require "ipaddr" require "meshname" def print_help puts puts "Create domain: ruby #{__FILE__} create_domain IPADDR" puts "Resolv domain: ruby #{__FILE__} resolv_domain DOMAIN" end if ! ARGV[0] puts "No argument was given." print_help exit! false end option = ARGV[0].to_sym case option when :create_domain begin ip = ARGV[1] rescue IPAddr::AddressFamilyError => ex puts "The address family is invalid such as an address with an unsupported family, an address with an inconsistent family, or an address who's family cannot be determined." puts "Error: #{ex}" exit! false rescue IPAddr::InvalidAddressError => ex puts "The provided IP address is an invalid address." puts "Error: #{ex}" exit! false rescue IPAddr::InvalidPrefixError => ex puts "The address is an invalid length" puts "Error: #{ex}" exit! false rescue IPAddr::Error => ex puts "Error: #{ex}" exit! false end if ! ip.ipv6? puts "Argument must be an ipv6 address" exit! false end mn = Meshname::getname ip puts "#{mn}.meship\tpoints directly to the IP\t#{ip.to_s}" puts "#{mn}.meshname\tpoints to the DNS server\t#{ip.to_s}" when :resolv_domain if ! ARGV[1].end_with?(".meship") && ! ARGV[1].end_with?(".meshname") puts "Domain must end with .meship or .meshname" exit! false elsif ARGV[1][26] != "." puts "Domain has an invalid length" exit! false end res = Meshname::resolv(ARGV[1]) if res.length == 0 puts "No IP address could be found for the domain. In the case of a .meshname domain, the DNS server may be down." else res.each { |record| puts "IP: #{record.to_s}" } end else puts "The specified option does not exist." print_help end