#!/usr/bin/perl # The author of this program is Marek K. use warnings; use strict; my $check = 3; #use Test::Simple; use Test::More;# tests => 32; done_testing(8*$check+8); note "The author of this program is Marek K."; BEGIN { use_ok("warnings") or diag("Please use module warnings"); use_ok("strict") or diag("Please use module strict"); use_ok("Test::Simple") and use_ok("Test::More") or diag("Please use module Test::More"); } ok(5+2*5 == 15, "Math test 1"); cmp_ok(5+5, "<=", 15, "Math test 2"); isnt(1+1, 1-1, "Math test 3"); is(reverse("helloworld"), "dlrowolleh", "Reverse test"); for(my $i = 0; $i < $check; $i++) { pass("Math test 1"); pass("Math test 2"); pass("Math test 3"); pass("Reverse test"); #fail("Math test 1"); #fail("Math test 2"); #fail("Math test 3"); #fail("Reverse test"); require_ok("warnings") or diag("Please use module warnings"); require_ok("strict") or diag("Please use module strict"); require_ok("Test::Simple") and require_ok("Test::More") or diag("Please use module Test::More"); }