require "openssl" require "base64" =begin The code at sec2 was written by stesla. It can be viewed at It is available under the MIT license. The code in sec1 has been changed and no longer corresponds to the original code. The code in sec1 is used to decode the base64. The code is used to encode the SHA256 sum into a base32. The rest of the code was written by Marek Küthe and is available under the WTFPL license. =end ## sec2 start module Base32 @table = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567".freeze class << self attr_reader :table end class Chunk def initialize(bytes) @bytes = bytes end def encode n = (@bytes.length * 8.0 / 5.0).ceil p = n < 8 ? 5 - (@bytes.length * 8) % 5 : 0 c = @bytes.inject(0) {|m,o| (m << 8) + o} << p [(0..n-1).to_a.reverse.collect {|i| Base32.table[(c >> i * 5) & 0x1f].chr}, ("=" * (8-n))] end end def self.chunks(str, size) result = [] bytes = str.bytes while bytes.any? do result << bytes = bytes.drop(size) end result end def self.encode32(str) chunks(str, 5).collect(&:encode).flatten.join end end ## sec2 end if ARGV.length == 0 $stderr.puts "The base64 should be given as the first argument." exit end dat = Base64.decode64 ARGV[0].tr "-~", "+/" if dat.empty? $stderr.puts "The specified base64 could not be decoded." exit end puts Base32.encode32(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.digest dat[0...391]).tr("=", "") + ".b32.i2p"