require "yaml" require "json" def SaveDatabase db, fil, op, clo = false YAML.dump(db, fil) if op == 1 JSON.dump(db, fil) if op == 2 fil.close if clo end def ShowMsg puts "1 - New/Edit item" puts "2 - Get item" puts "3 - Show all items" puts "4 - Save" puts "5 - to YAML" puts "6 - to JSON" puts "7 - Info message" puts "8 - Delete item" puts "9 - Exit and Save" puts end puts "mdb" puts "===" puts puts "1 - New MDB" puts "2 - Open MDB" puts "3 - Version" puts print "Option: " sel = gets.to_i if sel == 3 puts puts puts "mdb - mdatabase" puts "===============" puts puts "mdb was written on 17/05/2018 by Marek K. in the programming language Ruby." puts puts "The databases can be saved via YAML or JSON." puts "If an error occurs while reading a database, please pepper the file that should be gelled and the file is not empty." puts "If the file is empty, or if the file does not exist, you can use option 1(New MDB) to create a new database, a new file." puts "Option 1(New MDB) also allows you to overwrite an existing database." puts "If at runtime an error occurs that does not occur when saving or reading the database, please check your input(s)." puts puts "Note: Please always end the program with option 9(Exit and Save), so that the data can be saved." exit! end db = puts puts "Database formats: " puts "1 - YAML(*.yaml)" puts "2 - JSON(*.json)" puts print "Option: " op = gets.to_i print "Filename: " fn = gets.chomp case sel when 1 db = when 2 db = YAML.load_file(fn) if op == 1 db = JSON.parse( if op == 2 end puts ShowMsg() until sel == 9 print "Option: " sel = gets.to_i case sel when 1 print "Item name: " name = gets.chomp print "Item value: " value = gets.chomp db[name] = value when 2 print "Item name: " name = gets.chomp puts "Item value: #{db[name]}" when 3 { |k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}" } when 4 SaveDatabase db,, "w"), op, true when 5 print "Filename: " SaveDatabase db,, "w"), 1, true when 6 print "Filename: " SaveDatabase db, ,"w"), 2, true when 7 ShowMsg() when 8 print "Item name: " db.delete gets.chomp end puts end SaveDatabase db,, "w"), op, true