ...); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) spawnv (int, const char*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) spawnve (int, const char*, const char* const*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) spawnvp (int, const char*, const char* const*); intptr_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) spawnvpe (int, const char*, const char* const*, const char* const*); } # 67 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/limits.h" 1 3 # 68 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/signal.h" 1 3 # 46 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/signal.h" 3 typedef int sig_atomic_t; # 60 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/signal.h" 3 typedef void (*__p_sig_fn_t)(int); # 75 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/signal.h" 3 extern "C" { # 84 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/signal.h" 3 __p_sig_fn_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) signal(int, __p_sig_fn_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) raise (int); } # 69 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/sys/timeb.h" 1 3 # 23 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/sys/timeb.h" 3 struct _timeb { time_t time; short millitm; short timezone; short dstflag; }; # 48 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/sys/timeb.h" 3 struct timeb { time_t time; short millitm; short timezone; short dstflag; }; extern "C" { void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) _ftime (struct _timeb*); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) ftime (struct timeb*); # 92 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/sys/timeb.h" 3 } # 71 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread_compat.h" 1 3 # 73 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 2 3 extern "C" { # 160 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 3 void * pthread_timechange_handler_np(void * dummy); int pthread_num_processors_np(void); int pthread_set_num_processors_np(int n); # 180 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 3 typedef long pthread_once_t; typedef unsigned pthread_mutexattr_t; typedef unsigned pthread_key_t; typedef void *pthread_barrierattr_t; typedef int pthread_condattr_t; typedef int pthread_rwlockattr_t; # 196 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 3 typedef uintptr_t pthread_t; typedef struct _pthread_cleanup _pthread_cleanup; struct _pthread_cleanup { void (*func)(void *); void *arg; _pthread_cleanup *next; }; # 220 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 3 struct timespec { time_t tv_sec; long tv_nsec; }; struct itimerspec { struct timespec it_interval; struct timespec it_value; }; # 239 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 3 struct sched_param { int sched_priority; }; int sched_yield(void); int sched_get_priority_min(int pol); int sched_get_priority_max(int pol); int sched_getscheduler(pid_t pid); int sched_setscheduler(pid_t pid, int pol, const struct sched_param *param); typedef struct pthread_attr_t pthread_attr_t; struct pthread_attr_t { unsigned p_state; void *stack; size_t s_size; struct sched_param param; }; int pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t *attr, const struct sched_param *param); int pthread_attr_getschedparam(const pthread_attr_t *attr, struct sched_param *param); int pthread_getschedparam(pthread_t thread, int *pol, struct sched_param *param); int pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t thread, int pol, const struct sched_param *param); int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (pthread_attr_t *attr, int pol); int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy (pthread_attr_t *attr, int *pol); typedef void *pthread_spinlock_t; typedef void *pthread_mutex_t; typedef void *pthread_cond_t; typedef void *pthread_rwlock_t; typedef void *pthread_barrier_t; # 291 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 3 extern void (**_pthread_key_dest)(void *); int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (* dest)(void *)); int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key); void * pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key); int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, const void *value); pthread_t pthread_self(void); int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *o, void (*func)(void)); void pthread_testcancel(void); int pthread_equal(pthread_t t1, pthread_t t2); void pthread_tls_init(void); void _pthread_cleanup_dest(pthread_t t); int pthread_get_concurrency(int *val); int pthread_set_concurrency(int val); void pthread_exit(void *res); void _pthread_invoke_cancel(void); int pthread_cancel(pthread_t t); int pthread_kill(pthread_t t, int sig); unsigned _pthread_get_state(const pthread_attr_t *attr, unsigned flag); int _pthread_set_state(pthread_attr_t *attr, unsigned flag, unsigned val); int pthread_setcancelstate(int state, int *oldstate); int pthread_setcanceltype(int type, int *oldtype); int pthread_create_wrapper(void *args); int pthread_create(pthread_t *th, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(* func)(void *), void *arg); int pthread_join(pthread_t t, void **res); int pthread_detach(pthread_t t); int pthread_rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock_, const pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr); int pthread_rwlock_wrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *l); int pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, const struct timespec *ts); int pthread_rwlock_rdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *l); int pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *l, const struct timespec *ts); int pthread_rwlock_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t *l); int pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *l); int pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *l); int pthread_rwlock_destroy (pthread_rwlock_t *l); int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cv, const pthread_condattr_t *a); int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cv); int pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t *cv); int pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t *cv); int pthread_cond_wait (pthread_cond_t *cv, pthread_mutex_t *external_mutex); int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cv, pthread_mutex_t *external_mutex, const struct timespec *t); int pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np(pthread_cond_t *cv, pthread_mutex_t *external_mutex, const struct timespec *t); int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *m); int pthread_mutex_timedlock(pthread_mutex_t *m, const struct timespec *ts); int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *m); int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *m); int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *m, const pthread_mutexattr_t *a); int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *m); int pthread_barrier_destroy(pthread_barrier_t *b); int pthread_barrier_init(pthread_barrier_t *b, const void *attr, unsigned int count); int pthread_barrier_wait(pthread_barrier_t *b); int pthread_spin_init(pthread_spinlock_t *l, int pshared); int pthread_spin_destroy(pthread_spinlock_t *l); int pthread_spin_lock(pthread_spinlock_t *l); int pthread_spin_trylock(pthread_spinlock_t *l); int pthread_spin_unlock(pthread_spinlock_t *l); int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *attr); int pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *attr); int pthread_attr_setdetachstate(pthread_attr_t *a, int flag); int pthread_attr_getdetachstate(const pthread_attr_t *a, int *flag); int pthread_attr_setinheritsched(pthread_attr_t *a, int flag); int pthread_attr_getinheritsched(const pthread_attr_t *a, int *flag); int pthread_attr_setscope(pthread_attr_t *a, int flag); int pthread_attr_getscope(const pthread_attr_t *a, int *flag); int pthread_attr_getstackaddr(pthread_attr_t *attr, void **stack); int pthread_attr_setstackaddr(pthread_attr_t *attr, void *stack); int pthread_attr_getstacksize(const pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t *size); int pthread_attr_setstacksize(pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t size); int pthread_mutexattr_init(pthread_mutexattr_t *a); int pthread_mutexattr_destroy(pthread_mutexattr_t *a); int pthread_mutexattr_gettype(const pthread_mutexattr_t *a, int *type); int pthread_mutexattr_settype(pthread_mutexattr_t *a, int type); int pthread_mutexattr_getpshared(const pthread_mutexattr_t *a, int *type); int pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(pthread_mutexattr_t * a, int type); int pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol(const pthread_mutexattr_t *a, int *type); int pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol(pthread_mutexattr_t *a, int type); int pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling(const pthread_mutexattr_t *a, int * prio); int pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling(pthread_mutexattr_t *a, int prio); int pthread_getconcurrency(void); int pthread_setconcurrency(int new_level); int pthread_condattr_destroy(pthread_condattr_t *a); int pthread_condattr_init(pthread_condattr_t *a); int pthread_condattr_getpshared(const pthread_condattr_t *a, int *s); int pthread_condattr_setpshared(pthread_condattr_t *a, int s); typedef int clockid_t; int pthread_condattr_getclock (const pthread_condattr_t *attr, clockid_t *clock_id); int pthread_condattr_setclock(pthread_condattr_t *attr, clockid_t clock_id); int __pthread_clock_nanosleep(clockid_t clock_id, int flags, const struct timespec *rqtp, struct timespec *rmtp); int pthread_barrierattr_init(void **attr); int pthread_barrierattr_destroy(void **attr); int pthread_barrierattr_setpshared(void **attr, int s); int pthread_barrierattr_getpshared(void **attr, int *s); struct _pthread_cleanup ** pthread_getclean (void); void * pthread_gethandle (pthread_t t); void * pthread_getevent (); unsigned long long _pthread_rel_time_in_ms(const struct timespec *ts); unsigned long long _pthread_time_in_ms(void); unsigned long long _pthread_time_in_ms_from_timespec(const struct timespec *ts); int _pthread_tryjoin (pthread_t t, void **res); int pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(pthread_rwlockattr_t *a); int pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(pthread_rwlockattr_t *a, int *s); int pthread_rwlockattr_init(pthread_rwlockattr_t *a); int pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(pthread_rwlockattr_t *a, int s); # 425 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread_unistd.h" 1 3 # 426 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 2 3 # 686 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/include/pthread.h" 3 } # 35 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr-default.h" 2 3 # 49 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr-default.h" 3 typedef pthread_t __gthread_t; typedef pthread_key_t __gthread_key_t; typedef pthread_once_t __gthread_once_t; typedef pthread_mutex_t __gthread_mutex_t; typedef pthread_mutex_t __gthread_recursive_mutex_t; typedef pthread_cond_t __gthread_cond_t; typedef struct timespec __gthread_time_t; # 103 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr-default.h" 3 # 300 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr-default.h" 3 static inline int __gthread_active_p (void) { return 1; } # 660 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr-default.h" 3 static inline int __gthread_create (__gthread_t *__threadid, void *(*__func) (void*), void *__args) { return pthread_create (__threadid, __null, __func, __args); } static inline int __gthread_join (__gthread_t __threadid, void **__value_ptr) { return pthread_join (__threadid, __value_ptr); } static inline int __gthread_detach (__gthread_t __threadid) { return pthread_detach (__threadid); } static inline int __gthread_equal (__gthread_t __t1, __gthread_t __t2) { return pthread_equal (__t1, __t2); } static inline __gthread_t __gthread_self (void) { return pthread_self (); } static inline int __gthread_yield (void) { return sched_yield (); } static inline int __gthread_once (__gthread_once_t *__once, void (*__func) (void)) { if (__gthread_active_p ()) return pthread_once (__once, __func); else return -1; } static inline int __gthread_key_create (__gthread_key_t *__key, void (*__dtor) (void *)) { return pthread_key_create (__key, __dtor); } static inline int __gthread_key_delete (__gthread_key_t __key) { return pthread_key_delete (__key); } static inline void * __gthread_getspecific (__gthread_key_t __key) { return pthread_getspecific (__key); } static inline int __gthread_setspecific (__gthread_key_t __key, const void *__ptr) { return pthread_setspecific (__key, __ptr); } static inline void __gthread_mutex_init_function (__gthread_mutex_t *__mutex) { if (__gthread_active_p ()) pthread_mutex_init (__mutex, __null); } static inline int __gthread_mutex_destroy (__gthread_mutex_t *__mutex) { if (__gthread_active_p ()) return pthread_mutex_destroy (__mutex); else return 0; } static inline int __gthread_mutex_lock (__gthread_mutex_t *__mutex) { if (__gthread_active_p ()) return pthread_mutex_lock (__mutex); else return 0; } static inline int __gthread_mutex_trylock (__gthread_mutex_t *__mutex) { if (__gthread_active_p ()) return pthread_mutex_trylock (__mutex); else return 0; } # 776 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr-default.h" 3 static inline int __gthread_mutex_unlock (__gthread_mutex_t *__mutex) { if (__gthread_active_p ()) return pthread_mutex_unlock (__mutex); else return 0; } static inline int __gthread_recursive_mutex_init_function (__gthread_recursive_mutex_t *__mutex) { if (__gthread_active_p ()) { pthread_mutexattr_t __attr; int __r; __r = pthread_mutexattr_init (&__attr); if (!__r) __r = pthread_mutexattr_settype (&__attr, 2); if (!__r) __r = pthread_mutex_init (__mutex, &__attr); if (!__r) __r = pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&__attr); return __r; } return 0; } static inline int __gthread_recursive_mutex_lock (__gthread_recursive_mutex_t *__mutex) { return __gthread_mutex_lock (__mutex); } static inline int __gthread_recursive_mutex_trylock (__gthread_recursive_mutex_t *__mutex) { return __gthread_mutex_trylock (__mutex); } # 830 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr-default.h" 3 static inline int __gthread_recursive_mutex_unlock (__gthread_recursive_mutex_t *__mutex) { return __gthread_mutex_unlock (__mutex); } static inline int __gthread_recursive_mutex_destroy (__gthread_recursive_mutex_t *__mutex) { return __gthread_mutex_destroy (__mutex); } # 851 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr-default.h" 3 static inline int __gthread_cond_broadcast (__gthread_cond_t *__cond) { return pthread_cond_broadcast (__cond); } static inline int __gthread_cond_signal (__gthread_cond_t *__cond) { return pthread_cond_signal (__cond); } static inline int __gthread_cond_wait (__gthread_cond_t *__cond, __gthread_mutex_t *__mutex) { return pthread_cond_wait (__cond, __mutex); } static inline int __gthread_cond_timedwait (__gthread_cond_t *__cond, __gthread_mutex_t *__mutex, const __gthread_time_t *__abs_timeout) { return pthread_cond_timedwait (__cond, __mutex, __abs_timeout); } static inline int __gthread_cond_wait_recursive (__gthread_cond_t *__cond, __gthread_recursive_mutex_t *__mutex) { return __gthread_cond_wait (__cond, __mutex); } static inline int __gthread_cond_destroy (__gthread_cond_t* __cond) { return pthread_cond_destroy (__cond); } # 149 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/gthr.h" 2 3 #pragma GCC visibility pop # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/atomicity.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/atomic_word.h" 1 3 # 32 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/atomic_word.h" 3 typedef int _Atomic_word; # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/atomicity.h" 2 3 namespace __gnu_cxx { static inline _Atomic_word __exchange_and_add(volatile _Atomic_word* __mem, int __val) { return __atomic_fetch_add(__mem, __val, 4); } static inline void __atomic_add(volatile _Atomic_word* __mem, int __val) { __atomic_fetch_add(__mem, __val, 4); } # 64 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/atomicity.h" 3 static inline _Atomic_word __exchange_and_add_single(_Atomic_word* __mem, int __val) { _Atomic_word __result = *__mem; *__mem += __val; return __result; } static inline void __atomic_add_single(_Atomic_word* __mem, int __val) { *__mem += __val; } static inline _Atomic_word __attribute__ ((__unused__)) __exchange_and_add_dispatch(_Atomic_word* __mem, int __val) { if (__gthread_active_p()) return __exchange_and_add(__mem, __val); else return __exchange_and_add_single(__mem, __val); } static inline void __attribute__ ((__unused__)) __atomic_add_dispatch(_Atomic_word* __mem, int __val) { if (__gthread_active_p()) __atomic_add(__mem, __val); else __atomic_add_single(__mem, __val); } } # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/string" 1 3 # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/string" 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/string" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/allocator.h" 1 3 # 46 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/allocator.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++allocator.h" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++allocator.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/new_allocator.h" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/new_allocator.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/new" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/new" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/new" 3 #pragma GCC visibility push(default) extern "C++" { namespace std { class bad_alloc : public exception { public: bad_alloc() throw() { } virtual ~bad_alloc() throw(); virtual const char* what() const throw(); }; # 82 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/new" 3 struct nothrow_t { }; extern const nothrow_t nothrow; typedef void (*new_handler)(); new_handler set_new_handler(new_handler) throw(); } # 111 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/new" 3 void* operator new(std::size_t) throw(std::bad_alloc) __attribute__((__externally_visible__)); void* operator new[](std::size_t) throw(std::bad_alloc) __attribute__((__externally_visible__)); void operator delete(void*) throw() __attribute__((__externally_visible__)); void operator delete[](void*) throw() __attribute__((__externally_visible__)); void* operator new(std::size_t, const std::nothrow_t&) throw() __attribute__((__externally_visible__)); void* operator new[](std::size_t, const std::nothrow_t&) throw() __attribute__((__externally_visible__)); void operator delete(void*, const std::nothrow_t&) throw() __attribute__((__externally_visible__)); void operator delete[](void*, const std::nothrow_t&) throw() __attribute__((__externally_visible__)); inline void* operator new(std::size_t, void* __p) throw() { return __p; } inline void* operator new[](std::size_t, void* __p) throw() { return __p; } inline void operator delete (void*, void*) throw() { } inline void operator delete[](void*, void*) throw() { } } #pragma GCC visibility pop # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/new_allocator.h" 2 3 namespace __gnu_cxx { using std::size_t; using std::ptrdiff_t; # 57 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/new_allocator.h" 3 template class new_allocator { public: typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef _Tp* pointer; typedef const _Tp* const_pointer; typedef _Tp& reference; typedef const _Tp& const_reference; typedef _Tp value_type; template struct rebind { typedef new_allocator<_Tp1> other; }; new_allocator() throw() { } new_allocator(const new_allocator&) throw() { } template new_allocator(const new_allocator<_Tp1>&) throw() { } ~new_allocator() throw() { } pointer address(reference __x) const { return std::__addressof(__x); } const_pointer address(const_reference __x) const { return std::__addressof(__x); } pointer allocate(size_type __n, const void* = 0) { if (__n > this->max_size()) std::__throw_bad_alloc(); return static_cast<_Tp*>(::operator new(__n * sizeof(_Tp))); } void deallocate(pointer __p, size_type) { ::operator delete(__p); } size_type max_size() const throw() { return size_t(-1) / sizeof(_Tp); } # 128 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/new_allocator.h" 3 void construct(pointer __p, const _Tp& __val) { ::new((void *)__p) _Tp(__val); } void destroy(pointer __p) { __p->~_Tp(); } }; template inline bool operator==(const new_allocator<_Tp>&, const new_allocator<_Tp>&) { return true; } template inline bool operator!=(const new_allocator<_Tp>&, const new_allocator<_Tp>&) { return false; } } # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/c++allocator.h" 2 3 # 47 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/allocator.h" 2 3 namespace std { template<> class allocator { public: typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef void* pointer; typedef const void* const_pointer; typedef void value_type; template struct rebind { typedef allocator<_Tp1> other; }; }; # 91 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/allocator.h" 3 template class allocator: public __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<_Tp> { public: typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef _Tp* pointer; typedef const _Tp* const_pointer; typedef _Tp& reference; typedef const _Tp& const_reference; typedef _Tp value_type; template struct rebind { typedef allocator<_Tp1> other; }; allocator() throw() { } allocator(const allocator& __a) throw() : __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<_Tp>(__a) { } template allocator(const allocator<_Tp1>&) throw() { } ~allocator() throw() { } }; template inline bool operator==(const allocator<_T1>&, const allocator<_T2>&) throw() { return true; } template inline bool operator==(const allocator<_Tp>&, const allocator<_Tp>&) throw() { return true; } template inline bool operator!=(const allocator<_T1>&, const allocator<_T2>&) throw() { return false; } template inline bool operator!=(const allocator<_Tp>&, const allocator<_Tp>&) throw() { return false; } extern template class allocator; extern template class allocator; template struct __alloc_swap { static void _S_do_it(_Alloc&, _Alloc&) { } }; template struct __alloc_swap<_Alloc, false> { static void _S_do_it(_Alloc& __one, _Alloc& __two) { if (__one != __two) swap(__one, __two); } }; template struct __alloc_neq { static bool _S_do_it(const _Alloc&, const _Alloc&) { return false; } }; template struct __alloc_neq<_Alloc, false> { static bool _S_do_it(const _Alloc& __one, const _Alloc& __two) { return __one != __two; } }; # 222 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/allocator.h" 3 } # 42 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/string" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ostream_insert.h" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ostream_insert.h" 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ostream_insert.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/cxxabi_forced.h" 1 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/cxxabi_forced.h" 3 # 35 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/cxxabi_forced.h" 3 #pragma GCC visibility push(default) namespace __cxxabiv1 { class __forced_unwind { virtual ~__forced_unwind() throw(); virtual void __pure_dummy() = 0; }; } #pragma GCC visibility pop # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ostream_insert.h" 2 3 namespace std { template inline void __ostream_write(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, const _CharT* __s, streamsize __n) { typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type; typedef typename __ostream_type::ios_base __ios_base; const streamsize __put = __out.rdbuf()->sputn(__s, __n); if (__put != __n) __out.setstate(__ios_base::badbit); } template inline void __ostream_fill(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, streamsize __n) { typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type; typedef typename __ostream_type::ios_base __ios_base; const _CharT __c = __out.fill(); for (; __n > 0; --__n) { const typename _Traits::int_type __put = __out.rdbuf()->sputc(__c); if (_Traits::eq_int_type(__put, _Traits::eof())) { __out.setstate(__ios_base::badbit); break; } } } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __ostream_insert(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, const _CharT* __s, streamsize __n) { typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type; typedef typename __ostream_type::ios_base __ios_base; typename __ostream_type::sentry __cerb(__out); if (__cerb) { try { const streamsize __w = __out.width(); if (__w > __n) { const bool __left = ((__out.flags() & __ios_base::adjustfield) == __ios_base::left); if (!__left) __ostream_fill(__out, __w - __n); if (__out.good()) __ostream_write(__out, __s, __n); if (__left && __out.good()) __ostream_fill(__out, __w - __n); } else __ostream_write(__out, __s, __n); __out.width(0); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { __out._M_setstate(__ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { __out._M_setstate(__ios_base::badbit); } } return __out; } extern template ostream& __ostream_insert(ostream&, const char*, streamsize); extern template wostream& __ostream_insert(wostream&, const wchar_t*, streamsize); } # 45 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/string" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 1 3 # 63 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 3 namespace std { # 104 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 3 template struct unary_function { typedef _Arg argument_type; typedef _Result result_type; }; template struct binary_function { typedef _Arg1 first_argument_type; typedef _Arg2 second_argument_type; typedef _Result result_type; }; # 166 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 3 template struct plus : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, _Tp> { _Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x + __y; } }; template struct minus : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, _Tp> { _Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x - __y; } }; template struct multiplies : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, _Tp> { _Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x * __y; } }; template struct divides : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, _Tp> { _Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x / __y; } }; template struct modulus : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, _Tp> { _Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x % __y; } }; template struct negate : public unary_function<_Tp, _Tp> { _Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x) const { return -__x; } }; # 351 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 3 template struct equal_to : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool> { bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x == __y; } }; template struct not_equal_to : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool> { bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x != __y; } }; template struct greater : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool> { bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x > __y; } }; template struct less : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool> { bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x < __y; } }; template struct greater_equal : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool> { bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x >= __y; } }; template struct less_equal : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool> { bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x <= __y; } }; # 524 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 3 template struct logical_and : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool> { bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x && __y; } }; template struct logical_or : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool> { bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x || __y; } }; template struct logical_not : public unary_function<_Tp, bool> { bool operator()(const _Tp& __x) const { return !__x; } }; # 617 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 3 template struct bit_and : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, _Tp> { _Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x & __y; } }; template struct bit_or : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, _Tp> { _Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x | __y; } }; template struct bit_xor : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, _Tp> { _Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x ^ __y; } }; template struct bit_not : public unary_function<_Tp, _Tp> { _Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x) const { return ~__x; } }; # 741 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 3 template class unary_negate : public unary_function { protected: _Predicate _M_pred; public: explicit unary_negate(const _Predicate& __x) : _M_pred(__x) { } bool operator()(const typename _Predicate::argument_type& __x) const { return !_M_pred(__x); } }; template inline unary_negate<_Predicate> not1(const _Predicate& __pred) { return unary_negate<_Predicate>(__pred); } template class binary_negate : public binary_function { protected: _Predicate _M_pred; public: explicit binary_negate(const _Predicate& __x) : _M_pred(__x) { } bool operator()(const typename _Predicate::first_argument_type& __x, const typename _Predicate::second_argument_type& __y) const { return !_M_pred(__x, __y); } }; template inline binary_negate<_Predicate> not2(const _Predicate& __pred) { return binary_negate<_Predicate>(__pred); } # 818 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 3 template class pointer_to_unary_function : public unary_function<_Arg, _Result> { protected: _Result (*_M_ptr)(_Arg); public: pointer_to_unary_function() { } explicit pointer_to_unary_function(_Result (*__x)(_Arg)) : _M_ptr(__x) { } _Result operator()(_Arg __x) const { return _M_ptr(__x); } }; template inline pointer_to_unary_function<_Arg, _Result> ptr_fun(_Result (*__x)(_Arg)) { return pointer_to_unary_function<_Arg, _Result>(__x); } template class pointer_to_binary_function : public binary_function<_Arg1, _Arg2, _Result> { protected: _Result (*_M_ptr)(_Arg1, _Arg2); public: pointer_to_binary_function() { } explicit pointer_to_binary_function(_Result (*__x)(_Arg1, _Arg2)) : _M_ptr(__x) { } _Result operator()(_Arg1 __x, _Arg2 __y) const { return _M_ptr(__x, __y); } }; template inline pointer_to_binary_function<_Arg1, _Arg2, _Result> ptr_fun(_Result (*__x)(_Arg1, _Arg2)) { return pointer_to_binary_function<_Arg1, _Arg2, _Result>(__x); } template struct _Identity : public unary_function<_Tp,_Tp> { _Tp& operator()(_Tp& __x) const { return __x; } const _Tp& operator()(const _Tp& __x) const { return __x; } }; template struct _Select1st : public unary_function<_Pair, typename _Pair::first_type> { typename _Pair::first_type& operator()(_Pair& __x) const { return __x.first; } const typename _Pair::first_type& operator()(const _Pair& __x) const { return __x.first; } # 905 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 3 }; template struct _Select2nd : public unary_function<_Pair, typename _Pair::second_type> { typename _Pair::second_type& operator()(_Pair& __x) const { return __x.second; } const typename _Pair::second_type& operator()(const _Pair& __x) const { return __x.second; } }; # 938 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 3 template class mem_fun_t : public unary_function<_Tp*, _Ret> { public: explicit mem_fun_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)()) : _M_f(__pf) { } _Ret operator()(_Tp* __p) const { return (__p->*_M_f)(); } private: _Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)(); }; template class const_mem_fun_t : public unary_function { public: explicit const_mem_fun_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)() const) : _M_f(__pf) { } _Ret operator()(const _Tp* __p) const { return (__p->*_M_f)(); } private: _Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)() const; }; template class mem_fun_ref_t : public unary_function<_Tp, _Ret> { public: explicit mem_fun_ref_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)()) : _M_f(__pf) { } _Ret operator()(_Tp& __r) const { return (__r.*_M_f)(); } private: _Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)(); }; template class const_mem_fun_ref_t : public unary_function<_Tp, _Ret> { public: explicit const_mem_fun_ref_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)() const) : _M_f(__pf) { } _Ret operator()(const _Tp& __r) const { return (__r.*_M_f)(); } private: _Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)() const; }; template class mem_fun1_t : public binary_function<_Tp*, _Arg, _Ret> { public: explicit mem_fun1_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg)) : _M_f(__pf) { } _Ret operator()(_Tp* __p, _Arg __x) const { return (__p->*_M_f)(__x); } private: _Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg); }; template class const_mem_fun1_t : public binary_function { public: explicit const_mem_fun1_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg) const) : _M_f(__pf) { } _Ret operator()(const _Tp* __p, _Arg __x) const { return (__p->*_M_f)(__x); } private: _Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg) const; }; template class mem_fun1_ref_t : public binary_function<_Tp, _Arg, _Ret> { public: explicit mem_fun1_ref_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg)) : _M_f(__pf) { } _Ret operator()(_Tp& __r, _Arg __x) const { return (__r.*_M_f)(__x); } private: _Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg); }; template class const_mem_fun1_ref_t : public binary_function<_Tp, _Arg, _Ret> { public: explicit const_mem_fun1_ref_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg) const) : _M_f(__pf) { } _Ret operator()(const _Tp& __r, _Arg __x) const { return (__r.*_M_f)(__x); } private: _Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg) const; }; template inline mem_fun_t<_Ret, _Tp> mem_fun(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)()) { return mem_fun_t<_Ret, _Tp>(__f); } template inline const_mem_fun_t<_Ret, _Tp> mem_fun(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)() const) { return const_mem_fun_t<_Ret, _Tp>(__f); } template inline mem_fun_ref_t<_Ret, _Tp> mem_fun_ref(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)()) { return mem_fun_ref_t<_Ret, _Tp>(__f); } template inline const_mem_fun_ref_t<_Ret, _Tp> mem_fun_ref(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)() const) { return const_mem_fun_ref_t<_Ret, _Tp>(__f); } template inline mem_fun1_t<_Ret, _Tp, _Arg> mem_fun(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg)) { return mem_fun1_t<_Ret, _Tp, _Arg>(__f); } template inline const_mem_fun1_t<_Ret, _Tp, _Arg> mem_fun(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg) const) { return const_mem_fun1_t<_Ret, _Tp, _Arg>(__f); } template inline mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret, _Tp, _Arg> mem_fun_ref(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg)) { return mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret, _Tp, _Arg>(__f); } template inline const_mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret, _Tp, _Arg> mem_fun_ref(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg) const) { return const_mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret, _Tp, _Arg>(__f); } } # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/backward/binders.h" 1 3 # 60 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/backward/binders.h" 3 #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" namespace std { # 107 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/backward/binders.h" 3 template class binder1st : public unary_function { protected: _Operation op; typename _Operation::first_argument_type value; public: binder1st(const _Operation& __x, const typename _Operation::first_argument_type& __y) : op(__x), value(__y) { } typename _Operation::result_type operator()(const typename _Operation::second_argument_type& __x) const { return op(value, __x); } typename _Operation::result_type operator()(typename _Operation::second_argument_type& __x) const { return op(value, __x); } } ; template inline binder1st<_Operation> bind1st(const _Operation& __fn, const _Tp& __x) { typedef typename _Operation::first_argument_type _Arg1_type; return binder1st<_Operation>(__fn, _Arg1_type(__x)); } template class binder2nd : public unary_function { protected: _Operation op; typename _Operation::second_argument_type value; public: binder2nd(const _Operation& __x, const typename _Operation::second_argument_type& __y) : op(__x), value(__y) { } typename _Operation::result_type operator()(const typename _Operation::first_argument_type& __x) const { return op(__x, value); } typename _Operation::result_type operator()(typename _Operation::first_argument_type& __x) const { return op(__x, value); } } ; template inline binder2nd<_Operation> bind2nd(const _Operation& __fn, const _Tp& __x) { typedef typename _Operation::second_argument_type _Arg2_type; return binder2nd<_Operation>(__fn, _Arg2_type(__x)); } } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop # 1129 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/stl_function.h" 2 3 # 49 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/string" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/range_access.h" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/range_access.h" 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/range_access.h" 3 # 52 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/string" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/alloc_traits.h" 1 3 # 32 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/alloc_traits.h" 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/alloc_traits.h" 3 # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/alloc_traits.h" 3 namespace __gnu_cxx { # 94 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/alloc_traits.h" 3 template struct __alloc_traits { typedef _Alloc allocator_type; # 172 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ext/alloc_traits.h" 3 typedef typename _Alloc::pointer pointer; typedef typename _Alloc::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef typename _Alloc::value_type value_type; typedef typename _Alloc::reference reference; typedef typename _Alloc::const_reference const_reference; typedef typename _Alloc::size_type size_type; typedef typename _Alloc::difference_type difference_type; static pointer allocate(_Alloc& __a, size_type __n) { return __a.allocate(__n); } static void deallocate(_Alloc& __a, pointer __p, size_type __n) { __a.deallocate(__p, __n); } template static void construct(_Alloc& __a, pointer __p, const _Tp& __arg) { __a.construct(__p, __arg); } static void destroy(_Alloc& __a, pointer __p) { __a.destroy(__p); } static size_type max_size(const _Alloc& __a) { return __a.max_size(); } static const _Alloc& _S_select_on_copy(const _Alloc& __a) { return __a; } static void _S_on_swap(_Alloc& __a, _Alloc& __b) { std::__alloc_swap<_Alloc>::_S_do_it(__a, __b); } template struct rebind { typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Tp>::other other; }; }; } # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 2 3 namespace std { namespace __cxx11 { # 70 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template class basic_string { typedef typename __gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<_Alloc>::template rebind<_CharT>::other _Char_alloc_type; typedef __gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<_Char_alloc_type> _Alloc_traits; public: typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef typename _Traits::char_type value_type; typedef _Char_alloc_type allocator_type; typedef typename _Alloc_traits::size_type size_type; typedef typename _Alloc_traits::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename _Alloc_traits::reference reference; typedef typename _Alloc_traits::const_reference const_reference; typedef typename _Alloc_traits::pointer pointer; typedef typename _Alloc_traits::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator iterator; typedef __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator const_iterator; typedef std::reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef std::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; static const size_type npos = static_cast(-1); private: typedef iterator __const_iterator; struct _Alloc_hider : allocator_type { _Alloc_hider(pointer __dat, const _Alloc& __a = _Alloc()) : allocator_type(__a), _M_p(__dat) { } pointer _M_p; }; _Alloc_hider _M_dataplus; size_type _M_string_length; enum { _S_local_capacity = 15 / sizeof(_CharT) }; union { _CharT _M_local_buf[_S_local_capacity + 1]; size_type _M_allocated_capacity; }; void _M_data(pointer __p) { _M_dataplus._M_p = __p; } void _M_length(size_type __length) { _M_string_length = __length; } pointer _M_data() const { return _M_dataplus._M_p; } pointer _M_local_data() { return pointer(_M_local_buf); } const_pointer _M_local_data() const { return const_pointer(_M_local_buf); } void _M_capacity(size_type __capacity) { _M_allocated_capacity = __capacity; } void _M_set_length(size_type __n) { _M_length(__n); traits_type::assign(_M_data()[__n], _CharT()); } bool _M_is_local() const { return _M_data() == _M_local_data(); } pointer _M_create(size_type&, size_type); void _M_dispose() { if (!_M_is_local()) _M_destroy(_M_allocated_capacity); } void _M_destroy(size_type __size) throw() { _Alloc_traits::deallocate(_M_get_allocator(), _M_data(), __size + 1); } template void _M_construct_aux(_InIterator __beg, _InIterator __end, std::__false_type) { typedef typename iterator_traits<_InIterator>::iterator_category _Tag; _M_construct(__beg, __end, _Tag()); } template void _M_construct_aux(_Integer __beg, _Integer __end, std::__true_type) { _M_construct_aux_2(static_cast(__beg), __end); } void _M_construct_aux_2(size_type __req, _CharT __c) { _M_construct(__req, __c); } template void _M_construct(_InIterator __beg, _InIterator __end) { typedef typename std::__is_integer<_InIterator>::__type _Integral; _M_construct_aux(__beg, __end, _Integral()); } template void _M_construct(_InIterator __beg, _InIterator __end, std::input_iterator_tag); template void _M_construct(_FwdIterator __beg, _FwdIterator __end, std::forward_iterator_tag); void _M_construct(size_type __req, _CharT __c); allocator_type& _M_get_allocator() { return _M_dataplus; } const allocator_type& _M_get_allocator() const { return _M_dataplus; } private: # 257 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type _M_check(size_type __pos, const char* __s) const { if (__pos > this->size()) __throw_out_of_range_fmt(("%s: __pos (which is %zu) > " "this->size() (which is %zu)") , __s, __pos, this->size()); return __pos; } void _M_check_length(size_type __n1, size_type __n2, const char* __s) const { if (this->max_size() - (this->size() - __n1) < __n2) __throw_length_error((__s)); } size_type _M_limit(size_type __pos, size_type __off) const { const bool __testoff = __off < this->size() - __pos; return __testoff ? __off : this->size() - __pos; } bool _M_disjunct(const _CharT* __s) const { return (less()(__s, _M_data()) || less()(_M_data() + this->size(), __s)); } static void _S_copy(_CharT* __d, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { if (__n == 1) traits_type::assign(*__d, *__s); else traits_type::copy(__d, __s, __n); } static void _S_move(_CharT* __d, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { if (__n == 1) traits_type::assign(*__d, *__s); else traits_type::move(__d, __s, __n); } static void _S_assign(_CharT* __d, size_type __n, _CharT __c) { if (__n == 1) traits_type::assign(*__d, __c); else traits_type::assign(__d, __n, __c); } template static void _S_copy_chars(_CharT* __p, _Iterator __k1, _Iterator __k2) { for (; __k1 != __k2; ++__k1, ++__p) traits_type::assign(*__p, *__k1); } static void _S_copy_chars(_CharT* __p, iterator __k1, iterator __k2) { _S_copy_chars(__p, __k1.base(), __k2.base()); } static void _S_copy_chars(_CharT* __p, const_iterator __k1, const_iterator __k2) { _S_copy_chars(__p, __k1.base(), __k2.base()); } static void _S_copy_chars(_CharT* __p, _CharT* __k1, _CharT* __k2) { _S_copy(__p, __k1, __k2 - __k1); } static void _S_copy_chars(_CharT* __p, const _CharT* __k1, const _CharT* __k2) { _S_copy(__p, __k1, __k2 - __k1); } static int _S_compare(size_type __n1, size_type __n2) { const difference_type __d = difference_type(__n1 - __n2); if (__d > __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max) return __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max; else if (__d < __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__min) return __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__min; else return int(__d); } void _M_assign(const basic_string& __rcs); void _M_mutate(size_type __pos, size_type __len1, const _CharT* __s, size_type __len2); void _M_erase(size_type __pos, size_type __n); public: basic_string() : _M_dataplus(_M_local_data()) { _M_set_length(0); } explicit basic_string(const _Alloc& __a) : _M_dataplus(_M_local_data(), __a) { _M_set_length(0); } basic_string(const basic_string& __str) : _M_dataplus(_M_local_data(), __str._M_get_allocator()) { _M_construct(__str._M_data(), __str._M_data() + __str.length()); } # 408 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string(const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos, size_type __n = npos) : _M_dataplus(_M_local_data()) { const _CharT* __start = __str._M_data() + __str._M_check(__pos, "basic_string::basic_string"); _M_construct(__start, __start + __str._M_limit(__pos, __n)); } # 424 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string(const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos, size_type __n, const _Alloc& __a) : _M_dataplus(_M_local_data(), __a) { const _CharT* __start = __str._M_data() + __str._M_check(__pos, "string::string"); _M_construct(__start, __start + __str._M_limit(__pos, __n)); } # 442 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string(const _CharT* __s, size_type __n, const _Alloc& __a = _Alloc()) : _M_dataplus(_M_local_data(), __a) { _M_construct(__s, __s + __n); } basic_string(const _CharT* __s, const _Alloc& __a = _Alloc()) : _M_dataplus(_M_local_data(), __a) { _M_construct(__s, __s ? __s + traits_type::length(__s) : __s+npos); } basic_string(size_type __n, _CharT __c, const _Alloc& __a = _Alloc()) : _M_dataplus(_M_local_data(), __a) { _M_construct(__n, __c); } # 530 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template basic_string(_InputIterator __beg, _InputIterator __end, const _Alloc& __a = _Alloc()) : _M_dataplus(_M_local_data(), __a) { _M_construct(__beg, __end); } ~basic_string() { _M_dispose(); } basic_string& operator=(const basic_string& __str) { return this->assign(__str); } basic_string& operator=(const _CharT* __s) { return this->assign(__s); } # 566 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& operator=(_CharT __c) { this->assign(1, __c); return *this; } # 608 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 iterator begin() { return iterator(_M_data()); } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(_M_data()); } iterator end() { return iterator(_M_data() + this->size()); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(_M_data() + this->size()); } reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(this->end()); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(this->end()); } reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(this->begin()); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(this->begin()); } # 708 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 public: size_type size() const { return _M_string_length; } size_type length() const { return _M_string_length; } size_type max_size() const { return (_Alloc_traits::max_size(_M_get_allocator()) - 1) / 2; } # 737 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 void resize(size_type __n, _CharT __c); # 750 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 void resize(size_type __n) { this->resize(__n, _CharT()); } # 773 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type capacity() const { return _M_is_local() ? size_type(_S_local_capacity) : _M_allocated_capacity; } # 797 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 void reserve(size_type __res_arg = 0); void clear() { _M_set_length(0); } bool empty() const { return this->size() == 0; } # 826 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 const_reference operator[] (size_type __pos) const { ; return _M_data()[__pos]; } # 843 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 reference operator[](size_type __pos) { ; ; return _M_data()[__pos]; } # 864 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 const_reference at(size_type __n) const { if (__n >= this->size()) __throw_out_of_range_fmt(("basic_string::at: __n " "(which is %zu) >= this->size() " "(which is %zu)") , __n, this->size()); return _M_data()[__n]; } # 885 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 reference at(size_type __n) { if (__n >= size()) __throw_out_of_range_fmt(("basic_string::at: __n " "(which is %zu) >= this->size() " "(which is %zu)") , __n, this->size()); return _M_data()[__n]; } # 936 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& operator+=(const basic_string& __str) { return this->append(__str); } basic_string& operator+=(const _CharT* __s) { return this->append(__s); } basic_string& operator+=(_CharT __c) { this->push_back(__c); return *this; } # 977 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& append(const basic_string& __str) { return _M_append(__str._M_data(), __str.size()); } # 994 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& append(const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos, size_type __n) { return _M_append(__str._M_data() + __str._M_check(__pos, "basic_string::append"), __str._M_limit(__pos, __n)); } basic_string& append(const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { ; _M_check_length(size_type(0), __n, "basic_string::append"); return _M_append(__s, __n); } basic_string& append(const _CharT* __s) { ; const size_type __n = traits_type::length(__s); _M_check_length(size_type(0), __n, "basic_string::append"); return _M_append(__s, __n); } # 1036 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& append(size_type __n, _CharT __c) { return _M_replace_aux(this->size(), size_type(0), __n, __c); } # 1063 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template basic_string& append(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) { return this->replace(end(), end(), __first, __last); } void push_back(_CharT __c) { const size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size + 1 > this->capacity()) this->_M_mutate(__size, size_type(0), 0, size_type(1)); traits_type::assign(this->_M_data()[__size], __c); this->_M_set_length(__size + 1); } basic_string& assign(const basic_string& __str) { this->_M_assign(__str); return *this; } # 1126 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& assign(const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos, size_type __n) { return _M_replace(size_type(0), this->size(), __str._M_data() + __str._M_check(__pos, "basic_string::assign"), __str._M_limit(__pos, __n)); } # 1142 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& assign(const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { ; return _M_replace(size_type(0), this->size(), __s, __n); } # 1158 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& assign(const _CharT* __s) { ; return _M_replace(size_type(0), this->size(), __s, traits_type::length(__s)); } # 1175 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& assign(size_type __n, _CharT __c) { return _M_replace_aux(size_type(0), this->size(), __n, __c); } # 1191 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template basic_string& assign(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) { return this->replace(begin(), end(), __first, __last); } # 1246 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 void insert(iterator __p, size_type __n, _CharT __c) { this->replace(__p, __p, __n, __c); } # 1289 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template void insert(iterator __p, _InputIterator __beg, _InputIterator __end) { this->replace(__p, __p, __beg, __end); } # 1322 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& insert(size_type __pos1, const basic_string& __str) { return this->replace(__pos1, size_type(0), __str._M_data(), __str.size()); } # 1345 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& insert(size_type __pos1, const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos2, size_type __n) { return this->replace(__pos1, size_type(0), __str._M_data() + __str._M_check(__pos2, "basic_string::insert"), __str._M_limit(__pos2, __n)); } # 1368 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& insert(size_type __pos, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { return this->replace(__pos, size_type(0), __s, __n); } # 1387 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& insert(size_type __pos, const _CharT* __s) { ; return this->replace(__pos, size_type(0), __s, traits_type::length(__s)); } # 1411 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& insert(size_type __pos, size_type __n, _CharT __c) { return _M_replace_aux(_M_check(__pos, "basic_string::insert"), size_type(0), __n, __c); } # 1429 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 iterator insert(__const_iterator __p, _CharT __c) { ; const size_type __pos = __p - begin(); _M_replace_aux(__pos, size_type(0), size_type(1), __c); return iterator(_M_data() + __pos); } # 1453 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& erase(size_type __pos = 0, size_type __n = npos) { this->_M_erase(_M_check(__pos, "basic_string::erase"), _M_limit(__pos, __n)); return *this; } # 1469 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 iterator erase(__const_iterator __position) { ; const size_type __pos = __position - begin(); this->_M_erase(__pos, size_type(1)); return iterator(_M_data() + __pos); } # 1488 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 iterator erase(__const_iterator __first, __const_iterator __last) { ; const size_type __pos = __first - begin(); this->_M_erase(__pos, __last - __first); return iterator(this->_M_data() + __pos); } # 1526 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n, const basic_string& __str) { return this->replace(__pos, __n, __str._M_data(), __str.size()); } # 1548 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& replace(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos2, size_type __n2) { return this->replace(__pos1, __n1, __str._M_data() + __str._M_check(__pos2, "basic_string::replace"), __str._M_limit(__pos2, __n2)); } # 1573 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n2) { ; return _M_replace(_M_check(__pos, "basic_string::replace"), _M_limit(__pos, __n1), __s, __n2); } # 1598 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s) { ; return this->replace(__pos, __n1, __s, traits_type::length(__s)); } # 1622 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, size_type __n2, _CharT __c) { return _M_replace_aux(_M_check(__pos, "basic_string::replace"), _M_limit(__pos, __n1), __n2, __c); } # 1640 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& replace(__const_iterator __i1, __const_iterator __i2, const basic_string& __str) { return this->replace(__i1, __i2, __str._M_data(), __str.size()); } # 1660 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& replace(__const_iterator __i1, __const_iterator __i2, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { ; return this->replace(__i1 - begin(), __i2 - __i1, __s, __n); } # 1682 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& replace(__const_iterator __i1, __const_iterator __i2, const _CharT* __s) { ; return this->replace(__i1, __i2, __s, traits_type::length(__s)); } # 1703 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string& replace(__const_iterator __i1, __const_iterator __i2, size_type __n, _CharT __c) { ; return _M_replace_aux(__i1 - begin(), __i2 - __i1, __n, __c); } # 1741 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template basic_string& replace(iterator __i1, iterator __i2, _InputIterator __k1, _InputIterator __k2) { ; ; typedef typename std::__is_integer<_InputIterator>::__type _Integral; return _M_replace_dispatch(__i1, __i2, __k1, __k2, _Integral()); } basic_string& replace(__const_iterator __i1, __const_iterator __i2, _CharT* __k1, _CharT* __k2) { ; ; return this->replace(__i1 - begin(), __i2 - __i1, __k1, __k2 - __k1); } basic_string& replace(__const_iterator __i1, __const_iterator __i2, const _CharT* __k1, const _CharT* __k2) { ; ; return this->replace(__i1 - begin(), __i2 - __i1, __k1, __k2 - __k1); } basic_string& replace(__const_iterator __i1, __const_iterator __i2, iterator __k1, iterator __k2) { ; ; return this->replace(__i1 - begin(), __i2 - __i1, __k1.base(), __k2 - __k1); } basic_string& replace(__const_iterator __i1, __const_iterator __i2, const_iterator __k1, const_iterator __k2) { ; ; return this->replace(__i1 - begin(), __i2 - __i1, __k1.base(), __k2 - __k1); } # 1824 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 private: template basic_string& _M_replace_dispatch(const_iterator __i1, const_iterator __i2, _Integer __n, _Integer __val, __true_type) { return _M_replace_aux(__i1 - begin(), __i2 - __i1, __n, __val); } template basic_string& _M_replace_dispatch(const_iterator __i1, const_iterator __i2, _InputIterator __k1, _InputIterator __k2, __false_type); basic_string& _M_replace_aux(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, size_type __n2, _CharT __c); basic_string& _M_replace(size_type __pos, size_type __len1, const _CharT* __s, const size_type __len2); basic_string& _M_append(const _CharT* __s, size_type __n); public: # 1862 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type copy(_CharT* __s, size_type __n, size_type __pos = 0) const; # 1872 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 void swap(basic_string& __s) ; # 1882 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 const _CharT* c_str() const { return _M_data(); } const _CharT* data() const { return _M_data(); } allocator_type get_allocator() const { return _M_get_allocator(); } # 1915 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const; # 1928 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find(const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos = 0) const { return this->find(__str.data(), __pos, __str.size()); } # 1943 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos = 0) const { ; return this->find(__s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s)); } # 1960 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find(_CharT __c, size_type __pos = 0) const ; # 1973 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type rfind(const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos = npos) const { return this->rfind(__str.data(), __pos, __str.size()); } # 1990 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type rfind(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const; # 2003 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type rfind(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos = npos) const { ; return this->rfind(__s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s)); } # 2020 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type rfind(_CharT __c, size_type __pos = npos) const ; # 2034 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_first_of(const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos = 0) const { return this->find_first_of(__str.data(), __pos, __str.size()); } # 2051 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_first_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const; # 2064 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_first_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos = 0) const { ; return this->find_first_of(__s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s)); } # 2083 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_first_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos = 0) const { return this->find(__c, __pos); } # 2098 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_last_of(const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos = npos) const { return this->find_last_of(__str.data(), __pos, __str.size()); } # 2115 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_last_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const; # 2128 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_last_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos = npos) const { ; return this->find_last_of(__s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s)); } # 2147 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_last_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos = npos) const { return this->rfind(__c, __pos); } # 2161 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_first_not_of(const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos = 0) const { return this->find_first_not_of(__str.data(), __pos, __str.size()); } # 2178 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_first_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const; # 2192 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_first_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos = 0) const { ; return this->find_first_not_of(__s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s)); } # 2209 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_first_not_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos = 0) const ; # 2224 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_last_not_of(const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos = npos) const { return this->find_last_not_of(__str.data(), __pos, __str.size()); } # 2241 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_last_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const; # 2255 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_last_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos = npos) const { ; return this->find_last_not_of(__s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s)); } # 2272 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 size_type find_last_not_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos = npos) const ; # 2288 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 basic_string substr(size_type __pos = 0, size_type __n = npos) const { return basic_string(*this, _M_check(__pos, "basic_string::substr"), __n); } # 2307 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 int compare(const basic_string& __str) const { const size_type __size = this->size(); const size_type __osize = __str.size(); const size_type __len = std::min(__size, __osize); int __r = traits_type::compare(_M_data(), __str.data(), __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__size, __osize); return __r; } # 2339 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 int compare(size_type __pos, size_type __n, const basic_string& __str) const; # 2365 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 int compare(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos2, size_type __n2) const; # 2383 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 int compare(const _CharT* __s) const; # 2407 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 int compare(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s) const; # 2434 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 int compare(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n2) const; }; } # 4776 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> operator+(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __str(__lhs); __str.append(__rhs); return __str; } template basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc> operator+(const _CharT* __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>& __rhs); template basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc> operator+(_CharT __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Alloc>& __rhs); template inline basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> operator+(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const _CharT* __rhs) { basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __str(__lhs); __str.append(__rhs); return __str; } template inline basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> operator+(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, _CharT __rhs) { typedef basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __string_type; typedef typename __string_type::size_type __size_type; __string_type __str(__lhs); __str.append(__size_type(1), __rhs); return __str; } # 4897 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template inline bool operator==(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return __lhs.compare(__rhs) == 0; } template inline typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT>::__value, bool>::__type operator==(const basic_string<_CharT>& __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT>& __rhs) { return (__lhs.size() == __rhs.size() && !std::char_traits<_CharT>::compare(__lhs.data(), __rhs.data(), __lhs.size())); } template inline bool operator==(const _CharT* __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return __rhs.compare(__lhs) == 0; } template inline bool operator==(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const _CharT* __rhs) { return __lhs.compare(__rhs) == 0; } # 4943 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template inline bool operator!=(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return !(__lhs == __rhs); } template inline bool operator!=(const _CharT* __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return !(__lhs == __rhs); } template inline bool operator!=(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const _CharT* __rhs) { return !(__lhs == __rhs); } # 4980 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template inline bool operator<(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return __lhs.compare(__rhs) < 0; } template inline bool operator<(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const _CharT* __rhs) { return __lhs.compare(__rhs) < 0; } template inline bool operator<(const _CharT* __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return __rhs.compare(__lhs) > 0; } # 5017 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template inline bool operator>(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return __lhs.compare(__rhs) > 0; } template inline bool operator>(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const _CharT* __rhs) { return __lhs.compare(__rhs) > 0; } template inline bool operator>(const _CharT* __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return __rhs.compare(__lhs) < 0; } # 5054 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template inline bool operator<=(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return __lhs.compare(__rhs) <= 0; } template inline bool operator<=(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const _CharT* __rhs) { return __lhs.compare(__rhs) <= 0; } template inline bool operator<=(const _CharT* __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return __rhs.compare(__lhs) >= 0; } # 5091 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template inline bool operator>=(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return __lhs.compare(__rhs) >= 0; } template inline bool operator>=(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, const _CharT* __rhs) { return __lhs.compare(__rhs) >= 0; } template inline bool operator>=(const _CharT* __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { return __rhs.compare(__lhs) <= 0; } # 5128 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template inline void swap(basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __lhs, basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { __lhs.swap(__rhs); } # 5147 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __is, basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str); template<> basic_istream& operator>>(basic_istream& __is, basic_string& __str); # 5165 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str) { return __ostream_insert(__os, __str.data(), __str.size()); } # 5188 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& getline(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __is, basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str, _CharT __delim); # 5205 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template inline basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& getline(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __is, basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str) { return std::getline(__is, __str, __is.widen('\n')); } # 5227 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h" 3 template<> basic_istream& getline(basic_istream& __in, basic_string& __str, char __delim); template<> basic_istream& getline(basic_istream& __in, basic_string& __str, wchar_t __delim); } # 53 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/string" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.tcc" 1 3 # 42 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.tcc" 3 # 43 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.tcc" 3 namespace std { template const typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::npos; template void basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: swap(basic_string& __s) { if (this == &__s) return; std::__alloc_swap::_S_do_it(_M_get_allocator(), __s._M_get_allocator()); if (_M_is_local()) if (__s._M_is_local()) { if (length() && __s.length()) { _CharT __tmp_data[_S_local_capacity + 1]; traits_type::copy(__tmp_data, __s._M_local_buf, _S_local_capacity + 1); traits_type::copy(__s._M_local_buf, _M_local_buf, _S_local_capacity + 1); traits_type::copy(_M_local_buf, __tmp_data, _S_local_capacity + 1); } else if (__s.length()) { traits_type::copy(_M_local_buf, __s._M_local_buf, _S_local_capacity + 1); _M_length(__s.length()); __s._M_set_length(0); return; } else if (length()) { traits_type::copy(__s._M_local_buf, _M_local_buf, _S_local_capacity + 1); __s._M_length(length()); _M_set_length(0); return; } } else { const size_type __tmp_capacity = __s._M_allocated_capacity; traits_type::copy(__s._M_local_buf, _M_local_buf, _S_local_capacity + 1); _M_data(__s._M_data()); __s._M_data(__s._M_local_buf); _M_capacity(__tmp_capacity); } else { const size_type __tmp_capacity = _M_allocated_capacity; if (__s._M_is_local()) { traits_type::copy(_M_local_buf, __s._M_local_buf, _S_local_capacity + 1); __s._M_data(_M_data()); _M_data(_M_local_buf); } else { pointer __tmp_ptr = _M_data(); _M_data(__s._M_data()); __s._M_data(__tmp_ptr); _M_capacity(__s._M_allocated_capacity); } __s._M_capacity(__tmp_capacity); } const size_type __tmp_length = length(); _M_length(__s.length()); __s._M_length(__tmp_length); } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::pointer basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_create(size_type& __capacity, size_type __old_capacity) { if (__capacity > max_size()) std::__throw_length_error(("basic_string::_M_create")); if (__capacity > __old_capacity && __capacity < 2 * __old_capacity) { __capacity = 2 * __old_capacity; if (__capacity > max_size()) __capacity = max_size(); } return _Alloc_traits::allocate(_M_get_allocator(), __capacity + 1); } template template void basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_construct(_InIterator __beg, _InIterator __end, std::input_iterator_tag) { size_type __len = 0; size_type __capacity = size_type(_S_local_capacity); while (__beg != __end && __len < __capacity) { _M_data()[__len++] = *__beg; ++__beg; } try { while (__beg != __end) { if (__len == __capacity) { __capacity = __len + 1; pointer __another = _M_create(__capacity, __len); this->_S_copy(__another, _M_data(), __len); _M_dispose(); _M_data(__another); _M_capacity(__capacity); } _M_data()[__len++] = *__beg; ++__beg; } } catch(...) { _M_dispose(); throw; } _M_set_length(__len); } template template void basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_construct(_InIterator __beg, _InIterator __end, std::forward_iterator_tag) { if (__gnu_cxx::__is_null_pointer(__beg) && __beg != __end) std::__throw_logic_error(("basic_string::" "_M_construct null not valid") ); size_type __dnew = static_cast(std::distance(__beg, __end)); if (__dnew > size_type(_S_local_capacity)) { _M_data(_M_create(__dnew, size_type(0))); _M_capacity(__dnew); } try { this->_S_copy_chars(_M_data(), __beg, __end); } catch(...) { _M_dispose(); throw; } _M_set_length(__dnew); } template void basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_construct(size_type __n, _CharT __c) { if (__n > size_type(_S_local_capacity)) { _M_data(_M_create(__n, size_type(0))); _M_capacity(__n); } if (__n) this->_S_assign(_M_data(), __n, __c); _M_set_length(__n); } template void basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_assign(const basic_string& __str) { if (this != &__str) { const size_type __rsize = __str.length(); const size_type __capacity = capacity(); if (__rsize > __capacity) { size_type __new_capacity = __rsize; pointer __tmp = _M_create(__new_capacity, __capacity); _M_dispose(); _M_data(__tmp); _M_capacity(__new_capacity); } if (__rsize) this->_S_copy(_M_data(), __str._M_data(), __rsize); _M_set_length(__rsize); } } template void basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: reserve(size_type __res) { if (__res < length()) __res = length(); const size_type __capacity = capacity(); if (__res != __capacity) { if (__res > __capacity || __res > size_type(_S_local_capacity)) { pointer __tmp = _M_create(__res, __capacity); this->_S_copy(__tmp, _M_data(), length() + 1); _M_dispose(); _M_data(__tmp); _M_capacity(__res); } else if (!_M_is_local()) { this->_S_copy(_M_local_data(), _M_data(), length() + 1); _M_destroy(__capacity); _M_data(_M_local_data()); } } } template void basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_mutate(size_type __pos, size_type __len1, const _CharT* __s, size_type __len2) { const size_type __how_much = length() - __pos - __len1; size_type __new_capacity = length() + __len2 - __len1; pointer __r = _M_create(__new_capacity, capacity()); if (__pos) this->_S_copy(__r, _M_data(), __pos); if (__s && __len2) this->_S_copy(__r + __pos, __s, __len2); if (__how_much) this->_S_copy(__r + __pos + __len2, _M_data() + __pos + __len1, __how_much); _M_dispose(); _M_data(__r); _M_capacity(__new_capacity); } template void basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_erase(size_type __pos, size_type __n) { const size_type __how_much = length() - __pos - __n; if (__how_much && __n) this->_S_move(_M_data() + __pos, _M_data() + __pos + __n, __how_much); _M_set_length(length() - __n); } template void basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: resize(size_type __n, _CharT __c) { const size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size < __n) this->append(__n - __size, __c); else if (__n < __size) this->_M_erase(__n, __size - __n); } template basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_append(const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { const size_type __len = __n + this->size(); if (__len <= this->capacity()) { if (__n) this->_S_copy(this->_M_data() + this->size(), __s, __n); } else this->_M_mutate(this->size(), size_type(0), __s, __n); this->_M_set_length(__len); return *this; } template template basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_replace_dispatch(const_iterator __i1, const_iterator __i2, _InputIterator __k1, _InputIterator __k2, std::__false_type) { const basic_string __s(__k1, __k2); const size_type __n1 = __i2 - __i1; return _M_replace(__i1 - begin(), __n1, __s._M_data(), __s.size()); } template basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_replace_aux(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, size_type __n2, _CharT __c) { _M_check_length(__n1, __n2, "basic_string::_M_replace_aux"); const size_type __old_size = this->size(); const size_type __new_size = __old_size + __n2 - __n1; if (__new_size <= this->capacity()) { _CharT* __p = this->_M_data() + __pos1; const size_type __how_much = __old_size - __pos1 - __n1; if (__how_much && __n1 != __n2) this->_S_move(__p + __n2, __p + __n1, __how_much); } else this->_M_mutate(__pos1, __n1, 0, __n2); if (__n2) this->_S_assign(this->_M_data() + __pos1, __n2, __c); this->_M_set_length(__new_size); return *this; } template basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_replace(size_type __pos, size_type __len1, const _CharT* __s, const size_type __len2) { _M_check_length(__len1, __len2, "basic_string::_M_replace"); const size_type __old_size = this->size(); const size_type __new_size = __old_size + __len2 - __len1; if (__new_size <= this->capacity()) { _CharT* __p = this->_M_data() + __pos; const size_type __how_much = __old_size - __pos - __len1; if (_M_disjunct(__s)) { if (__how_much && __len1 != __len2) this->_S_move(__p + __len2, __p + __len1, __how_much); if (__len2) this->_S_copy(__p, __s, __len2); } else { if (__len2 && __len2 <= __len1) this->_S_move(__p, __s, __len2); if (__how_much && __len1 != __len2) this->_S_move(__p + __len2, __p + __len1, __how_much); if (__len2 > __len1) { if (__s + __len2 <= __p + __len1) this->_S_move(__p, __s, __len2); else if (__s >= __p + __len1) this->_S_copy(__p, __s + __len2 - __len1, __len2); else { const size_type __nleft = (__p + __len1) - __s; this->_S_move(__p, __s, __nleft); this->_S_copy(__p + __nleft, __p + __len2, __len2 - __nleft); } } } } else this->_M_mutate(__pos, __len1, __s, __len2); this->_M_set_length(__new_size); return *this; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: copy(_CharT* __s, size_type __n, size_type __pos) const { _M_check(__pos, "basic_string::copy"); __n = _M_limit(__pos, __n); ; if (__n) _S_copy(__s, _M_data() + __pos, __n); return __n; } # 1149 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.tcc" 3 template basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> operator+(const _CharT* __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { ; typedef basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __string_type; typedef typename __string_type::size_type __size_type; const __size_type __len = _Traits::length(__lhs); __string_type __str; __str.reserve(__len + __rhs.size()); __str.append(__lhs, __len); __str.append(__rhs); return __str; } template basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> operator+(_CharT __lhs, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __rhs) { typedef basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __string_type; typedef typename __string_type::size_type __size_type; __string_type __str; const __size_type __len = __rhs.size(); __str.reserve(__len + 1); __str.append(__size_type(1), __lhs); __str.append(__rhs); return __str; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: find(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { ; const size_type __size = this->size(); const _CharT* __data = _M_data(); if (__n == 0) return __pos <= __size ? __pos : npos; if (__n <= __size) { for (; __pos <= __size - __n; ++__pos) if (traits_type::eq(__data[__pos], __s[0]) && traits_type::compare(__data + __pos + 1, __s + 1, __n - 1) == 0) return __pos; } return npos; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: find(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const { size_type __ret = npos; const size_type __size = this->size(); if (__pos < __size) { const _CharT* __data = _M_data(); const size_type __n = __size - __pos; const _CharT* __p = traits_type::find(__data + __pos, __n, __c); if (__p) __ret = __p - __data; } return __ret; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: rfind(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { ; const size_type __size = this->size(); if (__n <= __size) { __pos = std::min(size_type(__size - __n), __pos); const _CharT* __data = _M_data(); do { if (traits_type::compare(__data + __pos, __s, __n) == 0) return __pos; } while (__pos-- > 0); } return npos; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: rfind(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const { size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size) { if (--__size > __pos) __size = __pos; for (++__size; __size-- > 0; ) if (traits_type::eq(_M_data()[__size], __c)) return __size; } return npos; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: find_first_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { ; for (; __n && __pos < this->size(); ++__pos) { const _CharT* __p = traits_type::find(__s, __n, _M_data()[__pos]); if (__p) return __pos; } return npos; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: find_last_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { ; size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size && __n) { if (--__size > __pos) __size = __pos; do { if (traits_type::find(__s, __n, _M_data()[__size])) return __size; } while (__size-- != 0); } return npos; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: find_first_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { ; for (; __pos < this->size(); ++__pos) if (!traits_type::find(__s, __n, _M_data()[__pos])) return __pos; return npos; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: find_first_not_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const { for (; __pos < this->size(); ++__pos) if (!traits_type::eq(_M_data()[__pos], __c)) return __pos; return npos; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: find_last_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { ; size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size) { if (--__size > __pos) __size = __pos; do { if (!traits_type::find(__s, __n, _M_data()[__size])) return __size; } while (__size--); } return npos; } template typename basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size_type basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: find_last_not_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const { size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size) { if (--__size > __pos) __size = __pos; do { if (!traits_type::eq(_M_data()[__size], __c)) return __size; } while (__size--); } return npos; } template int basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: compare(size_type __pos, size_type __n, const basic_string& __str) const { _M_check(__pos, "basic_string::compare"); __n = _M_limit(__pos, __n); const size_type __osize = __str.size(); const size_type __len = std::min(__n, __osize); int __r = traits_type::compare(_M_data() + __pos, __str.data(), __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__n, __osize); return __r; } template int basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: compare(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, const basic_string& __str, size_type __pos2, size_type __n2) const { _M_check(__pos1, "basic_string::compare"); __str._M_check(__pos2, "basic_string::compare"); __n1 = _M_limit(__pos1, __n1); __n2 = __str._M_limit(__pos2, __n2); const size_type __len = std::min(__n1, __n2); int __r = traits_type::compare(_M_data() + __pos1, __str.data() + __pos2, __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__n1, __n2); return __r; } template int basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: compare(const _CharT* __s) const { ; const size_type __size = this->size(); const size_type __osize = traits_type::length(__s); const size_type __len = std::min(__size, __osize); int __r = traits_type::compare(_M_data(), __s, __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__size, __osize); return __r; } template int basic_string <_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: compare(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s) const { ; _M_check(__pos, "basic_string::compare"); __n1 = _M_limit(__pos, __n1); const size_type __osize = traits_type::length(__s); const size_type __len = std::min(__n1, __osize); int __r = traits_type::compare(_M_data() + __pos, __s, __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__n1, __osize); return __r; } template int basic_string <_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: compare(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n2) const { ; _M_check(__pos, "basic_string::compare"); __n1 = _M_limit(__pos, __n1); const size_type __len = std::min(__n1, __n2); int __r = traits_type::compare(_M_data() + __pos, __s, __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__n1, __n2); return __r; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __in, basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str) { typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> __istream_type; typedef basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __string_type; typedef typename __istream_type::ios_base __ios_base; typedef typename __istream_type::int_type __int_type; typedef typename __string_type::size_type __size_type; typedef ctype<_CharT> __ctype_type; typedef typename __ctype_type::ctype_base __ctype_base; __size_type __extracted = 0; typename __ios_base::iostate __err = __ios_base::goodbit; typename __istream_type::sentry __cerb(__in, false); if (__cerb) { try { __str.erase(); _CharT __buf[128]; __size_type __len = 0; const streamsize __w = __in.width(); const __size_type __n = __w > 0 ? static_cast<__size_type>(__w) : __str.max_size(); const __ctype_type& __ct = use_facet<__ctype_type>(__in.getloc()); const __int_type __eof = _Traits::eof(); __int_type __c = __in.rdbuf()->sgetc(); while (__extracted < __n && !_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && !__ct.is(__ctype_base::space, _Traits::to_char_type(__c))) { if (__len == sizeof(__buf) / sizeof(_CharT)) { __str.append(__buf, sizeof(__buf) / sizeof(_CharT)); __len = 0; } __buf[__len++] = _Traits::to_char_type(__c); ++__extracted; __c = __in.rdbuf()->snextc(); } __str.append(__buf, __len); if (_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= __ios_base::eofbit; __in.width(0); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { __in._M_setstate(__ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { __in._M_setstate(__ios_base::badbit); } } if (!__extracted) __err |= __ios_base::failbit; if (__err) __in.setstate(__err); return __in; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& getline(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __in, basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str, _CharT __delim) { typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> __istream_type; typedef basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __string_type; typedef typename __istream_type::ios_base __ios_base; typedef typename __istream_type::int_type __int_type; typedef typename __string_type::size_type __size_type; __size_type __extracted = 0; const __size_type __n = __str.max_size(); typename __ios_base::iostate __err = __ios_base::goodbit; typename __istream_type::sentry __cerb(__in, true); if (__cerb) { try { __str.erase(); const __int_type __idelim = _Traits::to_int_type(__delim); const __int_type __eof = _Traits::eof(); __int_type __c = __in.rdbuf()->sgetc(); while (__extracted < __n && !_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && !_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __idelim)) { __str += _Traits::to_char_type(__c); ++__extracted; __c = __in.rdbuf()->snextc(); } if (_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= __ios_base::eofbit; else if (_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __idelim)) { ++__extracted; __in.rdbuf()->sbumpc(); } else __err |= __ios_base::failbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { __in._M_setstate(__ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { __in._M_setstate(__ios_base::badbit); } } if (!__extracted) __err |= __ios_base::failbit; if (__err) __in.setstate(__err); return __in; } extern template class basic_string; extern template basic_istream& operator>>(basic_istream&, string&); extern template basic_ostream& operator<<(basic_ostream&, const string&); extern template basic_istream& getline(basic_istream&, string&, char); extern template basic_istream& getline(basic_istream&, string&); extern template class basic_string; extern template basic_istream& operator>>(basic_istream&, wstring&); extern template basic_ostream& operator<<(basic_ostream&, const wstring&); extern template basic_istream& getline(basic_istream&, wstring&, wchar_t); extern template basic_istream& getline(basic_istream&, wstring&); } # 54 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/string" 2 3 # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 2 3 namespace std { # 62 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 class locale { public: typedef int category; class facet; class id; class _Impl; friend class facet; friend class _Impl; template friend bool has_facet(const locale&) throw(); template friend const _Facet& use_facet(const locale&); template friend struct __use_cache; # 98 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 static const category none = 0; static const category ctype = 1L << 0; static const category numeric = 1L << 1; static const category collate = 1L << 2; static const category time = 1L << 3; static const category monetary = 1L << 4; static const category messages = 1L << 5; static const category all = (ctype | numeric | collate | time | monetary | messages); # 117 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 locale() throw(); # 126 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 locale(const locale& __other) throw(); # 136 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 explicit locale(const char* __s); # 151 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 locale(const locale& __base, const char* __s, category __cat); # 192 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 locale(const locale& __base, const locale& __add, category __cat); # 205 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 template locale(const locale& __other, _Facet* __f); ~locale() throw(); # 219 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 const locale& operator=(const locale& __other) throw(); # 234 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 template locale combine(const locale& __other) const; __attribute ((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) string name() const; # 254 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 bool operator==(const locale& __other) const throw(); bool operator!=(const locale& __other) const throw() { return !(this->operator==(__other)); } # 282 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 template bool operator()(const basic_string<_Char, _Traits, _Alloc>& __s1, const basic_string<_Char, _Traits, _Alloc>& __s2) const; # 298 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 static locale global(const locale& __loc); static const locale& classic(); private: _Impl* _M_impl; static _Impl* _S_classic; static _Impl* _S_global; static const char* const* const _S_categories; # 333 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 enum { _S_categories_size = 6 + 0 }; static __gthread_once_t _S_once; explicit locale(_Impl*) throw(); static void _S_initialize(); static void _S_initialize_once() throw(); static category _S_normalize_category(category); void _M_coalesce(const locale& __base, const locale& __add, category __cat); static const id* const _S_twinned_facets[]; }; # 371 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 class locale::facet { private: friend class locale; friend class locale::_Impl; mutable _Atomic_word _M_refcount; static __c_locale _S_c_locale; static const char _S_c_name[2]; static __gthread_once_t _S_once; static void _S_initialize_once(); protected: # 402 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 explicit facet(size_t __refs = 0) throw() : _M_refcount(__refs ? 1 : 0) { } virtual ~facet(); static void _S_create_c_locale(__c_locale& __cloc, const char* __s, __c_locale __old = 0); static __c_locale _S_clone_c_locale(__c_locale& __cloc) throw(); static void _S_destroy_c_locale(__c_locale& __cloc); static __c_locale _S_lc_ctype_c_locale(__c_locale __cloc, const char* __s); static __c_locale _S_get_c_locale(); __attribute__ ((__const__)) static const char* _S_get_c_name() throw(); private: void _M_add_reference() const throw() { __gnu_cxx::__atomic_add_dispatch(&_M_refcount, 1); } void _M_remove_reference() const throw() { ; if (__gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add_dispatch(&_M_refcount, -1) == 1) { ; try { delete this; } catch(...) { } } } facet(const facet&); facet& operator=(const facet&); class __shim; const facet* _M_sso_shim(const id*) const; const facet* _M_cow_shim(const id*) const; }; # 474 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 class locale::id { private: friend class locale; friend class locale::_Impl; template friend const _Facet& use_facet(const locale&); template friend bool has_facet(const locale&) throw(); mutable size_t _M_index; static _Atomic_word _S_refcount; void operator=(const id&); id(const id&); public: id() { } size_t _M_id() const throw(); }; class locale::_Impl { public: friend class locale; friend class locale::facet; template friend bool has_facet(const locale&) throw(); template friend const _Facet& use_facet(const locale&); template friend struct __use_cache; private: _Atomic_word _M_refcount; const facet** _M_facets; size_t _M_facets_size; const facet** _M_caches; char** _M_names; static const locale::id* const _S_id_ctype[]; static const locale::id* const _S_id_numeric[]; static const locale::id* const _S_id_collate[]; static const locale::id* const _S_id_time[]; static const locale::id* const _S_id_monetary[]; static const locale::id* const _S_id_messages[]; static const locale::id* const* const _S_facet_categories[]; void _M_add_reference() throw() { __gnu_cxx::__atomic_add_dispatch(&_M_refcount, 1); } void _M_remove_reference() throw() { ; if (__gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add_dispatch(&_M_refcount, -1) == 1) { ; try { delete this; } catch(...) { } } } _Impl(const _Impl&, size_t); _Impl(const char*, size_t); _Impl(size_t) throw(); ~_Impl() throw(); _Impl(const _Impl&); void operator=(const _Impl&); bool _M_check_same_name() { bool __ret = true; if (_M_names[1]) for (size_t __i = 0; __ret && __i < _S_categories_size - 1; ++__i) __ret = __builtin_strcmp(_M_names[__i], _M_names[__i + 1]) == 0; return __ret; } void _M_replace_categories(const _Impl*, category); void _M_replace_category(const _Impl*, const locale::id* const*); void _M_replace_facet(const _Impl*, const locale::id*); void _M_install_facet(const locale::id*, const facet*); template void _M_init_facet(_Facet* __facet) { _M_install_facet(&_Facet::id, __facet); } template void _M_init_facet_unchecked(_Facet* __facet) { __facet->_M_add_reference(); _M_facets[_Facet::id._M_id()] = __facet; } void _M_install_cache(const facet*, size_t); void _M_init_extra(facet**); void _M_init_extra(void*, void*, const char*, const char*); }; # 632 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 template class __cxx11:: collate : public locale::facet { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef basic_string<_CharT> string_type; protected: __c_locale _M_c_locale_collate; public: static locale::id id; # 659 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 explicit collate(size_t __refs = 0) : facet(__refs), _M_c_locale_collate(_S_get_c_locale()) { } # 673 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 explicit collate(__c_locale __cloc, size_t __refs = 0) : facet(__refs), _M_c_locale_collate(_S_clone_c_locale(__cloc)) { } # 690 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 int compare(const _CharT* __lo1, const _CharT* __hi1, const _CharT* __lo2, const _CharT* __hi2) const { return this->do_compare(__lo1, __hi1, __lo2, __hi2); } # 709 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 string_type transform(const _CharT* __lo, const _CharT* __hi) const { return this->do_transform(__lo, __hi); } # 723 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 long hash(const _CharT* __lo, const _CharT* __hi) const { return this->do_hash(__lo, __hi); } int _M_compare(const _CharT*, const _CharT*) const throw(); size_t _M_transform(_CharT*, const _CharT*, size_t) const throw(); protected: virtual ~collate() { _S_destroy_c_locale(_M_c_locale_collate); } # 752 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 virtual int do_compare(const _CharT* __lo1, const _CharT* __hi1, const _CharT* __lo2, const _CharT* __hi2) const; # 766 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 virtual string_type do_transform(const _CharT* __lo, const _CharT* __hi) const; # 779 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 3 virtual long do_hash(const _CharT* __lo, const _CharT* __hi) const; }; template locale::id collate<_CharT>::id; template<> int collate::_M_compare(const char*, const char*) const throw(); template<> size_t collate::_M_transform(char*, const char*, size_t) const throw(); template<> int collate::_M_compare(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*) const throw(); template<> size_t collate::_M_transform(wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, size_t) const throw(); template class __cxx11:: collate_byname : public collate<_CharT> { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef basic_string<_CharT> string_type; explicit collate_byname(const char* __s, size_t __refs = 0) : collate<_CharT>(__refs) { if (__builtin_strcmp(__s, "C") != 0 && __builtin_strcmp(__s, "POSIX") != 0) { this->_S_destroy_c_locale(this->_M_c_locale_collate); this->_S_create_c_locale(this->_M_c_locale_collate, __s); } } protected: virtual ~collate_byname() { } }; } # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.tcc" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.tcc" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.tcc" 3 namespace std { template locale:: locale(const locale& __other, _Facet* __f) { _M_impl = new _Impl(*__other._M_impl, 1); try { _M_impl->_M_install_facet(&_Facet::id, __f); } catch(...) { _M_impl->_M_remove_reference(); throw; } delete [] _M_impl->_M_names[0]; _M_impl->_M_names[0] = 0; } template locale locale:: combine(const locale& __other) const { _Impl* __tmp = new _Impl(*_M_impl, 1); try { __tmp->_M_replace_facet(__other._M_impl, &_Facet::id); } catch(...) { __tmp->_M_remove_reference(); throw; } return locale(__tmp); } template bool locale:: operator()(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __s1, const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __s2) const { typedef std::collate<_CharT> __collate_type; const __collate_type& __collate = use_facet<__collate_type>(*this); return (__collate.compare(__s1.data(), __s1.data() + __s1.length(), __s2.data(), __s2.data() + __s2.length()) < 0); } # 102 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.tcc" 3 template bool has_facet(const locale& __loc) throw() { const size_t __i = _Facet::id._M_id(); const locale::facet** __facets = __loc._M_impl->_M_facets; return (__i < __loc._M_impl->_M_facets_size && dynamic_cast(__facets[__i])); } # 130 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.tcc" 3 template const _Facet& use_facet(const locale& __loc) { const size_t __i = _Facet::id._M_id(); const locale::facet** __facets = __loc._M_impl->_M_facets; if (__i >= __loc._M_impl->_M_facets_size || !__facets[__i]) __throw_bad_cast(); return dynamic_cast(*__facets[__i]); } template int collate<_CharT>::_M_compare(const _CharT*, const _CharT*) const throw () { return 0; } template size_t collate<_CharT>::_M_transform(_CharT*, const _CharT*, size_t) const throw () { return 0; } template int collate<_CharT>:: do_compare(const _CharT* __lo1, const _CharT* __hi1, const _CharT* __lo2, const _CharT* __hi2) const { const string_type __one(__lo1, __hi1); const string_type __two(__lo2, __hi2); const _CharT* __p = __one.c_str(); const _CharT* __pend = __one.data() + __one.length(); const _CharT* __q = __two.c_str(); const _CharT* __qend = __two.data() + __two.length(); for (;;) { const int __res = _M_compare(__p, __q); if (__res) return __res; __p += char_traits<_CharT>::length(__p); __q += char_traits<_CharT>::length(__q); if (__p == __pend && __q == __qend) return 0; else if (__p == __pend) return -1; else if (__q == __qend) return 1; __p++; __q++; } } template typename collate<_CharT>::string_type collate<_CharT>:: do_transform(const _CharT* __lo, const _CharT* __hi) const { string_type __ret; const string_type __str(__lo, __hi); const _CharT* __p = __str.c_str(); const _CharT* __pend = __str.data() + __str.length(); size_t __len = (__hi - __lo) * 2; _CharT* __c = new _CharT[__len]; try { for (;;) { size_t __res = _M_transform(__c, __p, __len); if (__res >= __len) { __len = __res + 1; delete [] __c, __c = 0; __c = new _CharT[__len]; __res = _M_transform(__c, __p, __len); } __ret.append(__c, __res); __p += char_traits<_CharT>::length(__p); if (__p == __pend) break; __p++; __ret.push_back(_CharT()); } } catch(...) { delete [] __c; throw; } delete [] __c; return __ret; } template long collate<_CharT>:: do_hash(const _CharT* __lo, const _CharT* __hi) const { unsigned long __val = 0; for (; __lo < __hi; ++__lo) __val = *__lo + ((__val << 7) | (__val >> (__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits:: __digits - 7))); return static_cast(__val); } extern template class collate; extern template class collate_byname; extern template const collate& use_facet >(const locale&); extern template bool has_facet >(const locale&); extern template class collate; extern template class collate_byname; extern template const collate& use_facet >(const locale&); extern template bool has_facet >(const locale&); } # 843 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_classes.h" 2 3 # 42 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/stdexcept" 1 3 # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/stdexcept" 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/stdexcept" 3 namespace std { struct __cow_string { union { const char* _M_p; char _M_bytes[sizeof(const char*)]; }; __cow_string(); __cow_string(const std::string&); __cow_string(const char*, size_t); __cow_string(const __cow_string&) throw(); __cow_string& operator=(const __cow_string&) throw(); ~__cow_string(); }; typedef basic_string __sso_string; # 113 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/stdexcept" 3 class logic_error : public exception { __cow_string _M_msg; public: explicit logic_error(const string& __arg); logic_error(const logic_error&) throw(); logic_error& operator=(const logic_error&) throw(); virtual ~logic_error() throw(); virtual const char* what() const throw(); }; class domain_error : public logic_error { public: explicit domain_error(const string& __arg); virtual ~domain_error() throw(); }; class invalid_argument : public logic_error { public: explicit invalid_argument(const string& __arg); virtual ~invalid_argument() throw(); }; class length_error : public logic_error { public: explicit length_error(const string& __arg); virtual ~length_error() throw(); }; class out_of_range : public logic_error { public: explicit out_of_range(const string& __arg); virtual ~out_of_range() throw(); }; class runtime_error : public exception { __cow_string _M_msg; public: explicit runtime_error(const string& __arg); runtime_error(const runtime_error&) throw(); runtime_error& operator=(const runtime_error&) throw(); virtual ~runtime_error() throw(); virtual const char* what() const throw(); }; class range_error : public runtime_error { public: explicit range_error(const string& __arg); virtual ~range_error() throw(); }; class overflow_error : public runtime_error { public: explicit overflow_error(const string& __arg); virtual ~overflow_error() throw(); }; class underflow_error : public runtime_error { public: explicit underflow_error(const string& __arg); virtual ~underflow_error() throw(); }; } # 45 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 2 3 namespace std { enum _Ios_Fmtflags { _S_boolalpha = 1L << 0, _S_dec = 1L << 1, _S_fixed = 1L << 2, _S_hex = 1L << 3, _S_internal = 1L << 4, _S_left = 1L << 5, _S_oct = 1L << 6, _S_right = 1L << 7, _S_scientific = 1L << 8, _S_showbase = 1L << 9, _S_showpoint = 1L << 10, _S_showpos = 1L << 11, _S_skipws = 1L << 12, _S_unitbuf = 1L << 13, _S_uppercase = 1L << 14, _S_adjustfield = _S_left | _S_right | _S_internal, _S_basefield = _S_dec | _S_oct | _S_hex, _S_floatfield = _S_scientific | _S_fixed, _S_ios_fmtflags_end = 1L << 16 }; inline _Ios_Fmtflags operator&(_Ios_Fmtflags __a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) { return _Ios_Fmtflags(static_cast(__a) & static_cast(__b)); } inline _Ios_Fmtflags operator|(_Ios_Fmtflags __a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) { return _Ios_Fmtflags(static_cast(__a) | static_cast(__b)); } inline _Ios_Fmtflags operator^(_Ios_Fmtflags __a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) { return _Ios_Fmtflags(static_cast(__a) ^ static_cast(__b)); } inline _Ios_Fmtflags operator~(_Ios_Fmtflags __a) { return _Ios_Fmtflags(~static_cast(__a)); } inline const _Ios_Fmtflags& operator|=(_Ios_Fmtflags& __a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) { return __a = __a | __b; } inline const _Ios_Fmtflags& operator&=(_Ios_Fmtflags& __a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) { return __a = __a & __b; } inline const _Ios_Fmtflags& operator^=(_Ios_Fmtflags& __a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) { return __a = __a ^ __b; } enum _Ios_Openmode { _S_app = 1L << 0, _S_ate = 1L << 1, _S_bin = 1L << 2, _S_in = 1L << 3, _S_out = 1L << 4, _S_trunc = 1L << 5, _S_ios_openmode_end = 1L << 16 }; inline _Ios_Openmode operator&(_Ios_Openmode __a, _Ios_Openmode __b) { return _Ios_Openmode(static_cast(__a) & static_cast(__b)); } inline _Ios_Openmode operator|(_Ios_Openmode __a, _Ios_Openmode __b) { return _Ios_Openmode(static_cast(__a) | static_cast(__b)); } inline _Ios_Openmode operator^(_Ios_Openmode __a, _Ios_Openmode __b) { return _Ios_Openmode(static_cast(__a) ^ static_cast(__b)); } inline _Ios_Openmode operator~(_Ios_Openmode __a) { return _Ios_Openmode(~static_cast(__a)); } inline const _Ios_Openmode& operator|=(_Ios_Openmode& __a, _Ios_Openmode __b) { return __a = __a | __b; } inline const _Ios_Openmode& operator&=(_Ios_Openmode& __a, _Ios_Openmode __b) { return __a = __a & __b; } inline const _Ios_Openmode& operator^=(_Ios_Openmode& __a, _Ios_Openmode __b) { return __a = __a ^ __b; } enum _Ios_Iostate { _S_goodbit = 0, _S_badbit = 1L << 0, _S_eofbit = 1L << 1, _S_failbit = 1L << 2, _S_ios_iostate_end = 1L << 16 }; inline _Ios_Iostate operator&(_Ios_Iostate __a, _Ios_Iostate __b) { return _Ios_Iostate(static_cast(__a) & static_cast(__b)); } inline _Ios_Iostate operator|(_Ios_Iostate __a, _Ios_Iostate __b) { return _Ios_Iostate(static_cast(__a) | static_cast(__b)); } inline _Ios_Iostate operator^(_Ios_Iostate __a, _Ios_Iostate __b) { return _Ios_Iostate(static_cast(__a) ^ static_cast(__b)); } inline _Ios_Iostate operator~(_Ios_Iostate __a) { return _Ios_Iostate(~static_cast(__a)); } inline const _Ios_Iostate& operator|=(_Ios_Iostate& __a, _Ios_Iostate __b) { return __a = __a | __b; } inline const _Ios_Iostate& operator&=(_Ios_Iostate& __a, _Ios_Iostate __b) { return __a = __a & __b; } inline const _Ios_Iostate& operator^=(_Ios_Iostate& __a, _Ios_Iostate __b) { return __a = __a ^ __b; } enum _Ios_Seekdir { _S_beg = 0, _S_cur = 1, _S_end = 2, _S_ios_seekdir_end = 1L << 16 }; # 222 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 class ios_base { struct system_error : std::runtime_error { struct error_code { error_code() { } private: int _M_value; const void* _M_cat; } _M_code; }; public: # 249 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 class __attribute ((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) failure : public system_error { public: explicit failure(const string& __str); # 263 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 virtual ~failure() throw(); virtual const char* what() const throw(); }; # 317 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 typedef _Ios_Fmtflags fmtflags; static const fmtflags boolalpha = _S_boolalpha; static const fmtflags dec = _S_dec; static const fmtflags fixed = _S_fixed; static const fmtflags hex = _S_hex; static const fmtflags internal = _S_internal; static const fmtflags left = _S_left; static const fmtflags oct = _S_oct; static const fmtflags right = _S_right; static const fmtflags scientific = _S_scientific; static const fmtflags showbase = _S_showbase; static const fmtflags showpoint = _S_showpoint; static const fmtflags showpos = _S_showpos; static const fmtflags skipws = _S_skipws; static const fmtflags unitbuf = _S_unitbuf; static const fmtflags uppercase = _S_uppercase; static const fmtflags adjustfield = _S_adjustfield; static const fmtflags basefield = _S_basefield; static const fmtflags floatfield = _S_floatfield; # 392 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 typedef _Ios_Iostate iostate; static const iostate badbit = _S_badbit; static const iostate eofbit = _S_eofbit; static const iostate failbit = _S_failbit; static const iostate goodbit = _S_goodbit; # 423 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 typedef _Ios_Openmode openmode; static const openmode app = _S_app; static const openmode ate = _S_ate; static const openmode binary = _S_bin; static const openmode in = _S_in; static const openmode out = _S_out; static const openmode trunc = _S_trunc; # 455 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 typedef _Ios_Seekdir seekdir; static const seekdir beg = _S_beg; static const seekdir cur = _S_cur; static const seekdir end = _S_end; typedef int io_state; typedef int open_mode; typedef int seek_dir; typedef std::streampos streampos; typedef std::streamoff streamoff; # 481 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 enum event { erase_event, imbue_event, copyfmt_event }; # 498 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 typedef void (*event_callback) (event __e, ios_base& __b, int __i); # 510 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 void register_callback(event_callback __fn, int __index); protected: streamsize _M_precision; streamsize _M_width; fmtflags _M_flags; iostate _M_exception; iostate _M_streambuf_state; struct _Callback_list { _Callback_list* _M_next; ios_base::event_callback _M_fn; int _M_index; _Atomic_word _M_refcount; _Callback_list(ios_base::event_callback __fn, int __index, _Callback_list* __cb) : _M_next(__cb), _M_fn(__fn), _M_index(__index), _M_refcount(0) { } void _M_add_reference() { __gnu_cxx::__atomic_add_dispatch(&_M_refcount, 1); } int _M_remove_reference() { ; int __res = __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add_dispatch(&_M_refcount, -1); if (__res == 0) { ; } return __res; } }; _Callback_list* _M_callbacks; void _M_call_callbacks(event __ev) throw(); void _M_dispose_callbacks(void) throw(); struct _Words { void* _M_pword; long _M_iword; _Words() : _M_pword(0), _M_iword(0) { } }; _Words _M_word_zero; enum { _S_local_word_size = 8 }; _Words _M_local_word[_S_local_word_size]; int _M_word_size; _Words* _M_word; _Words& _M_grow_words(int __index, bool __iword); locale _M_ios_locale; void _M_init() throw(); public: class Init { friend class ios_base; public: Init(); ~Init(); private: static _Atomic_word _S_refcount; static bool _S_synced_with_stdio; }; fmtflags flags() const { return _M_flags; } # 623 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 fmtflags flags(fmtflags __fmtfl) { fmtflags __old = _M_flags; _M_flags = __fmtfl; return __old; } # 639 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 fmtflags setf(fmtflags __fmtfl) { fmtflags __old = _M_flags; _M_flags |= __fmtfl; return __old; } # 656 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 fmtflags setf(fmtflags __fmtfl, fmtflags __mask) { fmtflags __old = _M_flags; _M_flags &= ~__mask; _M_flags |= (__fmtfl & __mask); return __old; } void unsetf(fmtflags __mask) { _M_flags &= ~__mask; } # 682 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 streamsize precision() const { return _M_precision; } streamsize precision(streamsize __prec) { streamsize __old = _M_precision; _M_precision = __prec; return __old; } streamsize width() const { return _M_width; } streamsize width(streamsize __wide) { streamsize __old = _M_width; _M_width = __wide; return __old; } # 733 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 static bool sync_with_stdio(bool __sync = true); # 745 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 locale imbue(const locale& __loc) throw(); # 756 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 locale getloc() const { return _M_ios_locale; } # 767 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 const locale& _M_getloc() const { return _M_ios_locale; } # 786 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 static int xalloc() throw(); # 802 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 long& iword(int __ix) { _Words& __word = (__ix < _M_word_size) ? _M_word[__ix] : _M_grow_words(__ix, true); return __word._M_iword; } # 823 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 void*& pword(int __ix) { _Words& __word = (__ix < _M_word_size) ? _M_word[__ix] : _M_grow_words(__ix, false); return __word._M_pword; } # 840 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 virtual ~ios_base(); protected: ios_base() throw (); private: ios_base(const ios_base&); ios_base& operator=(const ios_base&); # 867 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 }; inline ios_base& boolalpha(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::boolalpha); return __base; } inline ios_base& noboolalpha(ios_base& __base) { __base.unsetf(ios_base::boolalpha); return __base; } inline ios_base& showbase(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::showbase); return __base; } inline ios_base& noshowbase(ios_base& __base) { __base.unsetf(ios_base::showbase); return __base; } inline ios_base& showpoint(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::showpoint); return __base; } inline ios_base& noshowpoint(ios_base& __base) { __base.unsetf(ios_base::showpoint); return __base; } inline ios_base& showpos(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::showpos); return __base; } inline ios_base& noshowpos(ios_base& __base) { __base.unsetf(ios_base::showpos); return __base; } inline ios_base& skipws(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::skipws); return __base; } inline ios_base& noskipws(ios_base& __base) { __base.unsetf(ios_base::skipws); return __base; } inline ios_base& uppercase(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::uppercase); return __base; } inline ios_base& nouppercase(ios_base& __base) { __base.unsetf(ios_base::uppercase); return __base; } inline ios_base& unitbuf(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::unitbuf); return __base; } inline ios_base& nounitbuf(ios_base& __base) { __base.unsetf(ios_base::unitbuf); return __base; } inline ios_base& internal(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::internal, ios_base::adjustfield); return __base; } inline ios_base& left(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::left, ios_base::adjustfield); return __base; } inline ios_base& right(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::right, ios_base::adjustfield); return __base; } inline ios_base& dec(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::dec, ios_base::basefield); return __base; } inline ios_base& hex(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield); return __base; } inline ios_base& oct(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::oct, ios_base::basefield); return __base; } inline ios_base& fixed(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield); return __base; } inline ios_base& scientific(ios_base& __base) { __base.setf(ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield); return __base; } # 1070 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ios_base.h" 3 } # 43 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ios" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 1 3 # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 # 45 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 namespace std { template streamsize __copy_streambufs_eof(basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>*, basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>*, bool&); # 119 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 template class basic_streambuf { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef typename traits_type::int_type int_type; typedef typename traits_type::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename traits_type::off_type off_type; typedef basic_streambuf __streambuf_type; friend class basic_ios; friend class basic_istream; friend class basic_ostream; friend class istreambuf_iterator; friend class ostreambuf_iterator; friend streamsize __copy_streambufs_eof<>(basic_streambuf*, basic_streambuf*, bool&); template friend typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT2>::__value, _CharT2*>::__type __copy_move_a2(istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, _CharT2*); template friend typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT2>::__value, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2> >::__type find(istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, const _CharT2&); template friend basic_istream<_CharT2, _Traits2>& operator>>(basic_istream<_CharT2, _Traits2>&, _CharT2*); template friend basic_istream<_CharT2, _Traits2>& operator>>(basic_istream<_CharT2, _Traits2>&, basic_string<_CharT2, _Traits2, _Alloc>&); template friend basic_istream<_CharT2, _Traits2>& getline(basic_istream<_CharT2, _Traits2>&, basic_string<_CharT2, _Traits2, _Alloc>&, _CharT2); protected: char_type* _M_in_beg; char_type* _M_in_cur; char_type* _M_in_end; char_type* _M_out_beg; char_type* _M_out_cur; char_type* _M_out_end; locale _M_buf_locale; public: virtual ~basic_streambuf() { } # 208 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 locale pubimbue(const locale& __loc) { locale __tmp(this->getloc()); this->imbue(__loc); _M_buf_locale = __loc; return __tmp; } # 225 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 locale getloc() const { return _M_buf_locale; } # 238 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 basic_streambuf* pubsetbuf(char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { return this->setbuf(__s, __n); } # 250 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 pos_type pubseekoff(off_type __off, ios_base::seekdir __way, ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) { return this->seekoff(__off, __way, __mode); } # 262 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 pos_type pubseekpos(pos_type __sp, ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) { return this->seekpos(__sp, __mode); } int pubsync() { return this->sync(); } # 283 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 streamsize in_avail() { const streamsize __ret = this->egptr() - this->gptr(); return __ret ? __ret : this->showmanyc(); } # 297 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 int_type snextc() { int_type __ret = traits_type::eof(); if (__builtin_expect(!traits_type::eq_int_type(this->sbumpc(), __ret), true)) __ret = this->sgetc(); return __ret; } # 315 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 int_type sbumpc() { int_type __ret; if (__builtin_expect(this->gptr() < this->egptr(), true)) { __ret = traits_type::to_int_type(*this->gptr()); this->gbump(1); } else __ret = this->uflow(); return __ret; } # 337 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 int_type sgetc() { int_type __ret; if (__builtin_expect(this->gptr() < this->egptr(), true)) __ret = traits_type::to_int_type(*this->gptr()); else __ret = this->underflow(); return __ret; } # 356 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 streamsize sgetn(char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { return this->xsgetn(__s, __n); } # 371 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 int_type sputbackc(char_type __c) { int_type __ret; const bool __testpos = this->eback() < this->gptr(); if (__builtin_expect(!__testpos || !traits_type::eq(__c, this->gptr()[-1]), false)) __ret = this->pbackfail(traits_type::to_int_type(__c)); else { this->gbump(-1); __ret = traits_type::to_int_type(*this->gptr()); } return __ret; } # 396 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 int_type sungetc() { int_type __ret; if (__builtin_expect(this->eback() < this->gptr(), true)) { this->gbump(-1); __ret = traits_type::to_int_type(*this->gptr()); } else __ret = this->pbackfail(); return __ret; } # 423 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 int_type sputc(char_type __c) { int_type __ret; if (__builtin_expect(this->pptr() < this->epptr(), true)) { *this->pptr() = __c; this->pbump(1); __ret = traits_type::to_int_type(__c); } else __ret = this->overflow(traits_type::to_int_type(__c)); return __ret; } # 449 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 streamsize sputn(const char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { return this->xsputn(__s, __n); } protected: # 463 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 basic_streambuf() : _M_in_beg(0), _M_in_cur(0), _M_in_end(0), _M_out_beg(0), _M_out_cur(0), _M_out_end(0), _M_buf_locale(locale()) { } # 481 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 char_type* eback() const { return _M_in_beg; } char_type* gptr() const { return _M_in_cur; } char_type* egptr() const { return _M_in_end; } # 497 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 void gbump(int __n) { _M_in_cur += __n; } # 508 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 void setg(char_type* __gbeg, char_type* __gnext, char_type* __gend) { _M_in_beg = __gbeg; _M_in_cur = __gnext; _M_in_end = __gend; } # 528 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 char_type* pbase() const { return _M_out_beg; } char_type* pptr() const { return _M_out_cur; } char_type* epptr() const { return _M_out_end; } # 544 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 void pbump(int __n) { _M_out_cur += __n; } # 554 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 void setp(char_type* __pbeg, char_type* __pend) { _M_out_beg = _M_out_cur = __pbeg; _M_out_end = __pend; } # 575 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual void imbue(const locale& __loc) { } # 590 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual basic_streambuf* setbuf(char_type*, streamsize) { return this; } # 601 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual pos_type seekoff(off_type, ios_base::seekdir, ios_base::openmode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) { return pos_type(off_type(-1)); } # 613 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual pos_type seekpos(pos_type, ios_base::openmode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) { return pos_type(off_type(-1)); } # 626 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual int sync() { return 0; } # 648 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual streamsize showmanyc() { return 0; } # 664 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual streamsize xsgetn(char_type* __s, streamsize __n); # 686 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual int_type underflow() { return traits_type::eof(); } # 699 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual int_type uflow() { int_type __ret = traits_type::eof(); const bool __testeof = traits_type::eq_int_type(this->underflow(), __ret); if (!__testeof) { __ret = traits_type::to_int_type(*this->gptr()); this->gbump(1); } return __ret; } # 723 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type __c = traits_type::eof()) { return traits_type::eof(); } # 741 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual streamsize xsputn(const char_type* __s, streamsize __n); # 767 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 virtual int_type overflow(int_type __c = traits_type::eof()) { return traits_type::eof(); } public: # 782 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 void stossc() { if (this->gptr() < this->egptr()) this->gbump(1); else this->uflow(); } void __safe_gbump(streamsize __n) { _M_in_cur += __n; } void __safe_pbump(streamsize __n) { _M_out_cur += __n; } private: basic_streambuf(const basic_streambuf&); basic_streambuf& operator=(const basic_streambuf&); # 822 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 }; # 836 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 3 template<> streamsize __copy_streambufs_eof(basic_streambuf* __sbin, basic_streambuf* __sbout, bool& __ineof); template<> streamsize __copy_streambufs_eof(basic_streambuf* __sbin, basic_streambuf* __sbout, bool& __ineof); } # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/streambuf.tcc" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/streambuf.tcc" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/streambuf.tcc" 3 namespace std { template streamsize basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: xsgetn(char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { streamsize __ret = 0; while (__ret < __n) { const streamsize __buf_len = this->egptr() - this->gptr(); if (__buf_len) { const streamsize __remaining = __n - __ret; const streamsize __len = std::min(__buf_len, __remaining); traits_type::copy(__s, this->gptr(), __len); __ret += __len; __s += __len; this->__safe_gbump(__len); } if (__ret < __n) { const int_type __c = this->uflow(); if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, traits_type::eof())) { traits_type::assign(*__s++, traits_type::to_char_type(__c)); ++__ret; } else break; } } return __ret; } template streamsize basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: xsputn(const char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { streamsize __ret = 0; while (__ret < __n) { const streamsize __buf_len = this->epptr() - this->pptr(); if (__buf_len) { const streamsize __remaining = __n - __ret; const streamsize __len = std::min(__buf_len, __remaining); traits_type::copy(this->pptr(), __s, __len); __ret += __len; __s += __len; this->__safe_pbump(__len); } if (__ret < __n) { int_type __c = this->overflow(traits_type::to_int_type(*__s)); if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, traits_type::eof())) { ++__ret; ++__s; } else break; } } return __ret; } template streamsize __copy_streambufs_eof(basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __sbin, basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __sbout, bool& __ineof) { streamsize __ret = 0; __ineof = true; typename _Traits::int_type __c = __sbin->sgetc(); while (!_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, _Traits::eof())) { __c = __sbout->sputc(_Traits::to_char_type(__c)); if (_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, _Traits::eof())) { __ineof = false; break; } ++__ret; __c = __sbin->snextc(); } return __ret; } template inline streamsize __copy_streambufs(basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __sbin, basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __sbout) { bool __ineof; return __copy_streambufs_eof(__sbin, __sbout, __ineof); } extern template class basic_streambuf; extern template streamsize __copy_streambufs(basic_streambuf*, basic_streambuf*); extern template streamsize __copy_streambufs_eof(basic_streambuf*, basic_streambuf*, bool&); extern template class basic_streambuf; extern template streamsize __copy_streambufs(basic_streambuf*, basic_streambuf*); extern template streamsize __copy_streambufs_eof(basic_streambuf*, basic_streambuf*, bool&); } # 851 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/streambuf" 2 3 # 44 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ios" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwctype" 1 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwctype" 3 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwctype" 3 # 80 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cwctype" 3 namespace std { using ::wctrans_t; using ::wctype_t; using ::wint_t; using ::iswalnum; using ::iswalpha; using ::iswblank; using ::iswcntrl; using ::iswctype; using ::iswdigit; using ::iswgraph; using ::iswlower; using ::iswprint; using ::iswpunct; using ::iswspace; using ::iswupper; using ::iswxdigit; using ::towctrans; using ::towlower; using ::towupper; using ::wctrans; using ::wctype; } # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cctype" 1 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cctype" 3 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/cctype" 3 # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/ctype_base.h" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/ctype_base.h" 3 namespace std { struct ctype_base { typedef const int* __to_type; typedef unsigned short mask; static const mask upper = 1 << 0; static const mask lower = 1 << 1; static const mask alpha = 1 << 2; static const mask digit = 1 << 3; static const mask xdigit = 1 << 4; static const mask space = 1 << 5; static const mask print = 1 << 6; static const mask graph = (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 9); static const mask cntrl = 1 << 8; static const mask punct = 1 << 9; static const mask alnum = (1 << 2) | (1 << 3); }; } # 42 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/streambuf_iterator.h" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/streambuf_iterator.h" 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/streambuf_iterator.h" 3 namespace std { # 49 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/streambuf_iterator.h" 3 template class istreambuf_iterator : public iterator { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef typename _Traits::int_type int_type; typedef basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits> streambuf_type; typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> istream_type; template friend typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT2>::__value, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT2> >::__type copy(istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>); template friend typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT2>::__value, _CharT2*>::__type __copy_move_a2(istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, _CharT2*); template friend typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT2>::__value, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2> >::__type find(istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, const _CharT2&); private: mutable streambuf_type* _M_sbuf; mutable int_type _M_c; public: istreambuf_iterator() throw() : _M_sbuf(0), _M_c(traits_type::eof()) { } # 112 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/streambuf_iterator.h" 3 istreambuf_iterator(istream_type& __s) throw() : _M_sbuf(__s.rdbuf()), _M_c(traits_type::eof()) { } istreambuf_iterator(streambuf_type* __s) throw() : _M_sbuf(__s), _M_c(traits_type::eof()) { } char_type operator*() const { return traits_type::to_char_type(_M_get()); } istreambuf_iterator& operator++() { ; if (_M_sbuf) { _M_sbuf->sbumpc(); _M_c = traits_type::eof(); } return *this; } istreambuf_iterator operator++(int) { ; istreambuf_iterator __old = *this; if (_M_sbuf) { __old._M_c = _M_sbuf->sbumpc(); _M_c = traits_type::eof(); } return __old; } bool equal(const istreambuf_iterator& __b) const { return _M_at_eof() == __b._M_at_eof(); } private: int_type _M_get() const { const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); int_type __ret = __eof; if (_M_sbuf) { if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(_M_c, __eof)) __ret = _M_c; else if (!traits_type::eq_int_type((__ret = _M_sbuf->sgetc()), __eof)) _M_c = __ret; else _M_sbuf = 0; } return __ret; } bool _M_at_eof() const { const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); return traits_type::eq_int_type(_M_get(), __eof); } }; template inline bool operator==(const istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits>& __a, const istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits>& __b) { return __a.equal(__b); } template inline bool operator!=(const istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits>& __a, const istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits>& __b) { return !__a.equal(__b); } template class ostreambuf_iterator : public iterator { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits> streambuf_type; typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> ostream_type; template friend typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT2>::__value, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT2> >::__type copy(istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT2>); private: streambuf_type* _M_sbuf; bool _M_failed; public: ostreambuf_iterator(ostream_type& __s) throw() : _M_sbuf(__s.rdbuf()), _M_failed(!_M_sbuf) { } ostreambuf_iterator(streambuf_type* __s) throw() : _M_sbuf(__s), _M_failed(!_M_sbuf) { } ostreambuf_iterator& operator=(_CharT __c) { if (!_M_failed && _Traits::eq_int_type(_M_sbuf->sputc(__c), _Traits::eof())) _M_failed = true; return *this; } ostreambuf_iterator& operator*() { return *this; } ostreambuf_iterator& operator++(int) { return *this; } ostreambuf_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } bool failed() const throw() { return _M_failed; } ostreambuf_iterator& _M_put(const _CharT* __ws, streamsize __len) { if (__builtin_expect(!_M_failed, true) && __builtin_expect(this->_M_sbuf->sputn(__ws, __len) != __len, false)) _M_failed = true; return *this; } }; template typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT>::__value, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >::__type copy(istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __first, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __last, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __result) { if (__first._M_sbuf && !__last._M_sbuf && !__result._M_failed) { bool __ineof; __copy_streambufs_eof(__first._M_sbuf, __result._M_sbuf, __ineof); if (!__ineof) __result._M_failed = true; } return __result; } template typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT>::__value, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >::__type __copy_move_a2(_CharT* __first, _CharT* __last, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __result) { const streamsize __num = __last - __first; if (__num > 0) __result._M_put(__first, __num); return __result; } template typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT>::__value, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >::__type __copy_move_a2(const _CharT* __first, const _CharT* __last, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __result) { const streamsize __num = __last - __first; if (__num > 0) __result._M_put(__first, __num); return __result; } template typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT>::__value, _CharT*>::__type __copy_move_a2(istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __first, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __last, _CharT* __result) { typedef istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __is_iterator_type; typedef typename __is_iterator_type::traits_type traits_type; typedef typename __is_iterator_type::streambuf_type streambuf_type; typedef typename traits_type::int_type int_type; if (__first._M_sbuf && !__last._M_sbuf) { streambuf_type* __sb = __first._M_sbuf; int_type __c = __sb->sgetc(); while (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, traits_type::eof())) { const streamsize __n = __sb->egptr() - __sb->gptr(); if (__n > 1) { traits_type::copy(__result, __sb->gptr(), __n); __sb->__safe_gbump(__n); __result += __n; __c = __sb->underflow(); } else { *__result++ = traits_type::to_char_type(__c); __c = __sb->snextc(); } } } return __result; } template typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT>::__value, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> >::__type find(istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __first, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __last, const _CharT& __val) { typedef istreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __is_iterator_type; typedef typename __is_iterator_type::traits_type traits_type; typedef typename __is_iterator_type::streambuf_type streambuf_type; typedef typename traits_type::int_type int_type; if (__first._M_sbuf && !__last._M_sbuf) { const int_type __ival = traits_type::to_int_type(__val); streambuf_type* __sb = __first._M_sbuf; int_type __c = __sb->sgetc(); while (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, traits_type::eof()) && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __ival)) { streamsize __n = __sb->egptr() - __sb->gptr(); if (__n > 1) { const _CharT* __p = traits_type::find(__sb->gptr(), __n, __val); if (__p) __n = __p - __sb->gptr(); __sb->__safe_gbump(__n); __c = __sb->sgetc(); } else __c = __sb->snextc(); } if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, traits_type::eof())) __first._M_c = __c; else __first._M_sbuf = 0; } return __first; } } # 49 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 2 3 namespace std { # 71 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 template void __convert_to_v(const char*, _Tp&, ios_base::iostate&, const __c_locale&) throw(); template<> void __convert_to_v(const char*, float&, ios_base::iostate&, const __c_locale&) throw(); template<> void __convert_to_v(const char*, double&, ios_base::iostate&, const __c_locale&) throw(); template<> void __convert_to_v(const char*, long double&, ios_base::iostate&, const __c_locale&) throw(); template struct __pad { static void _S_pad(ios_base& __io, _CharT __fill, _CharT* __news, const _CharT* __olds, streamsize __newlen, streamsize __oldlen); }; template _CharT* __add_grouping(_CharT* __s, _CharT __sep, const char* __gbeg, size_t __gsize, const _CharT* __first, const _CharT* __last); template inline ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __write(ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> __s, const _CharT* __ws, int __len) { __s._M_put(__ws, __len); return __s; } template inline _OutIter __write(_OutIter __s, const _CharT* __ws, int __len) { for (int __j = 0; __j < __len; __j++, ++__s) *__s = __ws[__j]; return __s; } # 149 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 template class __ctype_abstract_base : public locale::facet, public ctype_base { public: typedef _CharT char_type; # 168 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 bool is(mask __m, char_type __c) const { return this->do_is(__m, __c); } # 185 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char_type* is(const char_type *__lo, const char_type *__hi, mask *__vec) const { return this->do_is(__lo, __hi, __vec); } # 201 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char_type* scan_is(mask __m, const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const { return this->do_scan_is(__m, __lo, __hi); } # 217 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char_type* scan_not(mask __m, const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const { return this->do_scan_not(__m, __lo, __hi); } # 231 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 char_type toupper(char_type __c) const { return this->do_toupper(__c); } # 246 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char_type* toupper(char_type *__lo, const char_type* __hi) const { return this->do_toupper(__lo, __hi); } # 260 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 char_type tolower(char_type __c) const { return this->do_tolower(__c); } # 275 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char_type* tolower(char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const { return this->do_tolower(__lo, __hi); } # 292 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 char_type widen(char __c) const { return this->do_widen(__c); } # 311 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char* widen(const char* __lo, const char* __hi, char_type* __to) const { return this->do_widen(__lo, __hi, __to); } # 330 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 char narrow(char_type __c, char __dfault) const { return this->do_narrow(__c, __dfault); } # 352 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char_type* narrow(const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi, char __dfault, char* __to) const { return this->do_narrow(__lo, __hi, __dfault, __to); } protected: explicit __ctype_abstract_base(size_t __refs = 0): facet(__refs) { } virtual ~__ctype_abstract_base() { } # 377 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual bool do_is(mask __m, char_type __c) const = 0; # 396 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_is(const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi, mask* __vec) const = 0; # 415 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_scan_is(mask __m, const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const = 0; # 434 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_scan_not(mask __m, const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const = 0; # 452 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_toupper(char_type __c) const = 0; # 469 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_toupper(char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const = 0; # 485 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_tolower(char_type __c) const = 0; # 502 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_tolower(char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const = 0; # 521 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_widen(char __c) const = 0; # 542 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char* do_widen(const char* __lo, const char* __hi, char_type* __to) const = 0; # 563 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char do_narrow(char_type __c, char __dfault) const = 0; # 588 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_narrow(const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi, char __dfault, char* __to) const = 0; }; # 611 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 template class ctype : public __ctype_abstract_base<_CharT> { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef typename __ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::mask mask; static locale::id id; explicit ctype(size_t __refs = 0) : __ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>(__refs) { } protected: virtual ~ctype(); virtual bool do_is(mask __m, char_type __c) const; virtual const char_type* do_is(const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi, mask* __vec) const; virtual const char_type* do_scan_is(mask __m, const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const; virtual const char_type* do_scan_not(mask __m, const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const; virtual char_type do_toupper(char_type __c) const; virtual const char_type* do_toupper(char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const; virtual char_type do_tolower(char_type __c) const; virtual const char_type* do_tolower(char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const; virtual char_type do_widen(char __c) const; virtual const char* do_widen(const char* __lo, const char* __hi, char_type* __dest) const; virtual char do_narrow(char_type, char __dfault) const; virtual const char_type* do_narrow(const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi, char __dfault, char* __to) const; }; template locale::id ctype<_CharT>::id; # 680 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 template<> class ctype : public locale::facet, public ctype_base { public: typedef char char_type; protected: __c_locale _M_c_locale_ctype; bool _M_del; __to_type _M_toupper; __to_type _M_tolower; const mask* _M_table; mutable char _M_widen_ok; mutable char _M_widen[1 + static_cast(-1)]; mutable char _M_narrow[1 + static_cast(-1)]; mutable char _M_narrow_ok; public: static locale::id id; static const size_t table_size = 1 + static_cast(-1); # 717 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 explicit ctype(const mask* __table = 0, bool __del = false, size_t __refs = 0); # 730 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 explicit ctype(__c_locale __cloc, const mask* __table = 0, bool __del = false, size_t __refs = 0); # 743 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 inline bool is(mask __m, char __c) const; # 758 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 inline const char* is(const char* __lo, const char* __hi, mask* __vec) const; # 772 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 inline const char* scan_is(mask __m, const char* __lo, const char* __hi) const; # 786 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 inline const char* scan_not(mask __m, const char* __lo, const char* __hi) const; # 801 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 char_type toupper(char_type __c) const { return this->do_toupper(__c); } # 818 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char_type* toupper(char_type *__lo, const char_type* __hi) const { return this->do_toupper(__lo, __hi); } # 834 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 char_type tolower(char_type __c) const { return this->do_tolower(__c); } # 851 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char_type* tolower(char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const { return this->do_tolower(__lo, __hi); } # 871 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 char_type widen(char __c) const { if (_M_widen_ok) return _M_widen[static_cast(__c)]; this->_M_widen_init(); return this->do_widen(__c); } # 898 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char* widen(const char* __lo, const char* __hi, char_type* __to) const { if (_M_widen_ok == 1) { __builtin_memcpy(__to, __lo, __hi - __lo); return __hi; } if (!_M_widen_ok) _M_widen_init(); return this->do_widen(__lo, __hi, __to); } # 929 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 char narrow(char_type __c, char __dfault) const { if (_M_narrow[static_cast(__c)]) return _M_narrow[static_cast(__c)]; const char __t = do_narrow(__c, __dfault); if (__t != __dfault) _M_narrow[static_cast(__c)] = __t; return __t; } # 962 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 const char_type* narrow(const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi, char __dfault, char* __to) const { if (__builtin_expect(_M_narrow_ok == 1, true)) { __builtin_memcpy(__to, __lo, __hi - __lo); return __hi; } if (!_M_narrow_ok) _M_narrow_init(); return this->do_narrow(__lo, __hi, __dfault, __to); } const mask* table() const throw() { return _M_table; } static const mask* classic_table() throw(); protected: virtual ~ctype(); # 1011 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_toupper(char_type __c) const; # 1028 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_toupper(char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const; # 1044 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_tolower(char_type __c) const; # 1061 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_tolower(char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const; # 1081 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_widen(char __c) const { return __c; } # 1104 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char* do_widen(const char* __lo, const char* __hi, char_type* __to) const { __builtin_memcpy(__to, __lo, __hi - __lo); return __hi; } # 1130 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char do_narrow(char_type __c, char __dfault) const { return __c; } # 1156 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_narrow(const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi, char __dfault, char* __to) const { __builtin_memcpy(__to, __lo, __hi - __lo); return __hi; } private: void _M_narrow_init() const; void _M_widen_init() const; }; # 1181 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 template<> class ctype : public __ctype_abstract_base { public: typedef wchar_t char_type; typedef wctype_t __wmask_type; protected: __c_locale _M_c_locale_ctype; bool _M_narrow_ok; char _M_narrow[128]; wint_t _M_widen[1 + static_cast(-1)]; mask _M_bit[16]; __wmask_type _M_wmask[16]; public: static locale::id id; # 1214 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 explicit ctype(size_t __refs = 0); # 1225 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 explicit ctype(__c_locale __cloc, size_t __refs = 0); protected: __wmask_type _M_convert_to_wmask(const mask __m) const throw(); virtual ~ctype(); # 1249 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual bool do_is(mask __m, char_type __c) const; # 1268 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_is(const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi, mask* __vec) const; # 1286 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_scan_is(mask __m, const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const; # 1304 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_scan_not(mask __m, const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const; # 1321 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_toupper(char_type __c) const; # 1338 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_toupper(char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const; # 1354 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_tolower(char_type __c) const; # 1371 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_tolower(char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi) const; # 1391 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_widen(char __c) const; # 1413 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char* do_widen(const char* __lo, const char* __hi, char_type* __to) const; # 1436 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char do_narrow(char_type __c, char __dfault) const; # 1462 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual const char_type* do_narrow(const char_type* __lo, const char_type* __hi, char __dfault, char* __to) const; void _M_initialize_ctype() throw(); }; template class ctype_byname : public ctype<_CharT> { public: typedef typename ctype<_CharT>::mask mask; explicit ctype_byname(const char* __s, size_t __refs = 0); protected: virtual ~ctype_byname() { }; }; template<> class ctype_byname : public ctype { public: explicit ctype_byname(const char* __s, size_t __refs = 0); protected: virtual ~ctype_byname(); }; template<> class ctype_byname : public ctype { public: explicit ctype_byname(const char* __s, size_t __refs = 0); protected: virtual ~ctype_byname(); }; } # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/ctype_inline.h" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/mingw32/bits/ctype_inline.h" 3 namespace std { bool ctype:: is(mask __m, char __c) const { return (_M_table[static_cast(__c) ] & __m); } const char* ctype:: is(const char* __low, const char* __high, mask* __vec) const { while (__low < __high) *__vec++ = _M_table[static_cast(*__low++)]; return __high; } const char* ctype:: scan_is(mask __m, const char* __low, const char* __high) const { while (__low < __high && !this->is(__m, *__low)) ++__low; return __low; } const char* ctype:: scan_not(mask __m, const char* __low, const char* __high) const { while (__low < __high && this->is(__m, *__low) != 0) ++__low; return __low; } } # 1535 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 2 3 namespace std { class __num_base { public: enum { _S_ominus, _S_oplus, _S_ox, _S_oX, _S_odigits, _S_odigits_end = _S_odigits + 16, _S_oudigits = _S_odigits_end, _S_oudigits_end = _S_oudigits + 16, _S_oe = _S_odigits + 14, _S_oE = _S_oudigits + 14, _S_oend = _S_oudigits_end }; static const char* _S_atoms_out; static const char* _S_atoms_in; enum { _S_iminus, _S_iplus, _S_ix, _S_iX, _S_izero, _S_ie = _S_izero + 14, _S_iE = _S_izero + 20, _S_iend = 26 }; static void _S_format_float(const ios_base& __io, char* __fptr, char __mod) throw(); }; template struct __numpunct_cache : public locale::facet { const char* _M_grouping; size_t _M_grouping_size; bool _M_use_grouping; const _CharT* _M_truename; size_t _M_truename_size; const _CharT* _M_falsename; size_t _M_falsename_size; _CharT _M_decimal_point; _CharT _M_thousands_sep; _CharT _M_atoms_out[__num_base::_S_oend]; _CharT _M_atoms_in[__num_base::_S_iend]; bool _M_allocated; __numpunct_cache(size_t __refs = 0) : facet(__refs), _M_grouping(0), _M_grouping_size(0), _M_use_grouping(false), _M_truename(0), _M_truename_size(0), _M_falsename(0), _M_falsename_size(0), _M_decimal_point(_CharT()), _M_thousands_sep(_CharT()), _M_allocated(false) { } ~__numpunct_cache(); void _M_cache(const locale& __loc); private: __numpunct_cache& operator=(const __numpunct_cache&); explicit __numpunct_cache(const __numpunct_cache&); }; template __numpunct_cache<_CharT>::~__numpunct_cache() { if (_M_allocated) { delete [] _M_grouping; delete [] _M_truename; delete [] _M_falsename; } } namespace __cxx11 { # 1665 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 template class numpunct : public locale::facet { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef basic_string<_CharT> string_type; typedef __numpunct_cache<_CharT> __cache_type; protected: __cache_type* _M_data; public: static locale::id id; explicit numpunct(size_t __refs = 0) : facet(__refs), _M_data(0) { _M_initialize_numpunct(); } # 1703 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 explicit numpunct(__cache_type* __cache, size_t __refs = 0) : facet(__refs), _M_data(__cache) { _M_initialize_numpunct(); } # 1717 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 explicit numpunct(__c_locale __cloc, size_t __refs = 0) : facet(__refs), _M_data(0) { _M_initialize_numpunct(__cloc); } # 1731 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 char_type decimal_point() const { return this->do_decimal_point(); } # 1744 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 char_type thousands_sep() const { return this->do_thousands_sep(); } # 1775 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 string grouping() const { return this->do_grouping(); } # 1788 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 string_type truename() const { return this->do_truename(); } # 1801 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 string_type falsename() const { return this->do_falsename(); } protected: virtual ~numpunct(); # 1818 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_decimal_point() const { return _M_data->_M_decimal_point; } # 1830 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual char_type do_thousands_sep() const { return _M_data->_M_thousands_sep; } # 1843 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual string do_grouping() const { return _M_data->_M_grouping; } # 1856 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual string_type do_truename() const { return _M_data->_M_truename; } # 1869 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual string_type do_falsename() const { return _M_data->_M_falsename; } void _M_initialize_numpunct(__c_locale __cloc = 0); }; template locale::id numpunct<_CharT>::id; template<> numpunct::~numpunct(); template<> void numpunct::_M_initialize_numpunct(__c_locale __cloc); template<> numpunct::~numpunct(); template<> void numpunct::_M_initialize_numpunct(__c_locale __cloc); template class numpunct_byname : public numpunct<_CharT> { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef basic_string<_CharT> string_type; explicit numpunct_byname(const char* __s, size_t __refs = 0) : numpunct<_CharT>(__refs) { if (__builtin_strcmp(__s, "C") != 0 && __builtin_strcmp(__s, "POSIX") != 0) { __c_locale __tmp; this->_S_create_c_locale(__tmp, __s); this->_M_initialize_numpunct(__tmp); this->_S_destroy_c_locale(__tmp); } } protected: virtual ~numpunct_byname() { } }; } # 1947 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 template class num_get : public locale::facet { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef _InIter iter_type; static locale::id id; # 1968 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 explicit num_get(size_t __refs = 0) : facet(__refs) { } # 1994 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, bool& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } # 2031 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, long& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, unsigned short& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, unsigned int& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, unsigned long& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, long long& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, unsigned long long& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } # 2091 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, float& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, double& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, long double& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } # 2134 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 iter_type get(iter_type __in, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, void*& __v) const { return this->do_get(__in, __end, __io, __err, __v); } protected: virtual ~num_get() { } __attribute ((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) iter_type _M_extract_float(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&, ios_base::iostate&, string&) const; template __attribute ((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) iter_type _M_extract_int(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&, ios_base::iostate&, _ValueT&) const; template typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_char<_CharT2>::__value, int>::__type _M_find(const _CharT2*, size_t __len, _CharT2 __c) const { int __ret = -1; if (__len <= 10) { if (__c >= _CharT2('0') && __c < _CharT2(_CharT2('0') + __len)) __ret = __c - _CharT2('0'); } else { if (__c >= _CharT2('0') && __c <= _CharT2('9')) __ret = __c - _CharT2('0'); else if (__c >= _CharT2('a') && __c <= _CharT2('f')) __ret = 10 + (__c - _CharT2('a')); else if (__c >= _CharT2('A') && __c <= _CharT2('F')) __ret = 10 + (__c - _CharT2('A')); } return __ret; } template typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if::__value, int>::__type _M_find(const _CharT2* __zero, size_t __len, _CharT2 __c) const { int __ret = -1; const char_type* __q = char_traits<_CharT2>::find(__zero, __len, __c); if (__q) { __ret = __q - __zero; if (__ret > 15) __ret -= 6; } return __ret; } # 2207 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&, ios_base::iostate&, bool&) const; virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, long& __v) const { return _M_extract_int(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __v); } virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, unsigned short& __v) const { return _M_extract_int(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __v); } virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, unsigned int& __v) const { return _M_extract_int(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __v); } virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, unsigned long& __v) const { return _M_extract_int(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __v); } virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, long long& __v) const { return _M_extract_int(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __v); } virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, unsigned long long& __v) const { return _M_extract_int(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __v); } virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&, ios_base::iostate&, float&) const; virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&, ios_base::iostate&, double&) const; virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&, ios_base::iostate&, long double&) const; virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&, ios_base::iostate&, void*&) const; # 2270 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 }; template locale::id num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::id; # 2288 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 template class num_put : public locale::facet { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef _OutIter iter_type; static locale::id id; # 2309 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 explicit num_put(size_t __refs = 0) : facet(__refs) { } # 2327 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 iter_type put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, bool __v) const { return this->do_put(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } # 2369 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 iter_type put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, long __v) const { return this->do_put(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } iter_type put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, unsigned long __v) const { return this->do_put(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } iter_type put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, long long __v) const { return this->do_put(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } iter_type put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, unsigned long long __v) const { return this->do_put(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } # 2432 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 iter_type put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, double __v) const { return this->do_put(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } iter_type put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, long double __v) const { return this->do_put(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } # 2457 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 iter_type put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, const void* __v) const { return this->do_put(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } protected: template iter_type _M_insert_float(iter_type, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, char __mod, _ValueT __v) const; void _M_group_float(const char* __grouping, size_t __grouping_size, char_type __sep, const char_type* __p, char_type* __new, char_type* __cs, int& __len) const; template iter_type _M_insert_int(iter_type, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, _ValueT __v) const; void _M_group_int(const char* __grouping, size_t __grouping_size, char_type __sep, ios_base& __io, char_type* __new, char_type* __cs, int& __len) const; void _M_pad(char_type __fill, streamsize __w, ios_base& __io, char_type* __new, const char_type* __cs, int& __len) const; virtual ~num_put() { }; # 2505 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 virtual iter_type do_put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, bool __v) const; virtual iter_type do_put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, long __v) const { return _M_insert_int(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } virtual iter_type do_put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, unsigned long __v) const { return _M_insert_int(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } virtual iter_type do_put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, long long __v) const { return _M_insert_int(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } virtual iter_type do_put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, unsigned long long __v) const { return _M_insert_int(__s, __io, __fill, __v); } virtual iter_type do_put(iter_type, ios_base&, char_type, double) const; virtual iter_type do_put(iter_type, ios_base&, char_type, long double) const; virtual iter_type do_put(iter_type, ios_base&, char_type, const void*) const; }; template locale::id num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::id; template inline bool isspace(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::space, __c); } template inline bool isprint(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::print, __c); } template inline bool iscntrl(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::cntrl, __c); } template inline bool isupper(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::upper, __c); } template inline bool islower(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::lower, __c); } template inline bool isalpha(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::alpha, __c); } template inline bool isdigit(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::digit, __c); } template inline bool ispunct(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::punct, __c); } template inline bool isxdigit(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::xdigit, __c); } template inline bool isalnum(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::alnum, __c); } template inline bool isgraph(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).is(ctype_base::graph, __c); } # 2637 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 3 template inline _CharT toupper(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).toupper(__c); } template inline _CharT tolower(_CharT __c, const locale& __loc) { return use_facet >(__loc).tolower(__c); } } # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.tcc" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.tcc" 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.tcc" 3 namespace std { template struct __use_cache { const _Facet* operator() (const locale& __loc) const; }; template struct __use_cache<__numpunct_cache<_CharT> > { const __numpunct_cache<_CharT>* operator() (const locale& __loc) const { const size_t __i = numpunct<_CharT>::id._M_id(); const locale::facet** __caches = __loc._M_impl->_M_caches; if (!__caches[__i]) { __numpunct_cache<_CharT>* __tmp = 0; try { __tmp = new __numpunct_cache<_CharT>; __tmp->_M_cache(__loc); } catch(...) { delete __tmp; throw; } __loc._M_impl->_M_install_cache(__tmp, __i); } return static_cast*>(__caches[__i]); } }; template void __numpunct_cache<_CharT>::_M_cache(const locale& __loc) { const numpunct<_CharT>& __np = use_facet >(__loc); char* __grouping = 0; _CharT* __truename = 0; _CharT* __falsename = 0; try { const string& __g = __np.grouping(); _M_grouping_size = __g.size(); __grouping = new char[_M_grouping_size]; __g.copy(__grouping, _M_grouping_size); _M_use_grouping = (_M_grouping_size && static_cast(__grouping[0]) > 0 && (__grouping[0] != __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max)); const basic_string<_CharT>& __tn = __np.truename(); _M_truename_size = __tn.size(); __truename = new _CharT[_M_truename_size]; __tn.copy(__truename, _M_truename_size); const basic_string<_CharT>& __fn = __np.falsename(); _M_falsename_size = __fn.size(); __falsename = new _CharT[_M_falsename_size]; __fn.copy(__falsename, _M_falsename_size); _M_decimal_point = __np.decimal_point(); _M_thousands_sep = __np.thousands_sep(); const ctype<_CharT>& __ct = use_facet >(__loc); __ct.widen(__num_base::_S_atoms_out, __num_base::_S_atoms_out + __num_base::_S_oend, _M_atoms_out); __ct.widen(__num_base::_S_atoms_in, __num_base::_S_atoms_in + __num_base::_S_iend, _M_atoms_in); _M_grouping = __grouping; _M_truename = __truename; _M_falsename = __falsename; _M_allocated = true; } catch(...) { delete [] __grouping; delete [] __truename; delete [] __falsename; throw; } } # 139 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.tcc" 3 __attribute__ ((__pure__)) bool __verify_grouping(const char* __grouping, size_t __grouping_size, const string& __grouping_tmp) throw (); template __attribute ((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) _InIter num_get<_CharT, _InIter>:: _M_extract_float(_InIter __beg, _InIter __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, string& __xtrc) const { typedef char_traits<_CharT> __traits_type; typedef __numpunct_cache<_CharT> __cache_type; __use_cache<__cache_type> __uc; const locale& __loc = __io._M_getloc(); const __cache_type* __lc = __uc(__loc); const _CharT* __lit = __lc->_M_atoms_in; char_type __c = char_type(); bool __testeof = __beg == __end; if (!__testeof) { __c = *__beg; const bool __plus = __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iplus]; if ((__plus || __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iminus]) && !(__lc->_M_use_grouping && __c == __lc->_M_thousands_sep) && !(__c == __lc->_M_decimal_point)) { __xtrc += __plus ? '+' : '-'; if (++__beg != __end) __c = *__beg; else __testeof = true; } } bool __found_mantissa = false; int __sep_pos = 0; while (!__testeof) { if ((__lc->_M_use_grouping && __c == __lc->_M_thousands_sep) || __c == __lc->_M_decimal_point) break; else if (__c == __lit[__num_base::_S_izero]) { if (!__found_mantissa) { __xtrc += '0'; __found_mantissa = true; } ++__sep_pos; if (++__beg != __end) __c = *__beg; else __testeof = true; } else break; } bool __found_dec = false; bool __found_sci = false; string __found_grouping; if (__lc->_M_use_grouping) __found_grouping.reserve(32); const char_type* __lit_zero = __lit + __num_base::_S_izero; if (!__lc->_M_allocated) while (!__testeof) { const int __digit = _M_find(__lit_zero, 10, __c); if (__digit != -1) { __xtrc += '0' + __digit; __found_mantissa = true; } else if (__c == __lc->_M_decimal_point && !__found_dec && !__found_sci) { __xtrc += '.'; __found_dec = true; } else if ((__c == __lit[__num_base::_S_ie] || __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iE]) && !__found_sci && __found_mantissa) { __xtrc += 'e'; __found_sci = true; if (++__beg != __end) { __c = *__beg; const bool __plus = __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iplus]; if (__plus || __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iminus]) __xtrc += __plus ? '+' : '-'; else continue; } else { __testeof = true; break; } } else break; if (++__beg != __end) __c = *__beg; else __testeof = true; } else while (!__testeof) { if (__lc->_M_use_grouping && __c == __lc->_M_thousands_sep) { if (!__found_dec && !__found_sci) { if (__sep_pos) { __found_grouping += static_cast(__sep_pos); __sep_pos = 0; } else { __xtrc.clear(); break; } } else break; } else if (__c == __lc->_M_decimal_point) { if (!__found_dec && !__found_sci) { if (__found_grouping.size()) __found_grouping += static_cast(__sep_pos); __xtrc += '.'; __found_dec = true; } else break; } else { const char_type* __q = __traits_type::find(__lit_zero, 10, __c); if (__q) { __xtrc += '0' + (__q - __lit_zero); __found_mantissa = true; ++__sep_pos; } else if ((__c == __lit[__num_base::_S_ie] || __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iE]) && !__found_sci && __found_mantissa) { if (__found_grouping.size() && !__found_dec) __found_grouping += static_cast(__sep_pos); __xtrc += 'e'; __found_sci = true; if (++__beg != __end) { __c = *__beg; const bool __plus = __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iplus]; if ((__plus || __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iminus]) && !(__lc->_M_use_grouping && __c == __lc->_M_thousands_sep) && !(__c == __lc->_M_decimal_point)) __xtrc += __plus ? '+' : '-'; else continue; } else { __testeof = true; break; } } else break; } if (++__beg != __end) __c = *__beg; else __testeof = true; } if (__found_grouping.size()) { if (!__found_dec && !__found_sci) __found_grouping += static_cast(__sep_pos); if (!std::__verify_grouping(__lc->_M_grouping, __lc->_M_grouping_size, __found_grouping)) __err = ios_base::failbit; } return __beg; } template template __attribute ((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) _InIter num_get<_CharT, _InIter>:: _M_extract_int(_InIter __beg, _InIter __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, _ValueT& __v) const { typedef char_traits<_CharT> __traits_type; using __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned; typedef typename __add_unsigned<_ValueT>::__type __unsigned_type; typedef __numpunct_cache<_CharT> __cache_type; __use_cache<__cache_type> __uc; const locale& __loc = __io._M_getloc(); const __cache_type* __lc = __uc(__loc); const _CharT* __lit = __lc->_M_atoms_in; char_type __c = char_type(); const ios_base::fmtflags __basefield = __io.flags() & ios_base::basefield; const bool __oct = __basefield == ios_base::oct; int __base = __oct ? 8 : (__basefield == ios_base::hex ? 16 : 10); bool __testeof = __beg == __end; bool __negative = false; if (!__testeof) { __c = *__beg; __negative = __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iminus]; if ((__negative || __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iplus]) && !(__lc->_M_use_grouping && __c == __lc->_M_thousands_sep) && !(__c == __lc->_M_decimal_point)) { if (++__beg != __end) __c = *__beg; else __testeof = true; } } bool __found_zero = false; int __sep_pos = 0; while (!__testeof) { if ((__lc->_M_use_grouping && __c == __lc->_M_thousands_sep) || __c == __lc->_M_decimal_point) break; else if (__c == __lit[__num_base::_S_izero] && (!__found_zero || __base == 10)) { __found_zero = true; ++__sep_pos; if (__basefield == 0) __base = 8; if (__base == 8) __sep_pos = 0; } else if (__found_zero && (__c == __lit[__num_base::_S_ix] || __c == __lit[__num_base::_S_iX])) { if (__basefield == 0) __base = 16; if (__base == 16) { __found_zero = false; __sep_pos = 0; } else break; } else break; if (++__beg != __end) { __c = *__beg; if (!__found_zero) break; } else __testeof = true; } const size_t __len = (__base == 16 ? __num_base::_S_iend - __num_base::_S_izero : __base); string __found_grouping; if (__lc->_M_use_grouping) __found_grouping.reserve(32); bool __testfail = false; bool __testoverflow = false; const __unsigned_type __max = (__negative && __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<_ValueT>::__is_signed) ? -__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<_ValueT>::__min : __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<_ValueT>::__max; const __unsigned_type __smax = __max / __base; __unsigned_type __result = 0; int __digit = 0; const char_type* __lit_zero = __lit + __num_base::_S_izero; if (!__lc->_M_allocated) while (!__testeof) { __digit = _M_find(__lit_zero, __len, __c); if (__digit == -1) break; if (__result > __smax) __testoverflow = true; else { __result *= __base; __testoverflow |= __result > __max - __digit; __result += __digit; ++__sep_pos; } if (++__beg != __end) __c = *__beg; else __testeof = true; } else while (!__testeof) { if (__lc->_M_use_grouping && __c == __lc->_M_thousands_sep) { if (__sep_pos) { __found_grouping += static_cast(__sep_pos); __sep_pos = 0; } else { __testfail = true; break; } } else if (__c == __lc->_M_decimal_point) break; else { const char_type* __q = __traits_type::find(__lit_zero, __len, __c); if (!__q) break; __digit = __q - __lit_zero; if (__digit > 15) __digit -= 6; if (__result > __smax) __testoverflow = true; else { __result *= __base; __testoverflow |= __result > __max - __digit; __result += __digit; ++__sep_pos; } } if (++__beg != __end) __c = *__beg; else __testeof = true; } if (__found_grouping.size()) { __found_grouping += static_cast(__sep_pos); if (!std::__verify_grouping(__lc->_M_grouping, __lc->_M_grouping_size, __found_grouping)) __err = ios_base::failbit; } if ((!__sep_pos && !__found_zero && !__found_grouping.size()) || __testfail) { __v = 0; __err = ios_base::failbit; } else if (__testoverflow) { if (__negative && __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<_ValueT>::__is_signed) __v = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<_ValueT>::__min; else __v = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<_ValueT>::__max; __err = ios_base::failbit; } else __v = __negative ? -__result : __result; if (__testeof) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; return __beg; } template _InIter num_get<_CharT, _InIter>:: do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, bool& __v) const { if (!(__io.flags() & ios_base::boolalpha)) { long __l = -1; __beg = _M_extract_int(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __l); if (__l == 0 || __l == 1) __v = bool(__l); else { __v = true; __err = ios_base::failbit; if (__beg == __end) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } } else { typedef __numpunct_cache<_CharT> __cache_type; __use_cache<__cache_type> __uc; const locale& __loc = __io._M_getloc(); const __cache_type* __lc = __uc(__loc); bool __testf = true; bool __testt = true; bool __donef = __lc->_M_falsename_size == 0; bool __donet = __lc->_M_truename_size == 0; bool __testeof = false; size_t __n = 0; while (!__donef || !__donet) { if (__beg == __end) { __testeof = true; break; } const char_type __c = *__beg; if (!__donef) __testf = __c == __lc->_M_falsename[__n]; if (!__testf && __donet) break; if (!__donet) __testt = __c == __lc->_M_truename[__n]; if (!__testt && __donef) break; if (!__testt && !__testf) break; ++__n; ++__beg; __donef = !__testf || __n >= __lc->_M_falsename_size; __donet = !__testt || __n >= __lc->_M_truename_size; } if (__testf && __n == __lc->_M_falsename_size && __n) { __v = false; if (__testt && __n == __lc->_M_truename_size) __err = ios_base::failbit; else __err = __testeof ? ios_base::eofbit : ios_base::goodbit; } else if (__testt && __n == __lc->_M_truename_size && __n) { __v = true; __err = __testeof ? ios_base::eofbit : ios_base::goodbit; } else { __v = false; __err = ios_base::failbit; if (__testeof) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } } return __beg; } template _InIter num_get<_CharT, _InIter>:: do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, float& __v) const { string __xtrc; __xtrc.reserve(32); __beg = _M_extract_float(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __xtrc); std::__convert_to_v(__xtrc.c_str(), __v, __err, _S_get_c_locale()); if (__beg == __end) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; return __beg; } template _InIter num_get<_CharT, _InIter>:: do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, double& __v) const { string __xtrc; __xtrc.reserve(32); __beg = _M_extract_float(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __xtrc); std::__convert_to_v(__xtrc.c_str(), __v, __err, _S_get_c_locale()); if (__beg == __end) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; return __beg; } # 735 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.tcc" 3 template _InIter num_get<_CharT, _InIter>:: do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, long double& __v) const { string __xtrc; __xtrc.reserve(32); __beg = _M_extract_float(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __xtrc); std::__convert_to_v(__xtrc.c_str(), __v, __err, _S_get_c_locale()); if (__beg == __end) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; return __beg; } template _InIter num_get<_CharT, _InIter>:: do_get(iter_type __beg, iter_type __end, ios_base& __io, ios_base::iostate& __err, void*& __v) const { typedef ios_base::fmtflags fmtflags; const fmtflags __fmt = __io.flags(); __io.flags((__fmt & ~ios_base::basefield) | ios_base::hex); typedef __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<(sizeof(void*) <= sizeof(unsigned long)), unsigned long, unsigned long long>::__type _UIntPtrType; _UIntPtrType __ul; __beg = _M_extract_int(__beg, __end, __io, __err, __ul); __io.flags(__fmt); __v = reinterpret_cast(__ul); return __beg; } template void num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>:: _M_pad(_CharT __fill, streamsize __w, ios_base& __io, _CharT* __new, const _CharT* __cs, int& __len) const { __pad<_CharT, char_traits<_CharT> >::_S_pad(__io, __fill, __new, __cs, __w, __len); __len = static_cast(__w); } template int __int_to_char(_CharT* __bufend, _ValueT __v, const _CharT* __lit, ios_base::fmtflags __flags, bool __dec) { _CharT* __buf = __bufend; if (__builtin_expect(__dec, true)) { do { *--__buf = __lit[(__v % 10) + __num_base::_S_odigits]; __v /= 10; } while (__v != 0); } else if ((__flags & ios_base::basefield) == ios_base::oct) { do { *--__buf = __lit[(__v & 0x7) + __num_base::_S_odigits]; __v >>= 3; } while (__v != 0); } else { const bool __uppercase = __flags & ios_base::uppercase; const int __case_offset = __uppercase ? __num_base::_S_oudigits : __num_base::_S_odigits; do { *--__buf = __lit[(__v & 0xf) + __case_offset]; __v >>= 4; } while (__v != 0); } return __bufend - __buf; } template void num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>:: _M_group_int(const char* __grouping, size_t __grouping_size, _CharT __sep, ios_base&, _CharT* __new, _CharT* __cs, int& __len) const { _CharT* __p = std::__add_grouping(__new, __sep, __grouping, __grouping_size, __cs, __cs + __len); __len = __p - __new; } template template _OutIter num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>:: _M_insert_int(_OutIter __s, ios_base& __io, _CharT __fill, _ValueT __v) const { using __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned; typedef typename __add_unsigned<_ValueT>::__type __unsigned_type; typedef __numpunct_cache<_CharT> __cache_type; __use_cache<__cache_type> __uc; const locale& __loc = __io._M_getloc(); const __cache_type* __lc = __uc(__loc); const _CharT* __lit = __lc->_M_atoms_out; const ios_base::fmtflags __flags = __io.flags(); const int __ilen = 5 * sizeof(_ValueT); _CharT* __cs = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * __ilen)); const ios_base::fmtflags __basefield = __flags & ios_base::basefield; const bool __dec = (__basefield != ios_base::oct && __basefield != ios_base::hex); const __unsigned_type __u = ((__v > 0 || !__dec) ? __unsigned_type(__v) : -__unsigned_type(__v)); int __len = __int_to_char(__cs + __ilen, __u, __lit, __flags, __dec); __cs += __ilen - __len; if (__lc->_M_use_grouping) { _CharT* __cs2 = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * (__len + 1) * 2)); _M_group_int(__lc->_M_grouping, __lc->_M_grouping_size, __lc->_M_thousands_sep, __io, __cs2 + 2, __cs, __len); __cs = __cs2 + 2; } if (__builtin_expect(__dec, true)) { if (__v >= 0) { if (bool(__flags & ios_base::showpos) && __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<_ValueT>::__is_signed) *--__cs = __lit[__num_base::_S_oplus], ++__len; } else *--__cs = __lit[__num_base::_S_ominus], ++__len; } else if (bool(__flags & ios_base::showbase) && __v) { if (__basefield == ios_base::oct) *--__cs = __lit[__num_base::_S_odigits], ++__len; else { const bool __uppercase = __flags & ios_base::uppercase; *--__cs = __lit[__num_base::_S_ox + __uppercase]; *--__cs = __lit[__num_base::_S_odigits]; __len += 2; } } const streamsize __w = __io.width(); if (__w > static_cast(__len)) { _CharT* __cs3 = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * __w)); _M_pad(__fill, __w, __io, __cs3, __cs, __len); __cs = __cs3; } __io.width(0); return std::__write(__s, __cs, __len); } template void num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>:: _M_group_float(const char* __grouping, size_t __grouping_size, _CharT __sep, const _CharT* __p, _CharT* __new, _CharT* __cs, int& __len) const { const int __declen = __p ? __p - __cs : __len; _CharT* __p2 = std::__add_grouping(__new, __sep, __grouping, __grouping_size, __cs, __cs + __declen); int __newlen = __p2 - __new; if (__p) { char_traits<_CharT>::copy(__p2, __p, __len - __declen); __newlen += __len - __declen; } __len = __newlen; } # 971 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.tcc" 3 template template _OutIter num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>:: _M_insert_float(_OutIter __s, ios_base& __io, _CharT __fill, char __mod, _ValueT __v) const { typedef __numpunct_cache<_CharT> __cache_type; __use_cache<__cache_type> __uc; const locale& __loc = __io._M_getloc(); const __cache_type* __lc = __uc(__loc); const streamsize __prec = __io.precision() < 0 ? 6 : __io.precision(); const int __max_digits = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<_ValueT>::__digits10; int __len; char __fbuf[16]; __num_base::_S_format_float(__io, __fbuf, __mod); const bool __use_prec = (__io.flags() & ios_base::floatfield) != ios_base::floatfield; int __cs_size = __max_digits * 3; char* __cs = static_cast(__builtin_alloca(__cs_size)); if (__use_prec) __len = std::__convert_from_v(_S_get_c_locale(), __cs, __cs_size, __fbuf, __prec, __v); else __len = std::__convert_from_v(_S_get_c_locale(), __cs, __cs_size, __fbuf, __v); if (__len >= __cs_size) { __cs_size = __len + 1; __cs = static_cast(__builtin_alloca(__cs_size)); if (__use_prec) __len = std::__convert_from_v(_S_get_c_locale(), __cs, __cs_size, __fbuf, __prec, __v); else __len = std::__convert_from_v(_S_get_c_locale(), __cs, __cs_size, __fbuf, __v); } # 1044 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.tcc" 3 const ctype<_CharT>& __ctype = use_facet >(__loc); _CharT* __ws = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * __len)); __ctype.widen(__cs, __cs + __len, __ws); _CharT* __wp = 0; const char* __p = char_traits::find(__cs, __len, '.'); if (__p) { __wp = __ws + (__p - __cs); *__wp = __lc->_M_decimal_point; } if (__lc->_M_use_grouping && (__wp || __len < 3 || (__cs[1] <= '9' && __cs[2] <= '9' && __cs[1] >= '0' && __cs[2] >= '0'))) { _CharT* __ws2 = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * __len * 2)); streamsize __off = 0; if (__cs[0] == '-' || __cs[0] == '+') { __off = 1; __ws2[0] = __ws[0]; __len -= 1; } _M_group_float(__lc->_M_grouping, __lc->_M_grouping_size, __lc->_M_thousands_sep, __wp, __ws2 + __off, __ws + __off, __len); __len += __off; __ws = __ws2; } const streamsize __w = __io.width(); if (__w > static_cast(__len)) { _CharT* __ws3 = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * __w)); _M_pad(__fill, __w, __io, __ws3, __ws, __len); __ws = __ws3; } __io.width(0); return std::__write(__s, __ws, __len); } template _OutIter num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>:: do_put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, bool __v) const { const ios_base::fmtflags __flags = __io.flags(); if ((__flags & ios_base::boolalpha) == 0) { const long __l = __v; __s = _M_insert_int(__s, __io, __fill, __l); } else { typedef __numpunct_cache<_CharT> __cache_type; __use_cache<__cache_type> __uc; const locale& __loc = __io._M_getloc(); const __cache_type* __lc = __uc(__loc); const _CharT* __name = __v ? __lc->_M_truename : __lc->_M_falsename; int __len = __v ? __lc->_M_truename_size : __lc->_M_falsename_size; const streamsize __w = __io.width(); if (__w > static_cast(__len)) { const streamsize __plen = __w - __len; _CharT* __ps = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * __plen)); char_traits<_CharT>::assign(__ps, __plen, __fill); __io.width(0); if ((__flags & ios_base::adjustfield) == ios_base::left) { __s = std::__write(__s, __name, __len); __s = std::__write(__s, __ps, __plen); } else { __s = std::__write(__s, __ps, __plen); __s = std::__write(__s, __name, __len); } return __s; } __io.width(0); __s = std::__write(__s, __name, __len); } return __s; } template _OutIter num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>:: do_put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, double __v) const { return _M_insert_float(__s, __io, __fill, char(), __v); } # 1169 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.tcc" 3 template _OutIter num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>:: do_put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, long double __v) const { return _M_insert_float(__s, __io, __fill, 'L', __v); } template _OutIter num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>:: do_put(iter_type __s, ios_base& __io, char_type __fill, const void* __v) const { const ios_base::fmtflags __flags = __io.flags(); const ios_base::fmtflags __fmt = ~(ios_base::basefield | ios_base::uppercase); __io.flags((__flags & __fmt) | (ios_base::hex | ios_base::showbase)); typedef __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<(sizeof(const void*) <= sizeof(unsigned long)), unsigned long, unsigned long long>::__type _UIntPtrType; __s = _M_insert_int(__s, __io, __fill, reinterpret_cast<_UIntPtrType>(__v)); __io.flags(__flags); return __s; } # 1206 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.tcc" 3 template void __pad<_CharT, _Traits>::_S_pad(ios_base& __io, _CharT __fill, _CharT* __news, const _CharT* __olds, streamsize __newlen, streamsize __oldlen) { const size_t __plen = static_cast(__newlen - __oldlen); const ios_base::fmtflags __adjust = __io.flags() & ios_base::adjustfield; if (__adjust == ios_base::left) { _Traits::copy(__news, __olds, __oldlen); _Traits::assign(__news + __oldlen, __plen, __fill); return; } size_t __mod = 0; if (__adjust == ios_base::internal) { const locale& __loc = __io._M_getloc(); const ctype<_CharT>& __ctype = use_facet >(__loc); if (__ctype.widen('-') == __olds[0] || __ctype.widen('+') == __olds[0]) { __news[0] = __olds[0]; __mod = 1; ++__news; } else if (__ctype.widen('0') == __olds[0] && __oldlen > 1 && (__ctype.widen('x') == __olds[1] || __ctype.widen('X') == __olds[1])) { __news[0] = __olds[0]; __news[1] = __olds[1]; __mod = 2; __news += 2; } } _Traits::assign(__news, __plen, __fill); _Traits::copy(__news + __plen, __olds + __mod, __oldlen - __mod); } template _CharT* __add_grouping(_CharT* __s, _CharT __sep, const char* __gbeg, size_t __gsize, const _CharT* __first, const _CharT* __last) { size_t __idx = 0; size_t __ctr = 0; while (__last - __first > __gbeg[__idx] && static_cast(__gbeg[__idx]) > 0 && __gbeg[__idx] != __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max) { __last -= __gbeg[__idx]; __idx < __gsize - 1 ? ++__idx : ++__ctr; } while (__first != __last) *__s++ = *__first++; while (__ctr--) { *__s++ = __sep; for (char __i = __gbeg[__idx]; __i > 0; --__i) *__s++ = *__first++; } while (__idx--) { *__s++ = __sep; for (char __i = __gbeg[__idx]; __i > 0; --__i) *__s++ = *__first++; } return __s; } extern template class __cxx11:: numpunct; extern template class __cxx11:: numpunct_byname; extern template class num_get; extern template class num_put; extern template class ctype_byname; extern template const ctype& use_facet >(const locale&); extern template const numpunct& use_facet >(const locale&); extern template const num_put& use_facet >(const locale&); extern template const num_get& use_facet >(const locale&); extern template bool has_facet >(const locale&); extern template bool has_facet >(const locale&); extern template bool has_facet >(const locale&); extern template bool has_facet >(const locale&); extern template class __cxx11:: numpunct; extern template class __cxx11:: numpunct_byname; extern template class num_get; extern template class num_put; extern template class ctype_byname; extern template const ctype& use_facet >(const locale&); extern template const numpunct& use_facet >(const locale&); extern template const num_put& use_facet >(const locale&); extern template const num_get& use_facet >(const locale&); extern template bool has_facet >(const locale&); extern template bool has_facet >(const locale&); extern template bool has_facet >(const locale&); extern template bool has_facet >(const locale&); } # 2652 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/locale_facets.h" 2 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 2 3 namespace std { template inline const _Facet& __check_facet(const _Facet* __f) { if (!__f) __throw_bad_cast(); return *__f; } # 66 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 template class basic_ios : public ios_base { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef typename _Traits::int_type int_type; typedef typename _Traits::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename _Traits::off_type off_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef ctype<_CharT> __ctype_type; typedef num_put<_CharT, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> > __num_put_type; typedef num_get<_CharT, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> > __num_get_type; protected: basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>* _M_tie; mutable char_type _M_fill; mutable bool _M_fill_init; basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* _M_streambuf; const __ctype_type* _M_ctype; const __num_put_type* _M_num_put; const __num_get_type* _M_num_get; public: # 120 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 operator void*() const { return this->fail() ? 0 : const_cast(this); } bool operator!() const { return this->fail(); } # 136 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 iostate rdstate() const { return _M_streambuf_state; } # 147 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 void clear(iostate __state = goodbit); void setstate(iostate __state) { this->clear(this->rdstate() | __state); } void _M_setstate(iostate __state) { _M_streambuf_state |= __state; if (this->exceptions() & __state) throw; } bool good() const { return this->rdstate() == 0; } bool eof() const { return (this->rdstate() & eofbit) != 0; } # 200 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 bool fail() const { return (this->rdstate() & (badbit | failbit)) != 0; } bool bad() const { return (this->rdstate() & badbit) != 0; } # 221 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 iostate exceptions() const { return _M_exception; } # 256 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 void exceptions(iostate __except) { _M_exception = __except; this->clear(_M_streambuf_state); } explicit basic_ios(basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __sb) : ios_base(), _M_tie(0), _M_fill(), _M_fill_init(false), _M_streambuf(0), _M_ctype(0), _M_num_put(0), _M_num_get(0) { this->init(__sb); } virtual ~basic_ios() { } # 294 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>* tie() const { return _M_tie; } # 306 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>* tie(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>* __tiestr) { basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>* __old = _M_tie; _M_tie = __tiestr; return __old; } basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* rdbuf() const { return _M_streambuf; } # 346 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* rdbuf(basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __sb); # 360 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 basic_ios& copyfmt(const basic_ios& __rhs); char_type fill() const { if (!_M_fill_init) { _M_fill = this->widen(' '); _M_fill_init = true; } return _M_fill; } # 389 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 char_type fill(char_type __ch) { char_type __old = this->fill(); _M_fill = __ch; return __old; } # 409 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 locale imbue(const locale& __loc); # 429 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 char narrow(char_type __c, char __dfault) const { return __check_facet(_M_ctype).narrow(__c, __dfault); } # 448 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 char_type widen(char __c) const { return __check_facet(_M_ctype).widen(__c); } protected: basic_ios() : ios_base(), _M_tie(0), _M_fill(char_type()), _M_fill_init(false), _M_streambuf(0), _M_ctype(0), _M_num_put(0), _M_num_get(0) { } void init(basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __sb); # 509 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 3 void _M_cache_locale(const locale& __loc); }; } # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.tcc" 1 3 # 33 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.tcc" 3 # 34 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.tcc" 3 namespace std { template void basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::clear(iostate __state) { if (this->rdbuf()) _M_streambuf_state = __state; else _M_streambuf_state = __state | badbit; if (this->exceptions() & this->rdstate()) __throw_ios_failure(("basic_ios::clear")); } template basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::rdbuf(basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __sb) { basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __old = _M_streambuf; _M_streambuf = __sb; this->clear(); return __old; } template basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::copyfmt(const basic_ios& __rhs) { if (this != &__rhs) { _Words* __words = (__rhs._M_word_size <= _S_local_word_size) ? _M_local_word : new _Words[__rhs._M_word_size]; _Callback_list* __cb = __rhs._M_callbacks; if (__cb) __cb->_M_add_reference(); _M_call_callbacks(erase_event); if (_M_word != _M_local_word) { delete [] _M_word; _M_word = 0; } _M_dispose_callbacks(); _M_callbacks = __cb; for (int __i = 0; __i < __rhs._M_word_size; ++__i) __words[__i] = __rhs._M_word[__i]; _M_word = __words; _M_word_size = __rhs._M_word_size; this->flags(__rhs.flags()); this->width(__rhs.width()); this->precision(__rhs.precision()); this->tie(__rhs.tie()); this->fill(__rhs.fill()); _M_ios_locale = __rhs.getloc(); _M_cache_locale(_M_ios_locale); _M_call_callbacks(copyfmt_event); this->exceptions(__rhs.exceptions()); } return *this; } template locale basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue(const locale& __loc) { locale __old(this->getloc()); ios_base::imbue(__loc); _M_cache_locale(__loc); if (this->rdbuf() != 0) this->rdbuf()->pubimbue(__loc); return __old; } template void basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::init(basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __sb) { ios_base::_M_init(); _M_cache_locale(_M_ios_locale); # 146 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.tcc" 3 _M_fill = _CharT(); _M_fill_init = false; _M_tie = 0; _M_exception = goodbit; _M_streambuf = __sb; _M_streambuf_state = __sb ? goodbit : badbit; } template void basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::_M_cache_locale(const locale& __loc) { if (__builtin_expect(has_facet<__ctype_type>(__loc), true)) _M_ctype = &use_facet<__ctype_type>(__loc); else _M_ctype = 0; if (__builtin_expect(has_facet<__num_put_type>(__loc), true)) _M_num_put = &use_facet<__num_put_type>(__loc); else _M_num_put = 0; if (__builtin_expect(has_facet<__num_get_type>(__loc), true)) _M_num_get = &use_facet<__num_get_type>(__loc); else _M_num_get = 0; } extern template class basic_ios; extern template class basic_ios; } # 517 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/basic_ios.h" 2 3 # 45 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ios" 2 3 # 39 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 2 3 namespace std { # 57 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 template class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits> { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef typename _Traits::int_type int_type; typedef typename _Traits::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename _Traits::off_type off_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits> __streambuf_type; typedef basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits> __ios_type; typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type; typedef num_put<_CharT, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> > __num_put_type; typedef ctype<_CharT> __ctype_type; # 83 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 explicit basic_ostream(__streambuf_type* __sb) { this->init(__sb); } virtual ~basic_ostream() { } class sentry; friend class sentry; # 107 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 __ostream_type& operator<<(__ostream_type& (*__pf)(__ostream_type&)) { return __pf(*this); } __ostream_type& operator<<(__ios_type& (*__pf)(__ios_type&)) { __pf(*this); return *this; } __ostream_type& operator<<(ios_base& (*__pf) (ios_base&)) { __pf(*this); return *this; } # 165 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 __ostream_type& operator<<(long __n) { return _M_insert(__n); } __ostream_type& operator<<(unsigned long __n) { return _M_insert(__n); } __ostream_type& operator<<(bool __n) { return _M_insert(__n); } __ostream_type& operator<<(short __n); __ostream_type& operator<<(unsigned short __n) { return _M_insert(static_cast(__n)); } __ostream_type& operator<<(int __n); __ostream_type& operator<<(unsigned int __n) { return _M_insert(static_cast(__n)); } __ostream_type& operator<<(long long __n) { return _M_insert(__n); } __ostream_type& operator<<(unsigned long long __n) { return _M_insert(__n); } # 219 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 __ostream_type& operator<<(double __f) { return _M_insert(__f); } __ostream_type& operator<<(float __f) { return _M_insert(static_cast(__f)); } __ostream_type& operator<<(long double __f) { return _M_insert(__f); } # 244 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 __ostream_type& operator<<(const void* __p) { return _M_insert(__p); } # 269 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 __ostream_type& operator<<(__streambuf_type* __sb); # 302 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 __ostream_type& put(char_type __c); void _M_write(const char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { const streamsize __put = this->rdbuf()->sputn(__s, __n); if (__put != __n) this->setstate(ios_base::badbit); } # 334 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 __ostream_type& write(const char_type* __s, streamsize __n); # 347 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 __ostream_type& flush(); # 357 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 pos_type tellp(); # 368 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 __ostream_type& seekp(pos_type); # 380 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 __ostream_type& seekp(off_type, ios_base::seekdir); protected: basic_ostream() { this->init(0); } # 413 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 template __ostream_type& _M_insert(_ValueT __v); }; # 425 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 template class basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry { bool _M_ok; basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& _M_os; public: # 444 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 explicit sentry(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os); # 454 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 ~sentry() { if (bool(_M_os.flags() & ios_base::unitbuf) && !uncaught_exception()) { if (_M_os.rdbuf() && _M_os.rdbuf()->pubsync() == -1) _M_os.setstate(ios_base::badbit); } } # 475 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 operator bool() const { return _M_ok; } }; # 495 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 template inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, _CharT __c) { return __ostream_insert(__out, &__c, 1); } template inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, char __c) { return (__out << __out.widen(__c)); } template inline basic_ostream& operator<<(basic_ostream& __out, char __c) { return __ostream_insert(__out, &__c, 1); } template inline basic_ostream& operator<<(basic_ostream& __out, signed char __c) { return (__out << static_cast(__c)); } template inline basic_ostream& operator<<(basic_ostream& __out, unsigned char __c) { return (__out << static_cast(__c)); } # 537 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 template inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, const _CharT* __s) { if (!__s) __out.setstate(ios_base::badbit); else __ostream_insert(__out, __s, static_cast(_Traits::length(__s))); return __out; } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> & operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, const char* __s); template inline basic_ostream& operator<<(basic_ostream& __out, const char* __s) { if (!__s) __out.setstate(ios_base::badbit); else __ostream_insert(__out, __s, static_cast(_Traits::length(__s))); return __out; } template inline basic_ostream& operator<<(basic_ostream& __out, const signed char* __s) { return (__out << reinterpret_cast(__s)); } template inline basic_ostream & operator<<(basic_ostream& __out, const unsigned char* __s) { return (__out << reinterpret_cast(__s)); } # 588 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 template inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& endl(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os) { return flush(__os.put(__os.widen('\n'))); } # 600 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 template inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& ends(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os) { return __os.put(_CharT()); } template inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& flush(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os) { return __os.flush(); } # 635 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 3 } # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ostream.tcc" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ostream.tcc" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/ostream.tcc" 3 namespace std { template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry:: sentry(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os) : _M_ok(false), _M_os(__os) { if (__os.tie() && __os.good()) __os.tie()->flush(); if (__os.good()) _M_ok = true; else __os.setstate(ios_base::failbit); } template template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>:: _M_insert(_ValueT __v) { sentry __cerb(*this); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { const __num_put_type& __np = __check_facet(this->_M_num_put); if (__np.put(*this, *this, this->fill(), __v).failed()) __err |= ios_base::badbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>:: operator<<(short __n) { const ios_base::fmtflags __fmt = this->flags() & ios_base::basefield; if (__fmt == ios_base::oct || __fmt == ios_base::hex) return _M_insert(static_cast(static_cast(__n))); else return _M_insert(static_cast(__n)); } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>:: operator<<(int __n) { const ios_base::fmtflags __fmt = this->flags() & ios_base::basefield; if (__fmt == ios_base::oct || __fmt == ios_base::hex) return _M_insert(static_cast(static_cast(__n))); else return _M_insert(static_cast(__n)); } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>:: operator<<(__streambuf_type* __sbin) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; sentry __cerb(*this); if (__cerb && __sbin) { try { if (!__copy_streambufs(__sbin, this->rdbuf())) __err |= ios_base::failbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::failbit); } } else if (!__sbin) __err |= ios_base::badbit; if (__err) this->setstate(__err); return *this; } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>:: put(char_type __c) { sentry __cerb(*this); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { const int_type __put = this->rdbuf()->sputc(__c); if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__put, traits_type::eof())) __err |= ios_base::badbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>:: write(const _CharT* __s, streamsize __n) { sentry __cerb(*this); if (__cerb) { try { _M_write(__s, __n); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } } return *this; } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>:: flush() { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { if (this->rdbuf() && this->rdbuf()->pubsync() == -1) __err |= ios_base::badbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); return *this; } template typename basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::pos_type basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>:: tellp() { pos_type __ret = pos_type(-1); try { if (!this->fail()) __ret = this->rdbuf()->pubseekoff(0, ios_base::cur, ios_base::out); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } return __ret; } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>:: seekp(pos_type __pos) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { if (!this->fail()) { const pos_type __p = this->rdbuf()->pubseekpos(__pos, ios_base::out); if (__p == pos_type(off_type(-1))) __err |= ios_base::failbit; } } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); return *this; } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>:: seekp(off_type __off, ios_base::seekdir __dir) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { if (!this->fail()) { const pos_type __p = this->rdbuf()->pubseekoff(__off, __dir, ios_base::out); if (__p == pos_type(off_type(-1))) __err |= ios_base::failbit; } } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); return *this; } template basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, const char* __s) { if (!__s) __out.setstate(ios_base::badbit); else { const size_t __clen = char_traits::length(__s); try { struct __ptr_guard { _CharT *__p; __ptr_guard (_CharT *__ip): __p(__ip) { } ~__ptr_guard() { delete[] __p; } _CharT* __get() { return __p; } } __pg (new _CharT[__clen]); _CharT *__ws = __pg.__get(); for (size_t __i = 0; __i < __clen; ++__i) __ws[__i] = __out.widen(__s[__i]); __ostream_insert(__out, __ws, __clen); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { __out._M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { __out._M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } } return __out; } extern template class basic_ostream; extern template ostream& endl(ostream&); extern template ostream& ends(ostream&); extern template ostream& flush(ostream&); extern template ostream& operator<<(ostream&, char); extern template ostream& operator<<(ostream&, unsigned char); extern template ostream& operator<<(ostream&, signed char); extern template ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const char*); extern template ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const unsigned char*); extern template ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const signed char*); extern template ostream& ostream::_M_insert(long); extern template ostream& ostream::_M_insert(unsigned long); extern template ostream& ostream::_M_insert(bool); extern template ostream& ostream::_M_insert(long long); extern template ostream& ostream::_M_insert(unsigned long long); extern template ostream& ostream::_M_insert(double); extern template ostream& ostream::_M_insert(long double); extern template ostream& ostream::_M_insert(const void*); extern template class basic_ostream; extern template wostream& endl(wostream&); extern template wostream& ends(wostream&); extern template wostream& flush(wostream&); extern template wostream& operator<<(wostream&, wchar_t); extern template wostream& operator<<(wostream&, char); extern template wostream& operator<<(wostream&, const wchar_t*); extern template wostream& operator<<(wostream&, const char*); extern template wostream& wostream::_M_insert(long); extern template wostream& wostream::_M_insert(unsigned long); extern template wostream& wostream::_M_insert(bool); extern template wostream& wostream::_M_insert(long long); extern template wostream& wostream::_M_insert(unsigned long long); extern template wostream& wostream::_M_insert(double); extern template wostream& wostream::_M_insert(long double); extern template wostream& wostream::_M_insert(const void*); } # 639 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/ostream" 2 3 # 40 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iostream" 2 3 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 1 3 # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 namespace std { # 57 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 template class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits> { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef typename _Traits::int_type int_type; typedef typename _Traits::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename _Traits::off_type off_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits> __streambuf_type; typedef basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits> __ios_type; typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> __istream_type; typedef num_get<_CharT, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> > __num_get_type; typedef ctype<_CharT> __ctype_type; protected: streamsize _M_gcount; public: explicit basic_istream(__streambuf_type* __sb) : _M_gcount(streamsize(0)) { this->init(__sb); } virtual ~basic_istream() { _M_gcount = streamsize(0); } class sentry; friend class sentry; # 119 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& operator>>(__istream_type& (*__pf)(__istream_type&)) { return __pf(*this); } __istream_type& operator>>(__ios_type& (*__pf)(__ios_type&)) { __pf(*this); return *this; } __istream_type& operator>>(ios_base& (*__pf)(ios_base&)) { __pf(*this); return *this; } # 167 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& operator>>(bool& __n) { return _M_extract(__n); } __istream_type& operator>>(short& __n); __istream_type& operator>>(unsigned short& __n) { return _M_extract(__n); } __istream_type& operator>>(int& __n); __istream_type& operator>>(unsigned int& __n) { return _M_extract(__n); } __istream_type& operator>>(long& __n) { return _M_extract(__n); } __istream_type& operator>>(unsigned long& __n) { return _M_extract(__n); } __istream_type& operator>>(long long& __n) { return _M_extract(__n); } __istream_type& operator>>(unsigned long long& __n) { return _M_extract(__n); } # 213 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& operator>>(float& __f) { return _M_extract(__f); } __istream_type& operator>>(double& __f) { return _M_extract(__f); } __istream_type& operator>>(long double& __f) { return _M_extract(__f); } # 234 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& operator>>(void*& __p) { return _M_extract(__p); } # 258 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& operator>>(__streambuf_type* __sb); # 268 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 streamsize gcount() const { return _M_gcount; } # 301 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 int_type get(); # 315 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& get(char_type& __c); # 342 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& get(char_type* __s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim); # 353 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& get(char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { return this->get(__s, __n, this->widen('\n')); } # 376 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& get(__streambuf_type& __sb, char_type __delim); # 386 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& get(__streambuf_type& __sb) { return this->get(__sb, this->widen('\n')); } # 415 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& getline(char_type* __s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim); # 426 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& getline(char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { return this->getline(__s, __n, this->widen('\n')); } # 450 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& ignore(streamsize __n, int_type __delim); __istream_type& ignore(streamsize __n); __istream_type& ignore(); # 467 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 int_type peek(); # 485 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& read(char_type* __s, streamsize __n); # 504 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 streamsize readsome(char_type* __s, streamsize __n); # 521 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& putback(char_type __c); # 537 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& unget(); # 555 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 int sync(); # 570 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 pos_type tellg(); # 585 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& seekg(pos_type); # 601 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 __istream_type& seekg(off_type, ios_base::seekdir); protected: basic_istream() : _M_gcount(streamsize(0)) { this->init(0); } # 639 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 template __istream_type& _M_extract(_ValueT& __v); }; template<> basic_istream& basic_istream:: getline(char_type* __s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim); template<> basic_istream& basic_istream:: ignore(streamsize __n); template<> basic_istream& basic_istream:: ignore(streamsize __n, int_type __delim); template<> basic_istream& basic_istream:: getline(char_type* __s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim); template<> basic_istream& basic_istream:: ignore(streamsize __n); template<> basic_istream& basic_istream:: ignore(streamsize __n, int_type __delim); # 685 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 template class basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry { bool _M_ok; public: typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits> __streambuf_type; typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> __istream_type; typedef typename __istream_type::__ctype_type __ctype_type; typedef typename _Traits::int_type __int_type; # 721 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 explicit sentry(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __is, bool __noskipws = false); # 734 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 operator bool() const { return _M_ok; } }; # 750 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __in, _CharT& __c); template inline basic_istream& operator>>(basic_istream& __in, unsigned char& __c) { return (__in >> reinterpret_cast(__c)); } template inline basic_istream& operator>>(basic_istream& __in, signed char& __c) { return (__in >> reinterpret_cast(__c)); } # 792 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __in, _CharT* __s); template<> basic_istream& operator>>(basic_istream& __in, char* __s); template inline basic_istream& operator>>(basic_istream& __in, unsigned char* __s) { return (__in >> reinterpret_cast(__s)); } template inline basic_istream& operator>>(basic_istream& __in, signed char* __s) { return (__in >> reinterpret_cast(__s)); } # 823 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 template class basic_iostream : public basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>, public basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef typename _Traits::int_type int_type; typedef typename _Traits::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename _Traits::off_type off_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> __istream_type; typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type; explicit basic_iostream(basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* __sb) : __istream_type(__sb), __ostream_type(__sb) { } virtual ~basic_iostream() { } protected: basic_iostream() : __istream_type(), __ostream_type() { } # 884 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 }; # 906 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& ws(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __is); # 931 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 3 } # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/istream.tcc" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/istream.tcc" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/istream.tcc" 3 namespace std { template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry:: sentry(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __in, bool __noskip) : _M_ok(false) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; if (__in.good()) { if (__in.tie()) __in.tie()->flush(); if (!__noskip && bool(__in.flags() & ios_base::skipws)) { const __int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); __streambuf_type* __sb = __in.rdbuf(); __int_type __c = __sb->sgetc(); const __ctype_type& __ct = __check_facet(__in._M_ctype); while (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && __ct.is(ctype_base::space, traits_type::to_char_type(__c))) __c = __sb->snextc(); if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } } if (__in.good() && __err == ios_base::goodbit) _M_ok = true; else { __err |= ios_base::failbit; __in.setstate(__err); } } template template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: _M_extract(_ValueT& __v) { sentry __cerb(*this, false); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { const __num_get_type& __ng = __check_facet(this->_M_num_get); __ng.get(*this, 0, *this, __err, __v); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: operator>>(short& __n) { sentry __cerb(*this, false); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { long __l; const __num_get_type& __ng = __check_facet(this->_M_num_get); __ng.get(*this, 0, *this, __err, __l); if (__l < __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__min) { __err |= ios_base::failbit; __n = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__min; } else if (__l > __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max) { __err |= ios_base::failbit; __n = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max; } else __n = short(__l); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: operator>>(int& __n) { sentry __cerb(*this, false); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { long __l; const __num_get_type& __ng = __check_facet(this->_M_num_get); __ng.get(*this, 0, *this, __err, __l); if (__l < __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__min) { __err |= ios_base::failbit; __n = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__min; } else if (__l > __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max) { __err |= ios_base::failbit; __n = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max; } else __n = int(__l); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: operator>>(__streambuf_type* __sbout) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; sentry __cerb(*this, false); if (__cerb && __sbout) { try { bool __ineof; if (!__copy_streambufs_eof(this->rdbuf(), __sbout, __ineof)) __err |= ios_base::failbit; if (__ineof) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::failbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::failbit); } } else if (!__sbout) __err |= ios_base::failbit; if (__err) this->setstate(__err); return *this; } template typename basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::int_type basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: get(void) { const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); int_type __c = __eof; _M_gcount = 0; ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { try { __c = this->rdbuf()->sbumpc(); if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) _M_gcount = 1; else __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } } if (!_M_gcount) __err |= ios_base::failbit; if (__err) this->setstate(__err); return __c; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: get(char_type& __c) { _M_gcount = 0; ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { try { const int_type __cb = this->rdbuf()->sbumpc(); if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__cb, traits_type::eof())) { _M_gcount = 1; __c = traits_type::to_char_type(__cb); } else __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } } if (!_M_gcount) __err |= ios_base::failbit; if (__err) this->setstate(__err); return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: get(char_type* __s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim) { _M_gcount = 0; ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { try { const int_type __idelim = traits_type::to_int_type(__delim); const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); __streambuf_type* __sb = this->rdbuf(); int_type __c = __sb->sgetc(); while (_M_gcount + 1 < __n && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __idelim)) { *__s++ = traits_type::to_char_type(__c); ++_M_gcount; __c = __sb->snextc(); } if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } } if (__n > 0) *__s = char_type(); if (!_M_gcount) __err |= ios_base::failbit; if (__err) this->setstate(__err); return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: get(__streambuf_type& __sb, char_type __delim) { _M_gcount = 0; ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { try { const int_type __idelim = traits_type::to_int_type(__delim); const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); __streambuf_type* __this_sb = this->rdbuf(); int_type __c = __this_sb->sgetc(); char_type __c2 = traits_type::to_char_type(__c); while (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __idelim) && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__sb.sputc(__c2), __eof)) { ++_M_gcount; __c = __this_sb->snextc(); __c2 = traits_type::to_char_type(__c); } if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } } if (!_M_gcount) __err |= ios_base::failbit; if (__err) this->setstate(__err); return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: getline(char_type* __s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim) { _M_gcount = 0; ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { try { const int_type __idelim = traits_type::to_int_type(__delim); const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); __streambuf_type* __sb = this->rdbuf(); int_type __c = __sb->sgetc(); while (_M_gcount + 1 < __n && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __idelim)) { *__s++ = traits_type::to_char_type(__c); __c = __sb->snextc(); ++_M_gcount; } if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; else { if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __idelim)) { __sb->sbumpc(); ++_M_gcount; } else __err |= ios_base::failbit; } } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } } if (__n > 0) *__s = char_type(); if (!_M_gcount) __err |= ios_base::failbit; if (__err) this->setstate(__err); return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: ignore(void) { _M_gcount = 0; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); __streambuf_type* __sb = this->rdbuf(); if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__sb->sbumpc(), __eof)) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; else _M_gcount = 1; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: ignore(streamsize __n) { _M_gcount = 0; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb && __n > 0) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); __streambuf_type* __sb = this->rdbuf(); int_type __c = __sb->sgetc(); # 513 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/istream.tcc" 3 bool __large_ignore = false; while (true) { while (_M_gcount < __n && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) { ++_M_gcount; __c = __sb->snextc(); } if (__n == __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) { _M_gcount = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__min; __large_ignore = true; } else break; } if (__large_ignore) _M_gcount = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max; if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: ignore(streamsize __n, int_type __delim) { _M_gcount = 0; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb && __n > 0) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); __streambuf_type* __sb = this->rdbuf(); int_type __c = __sb->sgetc(); bool __large_ignore = false; while (true) { while (_M_gcount < __n && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __delim)) { ++_M_gcount; __c = __sb->snextc(); } if (__n == __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && !traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __delim)) { _M_gcount = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__min; __large_ignore = true; } else break; } if (__large_ignore) _M_gcount = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max; if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; else if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __delim)) { if (_M_gcount < __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max) ++_M_gcount; __sb->sbumpc(); } } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template typename basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::int_type basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: peek(void) { int_type __c = traits_type::eof(); _M_gcount = 0; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { __c = this->rdbuf()->sgetc(); if (traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, traits_type::eof())) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return __c; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: read(char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { _M_gcount = 0; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { _M_gcount = this->rdbuf()->sgetn(__s, __n); if (_M_gcount != __n) __err |= (ios_base::eofbit | ios_base::failbit); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template streamsize basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: readsome(char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { _M_gcount = 0; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { const streamsize __num = this->rdbuf()->in_avail(); if (__num > 0) _M_gcount = this->rdbuf()->sgetn(__s, std::min(__num, __n)); else if (__num == -1) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return _M_gcount; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: putback(char_type __c) { _M_gcount = 0; this->clear(this->rdstate() & ~ios_base::eofbit); sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); __streambuf_type* __sb = this->rdbuf(); if (!__sb || traits_type::eq_int_type(__sb->sputbackc(__c), __eof)) __err |= ios_base::badbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: unget(void) { _M_gcount = 0; this->clear(this->rdstate() & ~ios_base::eofbit); sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); __streambuf_type* __sb = this->rdbuf(); if (!__sb || traits_type::eq_int_type(__sb->sungetc(), __eof)) __err |= ios_base::badbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template int basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: sync(void) { int __ret = -1; sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { __streambuf_type* __sb = this->rdbuf(); if (__sb) { if (__sb->pubsync() == -1) __err |= ios_base::badbit; else __ret = 0; } } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return __ret; } template typename basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::pos_type basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: tellg(void) { pos_type __ret = pos_type(-1); sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { try { if (!this->fail()) __ret = this->rdbuf()->pubseekoff(0, ios_base::cur, ios_base::in); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } } return __ret; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: seekg(pos_type __pos) { this->clear(this->rdstate() & ~ios_base::eofbit); sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { if (!this->fail()) { const pos_type __p = this->rdbuf()->pubseekpos(__pos, ios_base::in); if (__p == pos_type(off_type(-1))) __err |= ios_base::failbit; } } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>:: seekg(off_type __off, ios_base::seekdir __dir) { this->clear(this->rdstate() & ~ios_base::eofbit); sentry __cerb(*this, true); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { if (!this->fail()) { const pos_type __p = this->rdbuf()->pubseekoff(__off, __dir, ios_base::in); if (__p == pos_type(off_type(-1))) __err |= ios_base::failbit; } } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { this->_M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) this->setstate(__err); } return *this; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __in, _CharT& __c) { typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> __istream_type; typedef typename __istream_type::int_type __int_type; typename __istream_type::sentry __cerb(__in, false); if (__cerb) { ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; try { const __int_type __cb = __in.rdbuf()->sbumpc(); if (!_Traits::eq_int_type(__cb, _Traits::eof())) __c = _Traits::to_char_type(__cb); else __err |= (ios_base::eofbit | ios_base::failbit); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { __in._M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { __in._M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } if (__err) __in.setstate(__err); } return __in; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __in, _CharT* __s) { typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> __istream_type; typedef basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits> __streambuf_type; typedef typename _Traits::int_type int_type; typedef _CharT char_type; typedef ctype<_CharT> __ctype_type; streamsize __extracted = 0; ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit; typename __istream_type::sentry __cerb(__in, false); if (__cerb) { try { streamsize __num = __in.width(); if (__num <= 0) __num = __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max; const __ctype_type& __ct = use_facet<__ctype_type>(__in.getloc()); const int_type __eof = _Traits::eof(); __streambuf_type* __sb = __in.rdbuf(); int_type __c = __sb->sgetc(); while (__extracted < __num - 1 && !_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && !__ct.is(ctype_base::space, _Traits::to_char_type(__c))) { *__s++ = _Traits::to_char_type(__c); ++__extracted; __c = __sb->snextc(); } if (_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= ios_base::eofbit; *__s = char_type(); __in.width(0); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { __in._M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); throw; } catch(...) { __in._M_setstate(ios_base::badbit); } } if (!__extracted) __err |= ios_base::failbit; if (__err) __in.setstate(__err); return __in; } template basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& ws(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __in) { typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> __istream_type; typedef basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits> __streambuf_type; typedef typename __istream_type::int_type __int_type; typedef ctype<_CharT> __ctype_type; const __ctype_type& __ct = use_facet<__ctype_type>(__in.getloc()); const __int_type __eof = _Traits::eof(); __streambuf_type* __sb = __in.rdbuf(); __int_type __c = __sb->sgetc(); while (!_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && __ct.is(ctype_base::space, _Traits::to_char_type(__c))) __c = __sb->snextc(); if (_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __in.setstate(ios_base::eofbit); return __in; } extern template class basic_istream; extern template istream& ws(istream&); extern template istream& operator>>(istream&, char&); extern template istream& operator>>(istream&, char*); extern template istream& operator>>(istream&, unsigned char&); extern template istream& operator>>(istream&, signed char&); extern template istream& operator>>(istream&, unsigned char*); extern template istream& operator>>(istream&, signed char*); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(unsigned short&); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(unsigned int&); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(long&); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(unsigned long&); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(bool&); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(long long&); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(unsigned long long&); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(float&); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(double&); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(long double&); extern template istream& istream::_M_extract(void*&); extern template class basic_iostream; extern template class basic_istream; extern template wistream& ws(wistream&); extern template wistream& operator>>(wistream&, wchar_t&); extern template wistream& operator>>(wistream&, wchar_t*); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(unsigned short&); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(unsigned int&); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(long&); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(unsigned long&); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(bool&); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(long long&); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(unsigned long long&); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(float&); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(double&); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(long double&); extern template wistream& wistream::_M_extract(void*&); extern template class basic_iostream; } # 935 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/istream" 2 3 # 41 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iostream" 2 3 namespace std { # 60 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/iostream" 3 extern istream cin; extern ostream cout; extern ostream cerr; extern ostream clog; extern wistream wcin; extern wostream wcout; extern wostream wcerr; extern wostream wclog; static ios_base::Init __ioinit; } # 2 "caesarcrypt.cpp" 2 # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 1 3 # 36 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 namespace std { namespace __cxx11 { # 64 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 template class basic_stringbuf : public basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits> { struct __xfer_bufptrs; public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef _Alloc allocator_type; typedef typename traits_type::int_type int_type; typedef typename traits_type::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename traits_type::off_type off_type; typedef basic_streambuf __streambuf_type; typedef basic_string __string_type; typedef typename __string_type::size_type __size_type; protected: ios_base::openmode _M_mode; __string_type _M_string; public: # 99 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 explicit basic_stringbuf(ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) : __streambuf_type(), _M_mode(__mode), _M_string() { } # 112 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 explicit basic_stringbuf(const __string_type& __str, ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) : __streambuf_type(), _M_mode(), _M_string(__str.data(), __str.size()) { _M_stringbuf_init(__mode); } # 165 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 __string_type str() const { __string_type __ret; if (this->pptr()) { if (this->pptr() > this->egptr()) __ret = __string_type(this->pbase(), this->pptr()); else __ret = __string_type(this->pbase(), this->egptr()); } else __ret = _M_string; return __ret; } # 189 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 void str(const __string_type& __s) { _M_string.assign(__s.data(), __s.size()); _M_stringbuf_init(_M_mode); } protected: void _M_stringbuf_init(ios_base::openmode __mode) { _M_mode = __mode; __size_type __len = 0; if (_M_mode & (ios_base::ate | ios_base::app)) __len = _M_string.size(); _M_sync(const_cast(_M_string.data()), 0, __len); } virtual streamsize showmanyc() { streamsize __ret = -1; if (_M_mode & ios_base::in) { _M_update_egptr(); __ret = this->egptr() - this->gptr(); } return __ret; } virtual int_type underflow(); virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type __c = traits_type::eof()); virtual int_type overflow(int_type __c = traits_type::eof()); # 242 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 virtual __streambuf_type* setbuf(char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { if (__s && __n >= 0) { _M_string.clear(); _M_sync(__s, __n, 0); } return this; } virtual pos_type seekoff(off_type __off, ios_base::seekdir __way, ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); virtual pos_type seekpos(pos_type __sp, ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); void _M_sync(char_type* __base, __size_type __i, __size_type __o); void _M_update_egptr() { const bool __testin = _M_mode & ios_base::in; if (this->pptr() && this->pptr() > this->egptr()) { if (__testin) this->setg(this->eback(), this->gptr(), this->pptr()); else this->setg(this->pptr(), this->pptr(), this->pptr()); } } void _M_pbump(char_type* __pbeg, char_type* __pend, off_type __off); private: # 348 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 }; # 366 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 template class basic_istringstream : public basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef _Alloc allocator_type; typedef typename traits_type::int_type int_type; typedef typename traits_type::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename traits_type::off_type off_type; typedef basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __string_type; typedef basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __stringbuf_type; typedef basic_istream __istream_type; private: __stringbuf_type _M_stringbuf; public: # 402 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 explicit basic_istringstream(ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::in) : __istream_type(), _M_stringbuf(__mode | ios_base::in) { this->init(&_M_stringbuf); } # 420 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 explicit basic_istringstream(const __string_type& __str, ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::in) : __istream_type(), _M_stringbuf(__str, __mode | ios_base::in) { this->init(&_M_stringbuf); } ~basic_istringstream() { } # 471 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 __stringbuf_type* rdbuf() const { return const_cast<__stringbuf_type*>(&_M_stringbuf); } __string_type str() const { return _M_stringbuf.str(); } void str(const __string_type& __s) { _M_stringbuf.str(__s); } }; # 510 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 template class basic_ostringstream : public basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef _Alloc allocator_type; typedef typename traits_type::int_type int_type; typedef typename traits_type::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename traits_type::off_type off_type; typedef basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __string_type; typedef basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __stringbuf_type; typedef basic_ostream __ostream_type; private: __stringbuf_type _M_stringbuf; public: # 546 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 explicit basic_ostringstream(ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::out) : __ostream_type(), _M_stringbuf(__mode | ios_base::out) { this->init(&_M_stringbuf); } # 564 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 explicit basic_ostringstream(const __string_type& __str, ios_base::openmode __mode = ios_base::out) : __ostream_type(), _M_stringbuf(__str, __mode | ios_base::out) { this->init(&_M_stringbuf); } ~basic_ostringstream() { } # 615 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 __stringbuf_type* rdbuf() const { return const_cast<__stringbuf_type*>(&_M_stringbuf); } __string_type str() const { return _M_stringbuf.str(); } void str(const __string_type& __s) { _M_stringbuf.str(__s); } }; # 654 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 template class basic_stringstream : public basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits> { public: typedef _CharT char_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef _Alloc allocator_type; typedef typename traits_type::int_type int_type; typedef typename traits_type::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename traits_type::off_type off_type; typedef basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __string_type; typedef basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> __stringbuf_type; typedef basic_iostream __iostream_type; private: __stringbuf_type _M_stringbuf; public: # 689 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 explicit basic_stringstream(ios_base::openmode __m = ios_base::out | ios_base::in) : __iostream_type(), _M_stringbuf(__m) { this->init(&_M_stringbuf); } # 705 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 explicit basic_stringstream(const __string_type& __str, ios_base::openmode __m = ios_base::out | ios_base::in) : __iostream_type(), _M_stringbuf(__str, __m) { this->init(&_M_stringbuf); } ~basic_stringstream() { } # 756 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 __stringbuf_type* rdbuf() const { return const_cast<__stringbuf_type*>(&_M_stringbuf); } __string_type str() const { return _M_stringbuf.str(); } void str(const __string_type& __s) { _M_stringbuf.str(__s); } }; # 809 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 3 } } # 1 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/sstream.tcc" 1 3 # 37 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/sstream.tcc" 3 # 38 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/sstream.tcc" 3 namespace std { template typename basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::int_type basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: pbackfail(int_type __c) { int_type __ret = traits_type::eof(); if (this->eback() < this->gptr()) { const bool __testeof = traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, __ret); if (!__testeof) { const bool __testeq = traits_type::eq(traits_type:: to_char_type(__c), this->gptr()[-1]); const bool __testout = this->_M_mode & ios_base::out; if (__testeq || __testout) { this->gbump(-1); if (!__testeq) *this->gptr() = traits_type::to_char_type(__c); __ret = __c; } } else { this->gbump(-1); __ret = traits_type::not_eof(__c); } } return __ret; } template typename basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::int_type basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: overflow(int_type __c) { const bool __testout = this->_M_mode & ios_base::out; if (__builtin_expect(!__testout, false)) return traits_type::eof(); const bool __testeof = traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, traits_type::eof()); if (__builtin_expect(__testeof, false)) return traits_type::not_eof(__c); const __size_type __capacity = _M_string.capacity(); const __size_type __max_size = _M_string.max_size(); const bool __testput = this->pptr() < this->epptr(); if (__builtin_expect(!__testput && __capacity == __max_size, false)) return traits_type::eof(); const char_type __conv = traits_type::to_char_type(__c); if (!__testput) { # 110 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/bits/sstream.tcc" 3 const __size_type __opt_len = std::max(__size_type(2 * __capacity), __size_type(512)); const __size_type __len = std::min(__opt_len, __max_size); __string_type __tmp; __tmp.reserve(__len); if (this->pbase()) __tmp.assign(this->pbase(), this->epptr() - this->pbase()); __tmp.push_back(__conv); _M_string.swap(__tmp); _M_sync(const_cast(_M_string.data()), this->gptr() - this->eback(), this->pptr() - this->pbase()); } else *this->pptr() = __conv; this->pbump(1); return __c; } template typename basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::int_type basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: underflow() { int_type __ret = traits_type::eof(); const bool __testin = this->_M_mode & ios_base::in; if (__testin) { _M_update_egptr(); if (this->gptr() < this->egptr()) __ret = traits_type::to_int_type(*this->gptr()); } return __ret; } template typename basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::pos_type basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: seekoff(off_type __off, ios_base::seekdir __way, ios_base::openmode __mode) { pos_type __ret = pos_type(off_type(-1)); bool __testin = (ios_base::in & this->_M_mode & __mode) != 0; bool __testout = (ios_base::out & this->_M_mode & __mode) != 0; const bool __testboth = __testin && __testout && __way != ios_base::cur; __testin &= !(__mode & ios_base::out); __testout &= !(__mode & ios_base::in); const char_type* __beg = __testin ? this->eback() : this->pbase(); if ((__beg || !__off) && (__testin || __testout || __testboth)) { _M_update_egptr(); off_type __newoffi = __off; off_type __newoffo = __newoffi; if (__way == ios_base::cur) { __newoffi += this->gptr() - __beg; __newoffo += this->pptr() - __beg; } else if (__way == ios_base::end) __newoffo = __newoffi += this->egptr() - __beg; if ((__testin || __testboth) && __newoffi >= 0 && this->egptr() - __beg >= __newoffi) { this->setg(this->eback(), this->eback() + __newoffi, this->egptr()); __ret = pos_type(__newoffi); } if ((__testout || __testboth) && __newoffo >= 0 && this->egptr() - __beg >= __newoffo) { _M_pbump(this->pbase(), this->epptr(), __newoffo); __ret = pos_type(__newoffo); } } return __ret; } template typename basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::pos_type basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: seekpos(pos_type __sp, ios_base::openmode __mode) { pos_type __ret = pos_type(off_type(-1)); const bool __testin = (ios_base::in & this->_M_mode & __mode) != 0; const bool __testout = (ios_base::out & this->_M_mode & __mode) != 0; const char_type* __beg = __testin ? this->eback() : this->pbase(); if ((__beg || !off_type(__sp)) && (__testin || __testout)) { _M_update_egptr(); const off_type __pos(__sp); const bool __testpos = (0 <= __pos && __pos <= this->egptr() - __beg); if (__testpos) { if (__testin) this->setg(this->eback(), this->eback() + __pos, this->egptr()); if (__testout) _M_pbump(this->pbase(), this->epptr(), __pos); __ret = __sp; } } return __ret; } template void basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_sync(char_type* __base, __size_type __i, __size_type __o) { const bool __testin = _M_mode & ios_base::in; const bool __testout = _M_mode & ios_base::out; char_type* __endg = __base + _M_string.size(); char_type* __endp = __base + _M_string.capacity(); if (__base != _M_string.data()) { __endg += __i; __i = 0; __endp = __endg; } if (__testin) this->setg(__base, __base + __i, __endg); if (__testout) { _M_pbump(__base, __endp, __o); if (!__testin) this->setg(__endg, __endg, __endg); } } template void basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>:: _M_pbump(char_type* __pbeg, char_type* __pend, off_type __off) { this->setp(__pbeg, __pend); while (__off > __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max) { this->pbump(__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max); __off -= __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits::__max; } this->pbump(__off); } extern template class basic_stringbuf; extern template class basic_istringstream; extern template class basic_ostringstream; extern template class basic_stringstream; extern template class basic_stringbuf; extern template class basic_istringstream; extern template class basic_ostringstream; extern template class basic_stringstream; } # 814 "C:/TDM-GCC-32/lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/include/c++/sstream" 2 3 # 4 "caesarcrypt.cpp" 2 # 5 "caesarcrypt.cpp" using namespace std; template string toString(T conv) { stringstream ss; ss << conv; return ss.str(); } void encrypt() { char text[26], TEXT[26]; int key, last = 0; string txt, res; cout << "Key: "; cin >> key; cout << "Text: "; cin >> txt; for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) text[i] = 'a' + i; for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { char t = 'a' + i + key; if(t > 122) { last = i; break; } else TEXT[i] = t; } for(int i = last; i < 26;i++) TEXT[i] = 'a' + i-last; for(int i = 0; i < txt.length(); i++) { string a = txt.substr(i, 1); for(int j = 0; j < 26; j++) if(a == toString(text[j])) res += toString(TEXT[j]); } cout << "Key: " << key << "; Result: " << res << endl; } void decrypt(int key, string txt) { char text[26], TEXT[26]; int last = 0; string res; for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) text[i] = 'a' + i; for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { char t = 'a' + i + key; if(t > 122) { last = i; break; } else TEXT[i] = t; } for(int i = last; i < 26;i++) TEXT[i] = 'a' + i-last; for(int i = 0; i < txt.length(); i++) { string a = txt.substr(i, 1); for(int j = 0; j < 26; j++) if(a == toString(TEXT[j])) res += toString(text[j]); } if(toString(key).length() == 1) cout << "Key: 0" << key << "; Result: " << res << endl; else cout << "Key: " << key << "; Result: " << res << endl; } int main() { cout << "The developer of the program is Marek K.; The program uses Caesar cipher." << endl; cout << "Enter \"encrypt\" or \"decrypt\": "; string ans; cin >> ans; if(ans == "encrypt") encrypt(); else if(ans == "decrypt") { string txt; cout << "Text: "; cin >> txt; for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) decrypt(i, txt); } else cout << "Error: Invalid input" << endl; return 0; }