=begin Copyright 2020 Marek Küthe This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. =end require "socket" # rescue if ARGV[0] == "rescue" sock = TCPSocket.new "", 2827 sock.gets sock.gets sock.puts "getnick i2pm" puts "BOB API: " + sock.gets.chomp sleep 2 sock.puts "stop" puts "BOB API: " + sock.gets.chomp sleep 2 sock.puts "clear" puts "BOB API: " + sock.gets.chomp sleep 2 sock.puts "clear" puts "BOB API: " + sock.gets.chomp sleep 2 sock.puts "quit" puts "BOB API: " + sock.gets.chomp sock.close puts "Complete!" exit elsif ARGV[0] == "feedback" puts "Thank you for giving me feedback on i2prm. Please note the product is not stable. So errors can occur. You can give me feedback via email: mark22k@mail.i2p or mark22k@i2pmail.org" exit elsif ARGV[0] == "fxruby" puts "fxruby is the module that I use to create a GUI. If there are any problems, there are hints on GitHub: https://github.com/larskanis/fxruby" exit elsif ARGV[0] == "whyrescue" puts "The rescue command is used if i2prm has been closed without disconnecting. If this happens, a new connection cannot be established when restarting. To solve this problem you can run *ruby i2prm.rb rescue*." exit elsif ARGV[0] == "help" $helptext = 'i2prm is a peer-to-peer messenger that uses the I2P network. The BOB API is used to communicate with the I2P router. The messages can be encrypted again in addition to the I2P encryption. Download and install i2prm Install the Ruby interpreter. There is a manual on ruby-lang.org Install fxruby. First, a few components have to be installed in Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install g++ libxrandr-dev libfox-1.6-dev command. There\'s nothing to do with Windows. To install the gem you can run gem install fxruby on the command line. Next you can download the current version on BitBucket [Mirror]. If necessary, the i2prm.rb file must be extracted from the ZIP folder. The program can then be started from the command line with ruby i2prm.rb. How do I connect i2prm to the I2P network? Enter a nickname in the I2P Row Messenger window if necessary. This is freely selectable. Anyone who knows your base64 can also determine your nickname. If you don\'t want to type in, you can also leave the randomly generated nickname. Then click the "Connect" button and wait. Depending on how well the I2P router is integrated, this process can take a little longer. When the process has been successfully completed, the status changes to "Connected" and the message "OK tunnel starting" appears below. How do I connect to someone else? In the "I2P Row Messenger" window in the "Contact\'s base64:" text box, enter the base64 address of the contact you want to add. Next click on Add contact. Wait a few seconds. This process can take up to a minute. The text "Ready. Receive public: true" should appear on the lower label. If the Java error "no route to host" appears, one of the two contacts is not integrated enough in the I2P network. It\'s best to try again in a few minutes. If it still doesn\'t work, restarting i2prm can sometimes help. If the connection process was successful, the nickname of the contact appears next in the Contact List in the Messages window. How do I send a message? In the Messages window in the contact list, select the nickname to which you want to send a message. Enter the message in the bottom text box of the Messages window. To send the message encrypted, enter a symbol (;) in the text box or click on the "Send" button. To send the message unencrypted, click on the "U" button. How do I close a conversation? In the Messages window in the contact list, select the nickname of the conversation at which you want to close the conversation. Then click on the "Close" button at the bottom right. The message ERROR tunnel settings incomplete appears. What can I do about it? This message often appears when i2prm has ended but the connection continues. To fix this error, start the Ruby script with the argument "rescue" ie ruby i2prm.rb rescue. This process takes a bit. Finally, the message "Complete!" appear. The whole issue should look something like this: BOB API: OK Nickname set to i2pm BOB API: OK tunnel stopping BOB API: OK cleared BOB API: ERROR no nickname has been set BOB API: OK Bye! Complete! What does the v, i, m and u mean in square brackets in messages? When an encrypted message is sent, it is automatically signed to confirm that it actually came from the sender. Unencrypted messages are not signed. v(valid) means that the signature is valid. i(invalid) means that the signature is invalid. u(unencrypted) means that the message is unencrypted and therefore not signed. m(me or myself) means that the message comes from yourself and is therefore also valid. How do I change the key strength? Note: To change this, you have to change the source code of the program. The default strength is 4096 bytes. This key is used to encrypt/decrypt the received messages. Open the i2prm.rb file with any editor. However, I recommend using syntax highlighting for an overview. Find the line with the following content: $mykeypair = Encryption::Keypair.new 4096 Replace the number 4096 with the desired key strength. How do I change the length of the verification string? Note: To change this, you have to change the source code of the program. The connection partner is sent a verification string to confirm that it has transmitted its real base64. The default length is 32 characters. Open the i2prm.rb file with any editor. However, I recommend using syntax highlighting for an overview. Find the line with the following content: $codelen = 32 Replace the number 32 with the desired key length.' require "fox16" class HelpWindow < Fox::FXMainWindow include Fox def initialize app super(app, "Help", :width=>600, :height=>400) helpText = FXText.new self, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL helpText.editable = false helpText.text = $helptext end def create super show(Fox::PLACEMENT_SCREEN) end end app = Fox::FXApp.new help = HelpWindow.new app app.create app.run exit end require "fox16" require "gdbm" require "openssl" $db = GDBM.new "i2prm.gdbm" $blocklist = $db["blocklist"].to_s.split "~~~" at_exit { $db["blocklist"] = $blocklist.join "~~~" $db.close } if $db.has_key? "keypair-privkey" $privkey = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new $db["keypair-privkey"].chars.map { |c| c == "|" ? "\n" : c }.join $pubkey = $privkey.public_key else $privkey = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new 4096 $pubkey = $privkey.public_key $db["keypair-privkey"] = $privkey.to_s.chars.map { |c| c == "\n" ? "|" : c }.join end $i2cpsettings = Hash.new $sendpubkey = $pubkey.to_s.chars.map { |c| c == "\n" ? "|" : c }.join $codelen = 32 $codes = Hash.new $msgs = Hash.new $current = "" $sockss = Hash.new $b64ss = Hash.new $digest = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA512.new $logfile = "i2prm.err.log" $logio = File.new $logfile, "w" $sigintcounter = 0 at_exit { $logio.close } $outport = rand(2000..2050) $inport = rand(2000..2050) while $outport == $inport $inport = rand(2000..2050) end $icon = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00@\x00\x00\x00@\b\x06\x00\x00\x00\xAAiq\xDE\x00\x00\x00\x04sBIT\b\b\b\b|\bd\x88\x00\x00\x00\tpHYs\x00\x00\x00\xCE\x00\x00\x00\xCE\x01\x94\xFE\x93\xA0\x00\x00\x00\x19tEXtSoftware\x00www.inkscape.org\x9B\xEE<\x1A\x00\x00\t-IDATx\x9C\xE5\x9B{lS\xD7\x19\xC0\x7F\xD7\xD7v\xE2Gn\x1C\x03I\x9C&\x90`\xCC\xB3\xA5\x11\x90\xB6c\x84\x01*lb\xD5\x06\xAC\x9B\x98\x06eB\xDD\xFAG7\xA4E\xDA:\xB5\xEB\x16\xA9h\xD2V\xAD\xA0\xB1\xAA\b\x06ja\xAA\xD8V\xCA\xB4\x8D?\xB6\x16\xD8\v(\x14\rB\x804\x0E4\x90\xF2\x88\xC9\x03\xE7m\xC7\xF1\xBD\xFB\xE3&!\xF6\xBD&v\xECk\xE8\xFA\x93\"\xC5\xE7|\xE7\xDC\xEF\xFB\xEE9\xE7~\xE7\xBB\xE7\n\x8CAQ\x14'`\xE1\xFF\x9B\x88 \b\xBD#?\x04\x00EQ\x1E\x05\xF6\x03\x8F\xDC/\xAD\xB2L=\xB0A\x10\x84\xF3#\x0E\xA8\a\x1E\xBE\xBF:e\x9D\xF3\x82 <*(\x8A\x92\at\x8F'=\x14\x1D\xA2\xAB\xA7\x8Bh4\x8AKra\xB5X\xB3\xA0c\n\f\x84\xE1V\aX\xCCPT\x00\xD6\xA4f\xB2d\xE6\x1Es^Q\x14N\xD5\x9D\xE2\xC8\x89#4\\n`(:\x04\x80 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:height=>410) self.icon = $icon self.miniIcon = $icon mainFrame = FXHorizontalFrame.new self, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL listFrame = FXVerticalFrame.new mainFrame, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL_Y $contactsBox = FXList.new listFrame, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL_Y|LIST_SINGLESELECT|LAYOUT_FILL_X closeButton = FXButton.new listFrame, "Close conversation" reconnectButton = FXButton.new listFrame, "Reconnect" blockButton = FXButton.new listFrame, "Block user" unblockButton = FXButton.new listFrame, "Unblock user" blockButton.disable unblockButton.disable msgFrame = FXVerticalFrame.new mainFrame, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL $msgBox = FXText.new msgFrame, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL|TEXT_AUTOSCROLL $msgBox.editable = false $b64ShowBox = FXTextField.new msgFrame, 60, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL_X $b64ShowBox.editable = false sendFrame = FXHorizontalFrame.new msgFrame sendtextBox = FXTextField.new sendFrame, 51, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL_X sendButton = FXButton.new sendFrame, "Send" usendButton = FXButton.new sendFrame, "U" if $dark mainFrame.backColor = Fox.FXRGB(0, 0, 0) $contactsBox.backColor = Fox.FXRGB(26, 26, 26) $contactsBox.textColor = Fox.FXRGB(255, 255, 255) $contactsBox.selBackColor = Fox.FXRGB(0, 77, 0) msgFrame.backColor = Fox.FXRGB(0, 0, 0) textBoxDark $msgBox textBoxDark $b64ShowBox sendFrame.backColor = Fox.FXRGB(0, 0, 0) textBoxDark sendtextBox sendtextBox.backColor = Fox.FXRGB(13, 13, 13) buttonDark sendButton buttonDark usendButton buttonDark closeButton buttonDark blockButton buttonDark unblockButton end $contactsBox.connect SEL_COMMAND do |sender, sel, index| $current = $contactsBox.getItem(sender.currentItem).text $msgBox.text = $msgs[$current].nil? ? "":$msgs[$current] $b64ShowBox.text = $b64ss[$current] if $blocklist.include? $b64ss[$current] blockButton.disable unblockButton.enable else blockButton.enable unblockButton.disable end end sendButton.connect(SEL_COMMAND) { sendHandler sendtextBox } usendButton.connect(SEL_COMMAND) { sendHandler sendtextBox, false } reconnectButton.connect SEL_COMMAND do if $current == "" $consoleLabel.text = "Please select a nickname." else reconnectHandler end end closeButton.connect SEL_COMMAND do if $current != "" $sockss[$current].close end end blockButton.connect SEL_COMMAND do $blocklist << $b64ss[$current] blockButton.disable unblockButton.enable end unblockButton.connect SEL_COMMAND do $blocklist.delete $b64ss[$current] blockButton.enable unblockButton.disable end sendtextBox.connect(SEL_CHANGED) do Thread.new(sendtextBox) { |sendtextBox| if sendtextBox.text[-1] == ";" sendtextBox.text = sendtextBox.text.delete_suffix ";" sendHandler sendtextBox end } end end def reconnectHandler Thread.new { begin Thread.new { $addContactButton.disable sleep 4 $addContactButton.enable } sock = TCPSocket.new "", $inport sock.puts $b64ss[$current] ans = sock.gets.chomp if ans[0..7] != "Hi. I am" sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." if ans.include? "java.net.NoRouteToHostException: Connection timed out" $consoleLabel.text = "A connection to the partner could not be established. The router may not be integrated enough or the partner may be offline." else $consoleLabel.text = "protocol error: ans - #{ans}" end sock.close Thread.current.exit end remname = ans[10..-20] if remname != $current sock.puts "Our reconnect attempt does not work with this nickname. The desired nickname is #{$current}." sock.close Thread.current.exit end sock.puts "I want to talk to you." if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "What is your b64?" $consoleLabel.text = "proerr" sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end sock.puts $myb64 #p $myb64 sleep 0.5 if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp).include? "Your base64 is blocked." $consoleLabel.text = "Your base64 was blocked." sock.close Thread.current.exit elsif $consoleLabel.text != "I will send you a verification message." sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "What is your code?" sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end timer = 0 while $codes[remname].nil? or timer == 20 sleep 0.5 timer += 1 end sock.puts $codes[remname] $codes.delete remname #p $codes if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "Your code is valid. What is your name?" sock.close Thread.current.exit end sock.puts $nickname if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "Now send me a verification message." sock.close Thread.current.exit end code = randomcode $codelen clifc = TCPSocket.new "", $inport clifc.puts $b64ss[$current] clifc.puts "Your code from _#{$nickname}_ is _#{code}_." sleep 0.5 clifc.close sock.puts "I Agree." ans = sock.gets.chomp if ($consoleLabel.text = ans[0..9]) != "My code is" sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end if ($consoleLabel.text = ans[12..-2]) != code sock.puts "Your code is invalid. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit else sock.puts "Your code is valid." if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "What is your public key?" sock.close Thread.current.exit end sock.puts $sendpubkey if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "I have received your public key and will now send my public key." sock.close Thread.current.exit end unpackKey sock.gets.chomp, remname sock.puts "I have received your public key." $sockss[remname] = sock $consoleLabel.text = "Ready. Recived public key: #{! $keys[remname].nil?}" putsHash remname loop do begin if (msg = sock.gets).nil? == false msg = msg.chomp if msg[0..26] == "I have a message for you - " receiveHandler remname, msg[27..-1] elsif msg[0..37] == "I have an encrypted message for you - " receiveEncHandler remname, msg[38..-1] end end rescue if sock.closed? ind = $contactsBox.findItem remname if ind != -1 $contactsBox.removeItem ind end $msgBox.text = "" $current = "" $b64ShowBox.text = "" Thread.current.exit end end end end rescue Exception => e $consoleLabel.text = e.message $logio.write e.full_message end } end def sendHandler sendtextBox, enc = true if $current == "" $consoleLabel.text = "Please select a nickname." return end sock = $sockss[$current] if sock.closed? $consoleLabel.text = "#{$current} is offline." else begin if enc codmsg = $keys[$current].public_encrypt(sendtextBox.text).bytes.join " " sock.puts "I have an encrypted message for you - #{codmsg} ;verify=#{$privkey.sign($digest, codmsg).bytes.join " "};" else sock.puts "I have a message for you - #{sendtextBox.text}" end receiveHandler $current, sendtextBox.text, false sendtextBox.text = "" rescue Errno::EPIPE => e $consoleLabel.text = "#{$current} is offline." end end end def create super show(Fox::PLACEMENT_SCREEN) end end class OptionsWindow < Fox::FXMainWindow include Fox def initialize app super(app, "I2P Row Messanger", :width=>335, :height=>145) self.icon = $icon self.miniIcon = $icon bgColor = Fox.FXRGB(13, 13, 13) tbBgColor = Fox.FXRGB(26, 26, 26) self.backColor = bgColor if $dark nicknameFrame = FXHorizontalFrame.new self, :padBottom => 3 nicknameBoxLabel = FXLabel.new nicknameFrame, "Nickname:" nicknameBox = FXTextField.new nicknameFrame, 20, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL_X if $db.has_key? "nickname" nicknameBox.text = $db["nickname"] else nicknameBox.text = randomcode 7 $db["nickname"] = nicknameBox.text end nicknameBox.connect(SEL_CHANGED) do $db["nickname"] = nicknameBox.text end connectButton = FXButton.new nicknameFrame, "Connect" if $dark connectButton.borderColor = Fox.FXRGB(0, 255, 255) connectButton.shadowColor = Fox.FXRGB(255, 0, 255) buttonDark connectButton else connectButton.borderColor = Fox.FXRGB(255, 0, 0) connectButton.shadowColor = Fox.FXRGB(0, 255, 0) end b64Frame = FXHorizontalFrame.new self, :padBottom => 3, :padTop => 0 b64BoxLabel = FXLabel.new b64Frame, "Your base64:" b64Box = FXTextField.new b64Frame, 11, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL_X b64Box.editable = false hashLabel = FXLabel.new b64Frame, "Your Hash:" hashBox = FXTextField.new b64Frame, 6, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL_X hashBox.editable = false hashBox.text = Digest::SHA512.base64digest $pubkey.to_s addFrame = FXHorizontalFrame.new self, :padBottom => 0, :padTop => 1.5 cb64BoxLabel = FXLabel.new addFrame, "Contact's base64: " cb64Box = FXTextField.new addFrame, 13, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL_X $addContactButton = FXButton.new addFrame, "Add contact" $addContactButton.disable $statusLabel = FXLabel.new self, "Status: Disconnected", :padBottom => 0, :padTop => 5, :padLeft => 15 $consoleLabel = FXLabel.new self, "Console: ", :padTop => 0, :padLeft => 15 if $dark nicknameFrame.backColor = bgColor labelDark nicknameBoxLabel, bgColor textBoxDark nicknameBox, tbBgColor b64Frame.backColor = bgColor labelDark b64BoxLabel, bgColor textBoxDark b64Box, tbBgColor addFrame.backColor = bgColor labelDark cb64BoxLabel, bgColor textBoxDark cb64Box, tbBgColor buttonDark $addContactButton labelDark $statusLabel, bgColor labelDark $consoleLabel, bgColor end connectButton.connect(SEL_COMMAND) { connectHandler connectButton, nicknameBox, b64Box } app.addSignal("SIGINT") { $sigintcounter += 1 if $sigintcounter < 3 connectHandler connectButton, nicknameBox, b64Box if $statusLabel.text == "Status: Connected" exit else exit! end } $addContactButton.connect(SEL_COMMAND) { addHandler cb64Box } end def addHandler cb64Box Thread.new { begin Thread.new { $addContactButton.disable sleep 4 $addContactButton.enable } sock = TCPSocket.new "", $inport sock.puts cb64Box.text ans = sock.gets.chomp if ans[0..7] != "Hi. I am" sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." if ans.include? "java.net.NoRouteToHostException: Connection timed out" $consoleLabel.text = "A connection to the partner could not be established. The router may not be integrated enough or the partner may be offline." else $consoleLabel.text = "protocol error: ans - #{ans}" end sock.close Thread.current.exit end remname = ans[10..-20] sock.puts "I want to talk to you." if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "What is your b64?" sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end sock.puts $myb64 #p $myb64 sleep 0.5 if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp).include? "Your base64 is blocked." $consoleLabel.text = "Your base64 was blocked." sock.close Thread.current.exit elsif $consoleLabel.text != "I will send you a verification message." sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "What is your code?" sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end timer = 0 while $codes[remname].nil? or timer == 20 sleep 0.5 timer += 1 end sock.puts $codes[remname] $codes.delete remname #p $codes if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "Your code is valid. What is your name?" sock.close Thread.current.exit end sock.puts $nickname if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "Now send me a verification message." sock.close Thread.current.exit end code = randomcode $codelen clifc = TCPSocket.new "", $inport clifc.puts cb64Box.text clifc.puts "Your code from _#{$nickname}_ is _#{code}_." sleep 0.5 clifc.close sock.puts "I Agree." ans = sock.gets.chomp if ($consoleLabel.text = ans[0..9]) != "My code is" sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end if ($consoleLabel.text = ans[12..-2]) != code sock.puts "Your code is invalid. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit else sock.puts "Your code is valid." unless $msgs[remname].nil? remname += randomcode 3 end if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "What is your public key?" sock.close Thread.current.exit end sock.puts $sendpubkey if ($consoleLabel.text = sock.gets.chomp) != "I have received your public key and will now send my public key." sock.close Thread.current.exit end unpackKey sock.gets.chomp, remname sock.puts "I have received your public key." $msgs[remname] = "" $sockss[remname] = sock $contactsBox.appendItem(remname) $consoleLabel.text = "Ready. Recived public key: #{! $keys[remname].nil?}" $b64ss[remname] = cb64Box.text putsHash remname loop do begin if (msg = sock.gets).nil? == false msg = msg.chomp if msg[0..26] == "I have a message for you - " receiveHandler remname, msg[27..-1] elsif msg[0..37] == "I have an encrypted message for you - " receiveEncHandler remname, msg[38..-1] end end rescue if sock.closed? ind = $contactsBox.findItem remname if ind != -1 $contactsBox.removeItem ind end $msgBox.text = "" $current = "" $b64ShowBox.text = "" Thread.current.exit end end end end rescue Exception => e $consoleLabel.text = e.message $logio.write e.full_message end } end def abortConnecting errmsg, nicknameBox, connectButton $consoleLabel.text = errmsg $logio.write errmsg nicknameBox.editable = true connectButton.text = "Connect" $statusLabel.text = "Status: Disconnected" end def connectHandler myself, nicknameBox, b64Box if myself.text == "Connect" $statusLabel.text = "Status: Connecting..." nicknameBox.editable = false $nickname = nicknameBox.text if $nickname == "" abortConnecting "Please enter a nickname.", nicknameBox, myself return end $serv = Thread.new do begin $cli = TCPSocket.new "", 2827 rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e abortConnecting e.message, nicknameBox, myself $logio.write e.full_message Thread.stop end $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp $cli.puts "setnick i2prm" $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp $i2cpsettings.each_pair { |set, val| $cli.puts "option #{set.to_s}=#{val.to_s}" $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp } if $db.has_key? "i2p-keys" $cli.puts "setkeys #{$db["i2p-keys"]}" myb64 = $cli.gets.chomp b64Box.text = myb64[3..-1] $myb64 = myb64[3..-1] else $cli.puts "newkeys" myb64 = $cli.gets.chomp b64Box.text = myb64[3..-1] $myb64 = myb64[3..-1] $cli.puts "getkeys" $db["i2p-keys"] = $cli.gets.chomp[3..-1] end $consoleLabel.text = myb64 $cli.puts "outhost" $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp $cli.puts "outport #{$outport}" $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp $cli.puts "inhost" $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp $cli.puts "inport #{$inport}" $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp $cli.puts "start" $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp $statusLabel.text = "Status: Connected" $addContactButton.enable serv = TCPServer.new "", $outport loop do Thread.new(serv.accept) { |sock| begin sock.gets sock.puts "Hi. I am _#{$nickname}_ What do you want?" wanted = sock.gets.chomp if wanted[0..14] == "Your code from " mat = /Your code from _(.*)_ is _(.*)_./.match(wanted) $codes[mat[1]] = mat[2] sock.close Thread.current.exit elsif wanted[0..4] == "GET /" || wanted == "I would like information about this i2prm." data = wanted + "\n" while (ans = sock.gets).chop != "" data += ans end head = ParseHTTPResponse data sock.puts if head.has_key? "Host" sock.puts "You make a request to #{head["Host"].to_s} with the user agent #{head["User-Agent"].to_s}." sock.puts "This is the address of an i2prm messenger." else sock.puts "You make a request to an address of an i2prm messenger." end sock.puts sock.puts "User information:" sock.puts " - Nickname: #{$nickname}" sock.puts " - base64: #{$myb64}" sock.puts " - Public key: #{$pubkey.to_s}" sock.puts " - Hash: #{Digest::SHA512.base64digest $pubkey.to_s}" sock.close Thread.current.exit end $consoleLabel.text = "Incoming connection" sock.puts "What is your b64?" b64 = sock.gets.chomp $cli.puts "verify #{b64}" if $blocklist.include? b64 sock.puts "Your base64 is blocked. I will now disconnect." $consoleLabel.text = "Someone (#{b64[0...8]}) tried to connect. It was blocked." sock.close Thread.current.exit end if $cli.gets.chomp[0..2] != "OK" sock.puts "Your b64 is invalid. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end sock.puts "I will send you a verification message." code = randomcode $codelen clifc = TCPSocket.new "", $inport clifc.puts b64 clifc.puts "Your code from _#{$nickname}_ is _#{code}_." sleep 0.5 clifc.close sock.puts "What is your code?" codein = sock.gets.chomp if code != codein sock.puts "Your code is invalid. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end sock.puts "Your code is valid. What is your name?" remname = sock.gets.chomp sock.puts "Now send me a verification message." if sock.gets.chomp != "I Agree." sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end $consoleLabel.text = "Incoming connection from #{remname}" timer = 0 while $codes[remname].nil? or timer == 20 sleep 0.5 timer += 1 end sock.puts "My code is _#{$codes[remname]}_" if sock.gets.chomp != "Your code is valid." sock.close Thread.current.exit end $codes.delete remname unless $msgs[remname].nil? remname += randomcode 3 end sock.puts "What is your public key?" unpackKey sock.gets.chomp, remname sock.puts "I have received your public key and will now send my public key." sock.puts $sendpubkey if sock.gets.chomp != "I have received your public key." sock.puts "Your answer caused a protocol error. I will now disconnect." sock.close Thread.current.exit end $msgs[remname] = "" $sockss[remname] = sock $contactsBox.appendItem(remname) $consoleLabel.text = "Ready. Recived public key: #{! $keys[remname].nil?}" $b64ss[remname] = b64 putsHash remname ## waiting loop do begin if (msg = sock.gets).nil? == false msg = msg.chomp if msg[0..26] == "I have a message for you - " receiveHandler remname, msg[27..-1] elsif msg[0..37] == "I have an encrypted message for you - " receiveEncHandler remname, msg[38..-1] elsif msg[0...4] == "ping" sock.puts "pong" end end rescue if sock.closed? ind = $contactsBox.findItem remname if ind != -1 $contactsBox.removeItem ind end $msgBox.text = "" $current = "" $b64ShowBox.text = "" Thread.current.exit end end end rescue Exception => e $consoleLabel.text = e.message $logio.write e.full_message end } end end myself.text = "Disconnect" else $statusLabel.text = "Status: Disconnecting..." $cli.puts "stop" $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp sleep 2 $cli.puts "clear" $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp $cli.puts "quit" $consoleLabel.text = $cli.gets.chomp $cli.close $serv.exit exit end end def create super show(Fox::PLACEMENT_SCREEN) end end app = Fox::FXApp.new $icon = Fox::FXPNGIcon.new app, $icon op = OptionsWindow.new app msg = MsgWindow.new app app.create app.run exit